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pā dā
  • patter;clatter
啪嗒 [pā dā]
  • [clatter] 形容东西落地或互相撞击的声音

  • 打字机啪嗒啪嗒地响个不停

啪嗒[pā dā]


  • 啪嗒啪嗒的脚步声

    pattering footsteps;

  • 打字机啪嗒啪嗒地响着。

    The typewriter was clattering away.

  • 孩子们啪嗒啪嗒地跑下楼梯。

    The children pattered down the stairs.

  1. 雨点打在屋顶的啪嗒声

    The patter of rain on a roof

  2. 她啪嗒一声合上了钱包。

    She closed her purse with a snap .

  3. 有个神态安适的办事员在当班,在手动打字机上啪嗒啪嗒地打着字。

    There was a comfortable-looking clerk on duty , tapping away on a manual typewriter

  4. 挡风玻璃上的雨刮“啪嗒啪嗒”地来回摆动。

    The windscreen wipers thudded back and forth

  5. 孩子们啪嗒啪嗒地跑下楼梯。

    The children pattered down the stairs .

  6. 打字机啪嗒啪嗒地响着。

    The typewriter was clattering away .

  7. 雨点儿打在窗户上啪嗒啪嗒直响。

    The rain pattered against the windows .

  8. 你将要听到一双小脚啪嗒啪嗒走的声音了么?

    Are you going to hear the patter of tiny feet ?

  9. 小丑的大鞋子啪嗒啪嗒地打着地面。

    The clown 's big shoes flapped along the ground .

  10. 在逐渐加强的风力中,船帆啪嗒一声断裂了。

    He sail went snap in the freshening wind .

  11. 五分钟后,伊林在泥泞中啪嗒啪嗒地跑回棚子。

    Five minutes later Ilyin came splashing through the mud to the shanty .

  12. 哈桑啪嗒一下舌头,仰起下巴。

    Hassan clucked his tongue and tipped his chin .

  13. 一只海豹正在沿着海滩啪嗒啪嗒地跳动。

    A seal is flipping along the Beach .

  14. 光着的脚板在硬地板上啪嗒啪嗒地走。

    Bare feet pattered along the hard floor .

  15. 鲨鱼啪嗒一声把嘴闭上了。

    The shark snapped its jaws shut .

  16. 她脚步啪嗒地跑着去了学校。

    She patted away to school .

  17. 他又涉水回来向卡车走去,穿着胶靴啪嗒啪嗒在水里走着。

    He crossed the creek again back toward the trucks , sloshing along in his rubber boots .

  18. 孤岩侧面的矮灌木林丛被摇晃着,大量的雨珠啪嗒啪嗒地直往下掉。

    The undergrowth at the side of the scar was shaken and a multitude of raindrops fell pattering .

  19. 树林里几乎漆黑一片,哨声和啪嗒声几乎是同时开始。

    Inside the wood it was nearly dark , and the whistling and the pattering began almost at once .

  20. 露茜一直在船尾楼上跟赖因斯说话,一听赶紧啪嗒啪嗒走下梯子,奔上前来。

    Lucy , who had been talking to Rhince on the poop , came pattering down the ladder and raced forward .

  21. 不管你多漂亮,多有钱,多孝顺,没有男人愿意娶一个走起路来象黄梭鱼那样啪嗒啪嗒响的姑娘。

    No matter how beautiful , how rich , how filial , no man will marry feet that flop like pike .

  22. 直接落在地上则啪嗒有碎裂之感,不知应用何种乐器比拟。

    Directly on the ground while Pata had a sense of fragmentation , I do not know how this instrument match .

  23. 好呀!小克劳斯多么喜欢在那五匹牲口的上空啪嗒啪嗒地响着鞭子啊!在这一天,它们就好像全部已变成了他自己的财产。

    Then how Little Claus would smack his whip over all five horses , they were as good as his own on that one day .

  24. 当我在最后啪嗒一声关上箱子盖子的时候,我就用透明胶带把它封好,并进行检查,确信它不会松动。

    When I finally snapped the lid of a box shut , I sealed it with transparent tape and checked to be sure that it would not loosen .

  25. 爱尔兰踢踏舞的“噼里啪嗒”声伴随着传统爱尔兰音乐响彻全场,台下数千名观众屏息观赏着《大河之舞》的演出。

    As the clickety-clack of Irish step dancing and the sound of traditional Irish music fill the air , an audience of thousands breathlessly watches the Riverdance performance .

  26. 足部长筒袜或长筒靴包住脚的那部分他又涉水回来向卡车走去,穿着胶靴啪嗒啪嗒在水里走着。

    The part of a stocking or high - topped boot that encloses the foot . He crossed the creek again back toward the trucks , sloshing along in his rubber boots .

  27. 正当她凝神望着灯柱,猜测着为什么在树林中有一个灯柱,考虑着下一步该怎么办的时候,她猛地听到一阵啪嗒啪嗒的脚步声。

    As she stood looking at it , wondering why there was a lamp-post in the middle of a wood and wondering what to do next , she heard a pitter patter of feet coming towards her .

  28. 站在巨大的玻璃屋顶下,呜兹被眼前的景象骇住了,大张着的嘴巴再也合不拢,木棒也从钢牙下啪嗒掉在地上,砸到了自己的脚趾都没有感觉。

    Standing under a huge glass roof , Woods was a sight that startle is stayed , wide open mouth never close , stick out from the steel teeth snapped under the ground , hit his toes did not feel .

  29. 结束漫长的一天后,没有比看着他走进门、啪嗒一声把装着食品杂货的袋子放在柜子上、用买到的油橄榄或一些美味的奶酪讨好我然后再开始准备晚饭更甜蜜的快乐。

    After a long day , there is no sweeter joy than seeing him walk in the door , plop a grocery bag down on the counter , and woo me with olives and some yummy cheese he has procured before he gets to work on the evening 's meal .
