
kā mài lóng
  • Cameroon
喀麦隆[kā mài lóng]
  1. 喀麦隆队击败塞拉利昂队之后也成功晋级。

    Cameroon have also qualified after beating Sierra Leone .

  2. 英格兰队的球迷期待着该队与喀麦隆队能够上演一场精彩对决。

    England 's football fans were hoping for a virtuoso performance against Cameroon .

  3. 作为替补队员上场的他为喀麦隆队打入了四粒关键进球。

    Coming on as a substitute , he scored four crucial goals for Cameroon .

  4. 本不被看好的喀麦隆队却以1比0击败了卫冕冠军阿根廷队。

    The rank outsiders , Cameroon , beat the defending champions , Argentina , by one goal to nil .

  5. 随机挑几个例子:喀麦隆的Busuu语(使用者仅剩八人)和墨西哥的Chiapaneco语(使用者150人)。

    Pick , at random , Busuu in Cameroon ( eight remaining speakers ) , Chiapaneco in Mexico ( 150 ) .

  6. GraceMbakwa,她丈夫,还有8个孩子,以前在喀麦隆只能勉强果腹。

    Grace Mbakwa , her husband and eight children once lived hand-to-mouth in Cameroon .

  7. 德国队被分在包括爱尔兰共和国队、喀麦隆队和沙特阿拉伯队在内的E组。

    They 've been drawn in Group E , which includes Republic of Ireland as well as Cameroon and Saudi Arabia .

  8. 对于抗逆转录病毒治疗(ART)费用是否构成喀麦隆雅温得艾滋病毒阳性患者接受ART的经济障碍进行评估。

    To assess the extent to which user fees for antiretroviral therapy ( ART ) represent a financial barrier to access to ART among HIV-positive patients in Yaound é, Cameroon .

  9. 这项研究的参与者之一、英国诺丁汉大学的PaulSharp说,在喀麦隆只发现了12名感染N型艾滋病病毒感染者。

    Type N has only been found in12 patients in Cameroon , says co-researcher Paul Sharp from the University of Nottingham , United Kingdom .

  10. 喀麦隆的埃托奥(SamuelEto)去年离开欧冠赛冠军巴塞罗那队(Barcelona),加入了意大利强队国际米兰(InterMilan)。

    Cameroon 's Samuel Eto'o left European champion Barcelona last year to join Italian stalwart Inter Milan .

  11. 我有一张DVD,是我到美国的时候,喀麦隆的教练寄过来的。

    I had this DVD that my coach in Cameroon had mailed to me when I first came to America .

  12. 喀麦隆的货运商PaulAiméToukam拥有的卡车就穿行于杜阿拉-班吉走廊。

    Paul Aim é Toukam , a Cameroonian transport operator , owns trucks traveling along the Douala-Bangui corridor .

  13. 聚集在香港北角地区华丰国货(ChineseGoodsCenter)外的三十多名抗议者中,包括一名身穿大象道具服的孩子,以及多名来自加纳、多哥、喀麦隆和尼日利亚的鼓手。

    The three dozen or so protesters who gathered at the Chinese Goods Center in Hong Kong 's North Point neighborhood included a child in an elephant costume and drummers from Ghana , Togo , Cameroon and Nigeria .

  14. 希拉(Sheila)最初迷恋上高岭土,是在喀麦隆(Cameroon),那时候,她还只是小孩。

    Sheila was a child in Cameroon when she first got hooked on kaolin .

  15. 美国人道协会聘请了喀麦隆萨那加-杨黑猩猩援救中心(Sanaga-YongChimpanzeeRescueCenter)的总管昂内斯·苏莎尔(AgnesSouchal)来评估这群黑猩猩的状态。

    The humane society hired Agnes Souchal , general manager of the Sanaga-Yong Chimpanzee Rescue Center in Cameroon , to assess the state of the chimpanzees .

  16. 该公司和喀麦隆官员都没有接受VOA的采访邀请。

    The company and Cameroonian officials did not answer a for a VOA interview .

