
lǎ ba kù
  • bell-bottom trousers;flare bottoms;flared trousers;flare
喇叭裤 [lǎ bā kù]
  • [bells; bell-bottoms] 裤脚大大地张开的裤子

  1. 20世纪70年代的时候他们人人都有喇叭裤。

    In the 1970s they all had flared trousers .

  2. 目前喇叭裤是时髦还是不流行了。

    Are flared trousers in fashion or out of fashion at the moment ?

  3. 本次时装周,她把注意力放在驼色和1970年代CharlieGirl的感觉上,随之将大号男装、高腰喇叭裤以及针织运动套装推上了秀台。

    This season her focus was on camel , and a 1970s Charlie Girl feeling , with large men 's coats , flared , high-waisted trousers , and knit sweat suits on the runway .

  4. 比弗利山,阿汤嫂凯特用双重丹宁风演绎她的牛仔喇叭裤,而JessicaBiel在多伦多用非常淑女的蝴蝶结衬衫及镶嵌铆钉的包包凸显喇叭牛仔裤。

    Katie does double denim with her Paige " Bell Canyon " flares in Beverly Hills , while Jessica picks a ladylike bow blouse and studded bag in Toronto .

  5. 21岁时,他大胆搬到米兰,事先没打招呼就出现在罗密欧·吉利(RomeoGigli)的办公室,穿着“拼接喇叭裤和格子衬衣”,最后以学徒身份离开那里。

    The bold move to Milan at age 21 , showing up unannounced at the offices of Romeo Gigli in " patchwork flares and a checked shirt " and ultimately walking away with an apprenticeship .

  6. 喇叭裤是六十年代末期时装流行不可缺的。

    Bell bottoms were a fashion must in the late 1960s .

  7. 后来我们以一种昂贵和华丽的方式穿着这种裤子,它主要是各种颜色的丝绒喇叭裤。

    Then we wore them pricy and posh in flared neon velour .

  8. 现在很少人穿喇叭裤了。那种裤子几年前就过时了。

    Few peopls wear bell-bottom pants now , they went out years ago .

  9. 给我看看那条喇叭裤行吗?

    Would you show me the bell-bottom pants ?

  10. 哪的国王穿喇叭裤?

    What kinda king you know wear bell-bottoms ?

  11. 这也可以解释,为什么当年同大鬓角、喇叭裤、邓丽君们流行一时。

    This might explain why sideburns , bellbottoms and Teresa Teng became such a fad .

  12. 你穿着喇叭裤的样子棒极了。

    You look really Fab in thoseflares !

  13. 曾几何时,喇叭裤,盛行一时。

    Bell-Bottom trousers prevailed for a time , But Before long they were out of fashion .

  14. 我从没想到喇叭裤会再流行,可事实就是如此。

    I would never have thought that flared trousers would come back into fashion , but they did .

  15. 我有个叔叔只能穿喇叭裤对天发誓[qh]

    I have an uncle that can only wear bell bottoms . Hand to God . [ qh ]

  16. 姑娘们身着迷你裙和喇叭裤,手臂搭在男孩们的肩上。

    The girls are dressed in mini skirts and flared trousers and have their arms draped over the boys'shoulders .

  17. 在那些日子里,我的双亲头顶爆炸头,身穿亮闪闪的喇叭裤,有巨大领口的花衬衫。

    In those days , my parents had big hair , wore bell-bottoms and bright , flowered-print shirts with huge collars .

  18. 喇叭裤、宽边草帽、流苏、发带、串珠、装饰性项链,这些都是嬉皮士风的主要元素。

    The main elements of hippie style include bellbottoms , wide-brimmed hats , fringes , headbands , beads and decorative necklaces .

  19. 在华盛顿听一听广播,你就会以为比尔克林顿和希拉里罗德姆克林顿夫妇是颈带项链珠串、身着喇叭裤到这个城市的。

    Listening in washington , you would think Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton had come to town in beads and bell-bottoms .

  20. 很显然,这是一个赞颂美国80年代的怀旧影片,片中人物都蓄着浓密的胡子,穿着喇叭裤。

    It 's clearly a * nostalgia piece , celebrating 1980s Americana , with its * mustachioed characters and bell-bottom jeans .

  21. 其他非常受欢迎的60年代风格的持久的证明更是迷你裙和喇叭裤。

    Other very popular styles of the sixties which proved to be more enduring were the mini skirt and bell bottom pants .

  22. 我穿这种非常肥大的喇叭裤,不仅时尚舒服,而且总是看起来像新的一样。

    I wear these very large jersey pajama pants that not only look stylish and comfortable , but they always look fresh .

  23. 意大利时尚品牌璞琪的反绒皮革喇叭裤为这一时尚开辟了新方向;新西兰时尚品牌凯伦•沃克则将其用在了裙装中。

    Italian fashion house Emilio Pucci took the trend in a new direction with suede flares , while New Zealand 's Karen Walker used the material for dresses .

  24. 在你正准备放弃你最爱的紧身裤拿去折价购买新款喇叭裤前,不妨想想,你对牛仔裤款式的选择其实有更深层次的意味。

    Before you trade in your faithful skinnies for a pair of this season 's on-trend flares , you might want to think about what your choice of denim really means .

  25. 夸张的金属配饰、水洗磨白、华丽的绣花、喇叭裤、超瘦牛仔裤、七分裤、热裤或是半截裤、松垮的高腰、超低腰、破洞,这些全都是禁忌。

    No metal studs . No acid washes . No lavish embroidery . No boot cut . No skinny . No pedal pushers , shorts or cutoffs . No baggy high-rise . No super-low-rise .

  26. 喇叭裤那时特时髦,这会儿女孩子们又穿起了低腰裙。折叠在两腿间且系在腰上的布;婴儿穿着接排泄物的。

    Bells were way out pants then , but now girls begin to take up hipsters . folded cloth drawn up between the legs and fastened at the waist ; worn by infants to catch excrement .

  27. 我只烧破过一条牛仔裤,不过它产自喇叭裤和铅笔裤之间的那个完美时代,如今我再也找不到那么贴合我小腿的牛仔裤了。

    I burned only one article of clothing - though it was a pair of jeans from that perfect moment between boot cut and superskinny , and now I 'll never have jeans that fit my calves properly again .

  28. 比如我在香港换上一件喇叭裤,在去伦敦的12个小时路途中睡觉时也穿着它,抵达马里波恩后,当我在我最喜欢的咖啡店吃早饭时,它们看起来仍然很新。

    For instance , I 'll slip them on in Hong Kong , sleep in them for 12 hours on my way to London , arrive in Marylebone , go out for breakfast to my favorite coffee shop , and still look chic !