  17. 今年15岁的喀麦隆男孩让·朱尔·塞普·姆冯多(JeanJulesSeppMvondo)是足球之梦队的队长。

    Jean Jules Sepp Mvondo , a 15-year-old Cameroonian , was the captain of the Football Dreams squad .

  18. 10年前他们的监测项目诞生的时候,Wolfe及其同事开始研究喀麦隆猎人身上的病毒。

    Ten years ago when their surveillance vision was born Wolfe and colleagues began studying viruses in Cameroonian hunters .

  19. 就在十天前,DavidDofara博士遇难于喀麦隆肯尼亚航空公司飞机失事事件。

    Only ten days ago , Dr David Dofara was killed in the Kenya Airways crash in Cameroon .

  20. 世博会的组织者承诺将在上海各地举办两万场各类活动,从费城交响乐团(PhiladelphiaOrchestra)到喀麦隆国家歌舞团(CameroonNationalSongandDanceTroupe),内容多种多样,还有供小孩子观看的魔术表演、木偶剧和皮影戏。

    Expo organizers promise 20000 events around Shanghai , ranging from the Philadelphia Orchestra to the Cameroon National Song and Dance Troupe . Kids can see magic shows , puppet shows and shadow plays .

  21. 作为喀麦隆共和国政府首脑的总理EphraimInoni先生宣布论坛开幕。

    Mr Ephraim Inoni , Prime Minister , Republic of Cameroon , opened the Forum .

  22. Sundance正在喀麦隆和刚果共和国边境处开发一个价值50亿澳元的铁矿石项目。

    Sundance is developing an A $ 5bn iron ore project on the border of Cameroon and the Republic of Congo .

  23. 同时《WakaWaka》是根据1986年喀麦隆歌曲《Zangalewa》改编的。

    Waka Waka , meanwhile , is based on a1986 song from Cameroon titled Zangalewa .

  24. 冈田告诉记者,他预计将在揭幕战对喀麦隆今野泰幸无FC东京后,公用事业的球员遭受了右膝在周五的比赛中韧带损伤。

    Okada has told reporters he expects to be without Yasuyuki Konno for the opening match against Cameroon after the FC Tokyo utility player suffered ligament damage in his right knee in Friday 's match .

  25. 该文对喀麦隆传统Bili啤酒的酿造过程及其主要化学组成进行了分析和调查研究。

    The paper analyzed and investigated the brewing process of Cameroon traditional Bili beer and chemical composition .

  26. Sundance曾希望为其在喀麦隆和刚果共和国边境的50亿澳元铁矿石项目寻求融资。

    Sundance was hoping to find funding for its A $ 5bn iron ore project on the border of Cameroon and the Republic of Congo .

  27. 喀麦隆公共卫生部长UOlanguenaAwono先生将此描述为“一项惊人的成就”。

    It is described as " a spectacular achievement ," by Mr U Olanguena Awono , Minister of Public Health , Cameroon .

  28. 喀麦隆科学院的执行主任大卫·孟巴(DavidMbah)说,非洲国家急需技术、科学知识和监测设备以更好地预测灾害和提醒人们预防灾害。

    David Mbah , executive general of the Cameroon Academy of Sciences , said African countries need technology , scientific knowledge and monitoring equipment to predict disasters and warn people .

  29. 我16岁从喀麦隆来到美国,当时我对英文一窍不通,在美国也举目无亲,除了最基础的hip-hop,一点美国文化也不懂。

    When I came over from Cameroon at 16 , I didn 't know any English , didn 't know a single person in America , didn 't really understand the culture except for like basic hip-hop .

  30. Petronas还在阿尔及利亚、安哥拉、乍得、喀麦隆、加蓬、尼日利亚、苏丹、南非、突尼斯、利比亚从事上游活动。

    Petronas is also involved in upstream activities in Algeria , Angola , Chad , Cameroon , Gabon , Niger , Sudan , South Africa , Tunisia and Lybia .