
  • 网络trademark value
  1. 企业的广告宣传可促进产品的销售,也会提高企业的知名度,增加企业的商标价值。

    Advertising propaganda of an enterprise can not only promote the sales of the products , but also raise its popularity and trademark value .

  2. 目前世界上有70多个国家出售5万多种HelloKitty相关产品,HelloKitty商标价值已达70亿美元。

    Now Hello Kitty appears on over 50 , 000 products that are sold in more than 70 countries , and is a brand worth $ 7bn .

  3. 但是对U2,他说“几乎预见他们无法赢利,因此这一着眼于税收的举动与他们力图传递的商标价值并不吻合。”

    But U2 , he said ," almost project themselves as a nonprofit , so the tax move doesn 't really fit with the brand values that they 're trying to communicate . "

  4. 建立在对商标价值错误认识基础上形成的评估方法必然也是不尽合理的。

    The method must be not so reasonable on the wrong theory .

  5. 你知道耐克的商标价值260亿美元吗?

    Did you know the Nike logo is worth $ 26 billion ?

  6. 企业商标价值评估方法研究

    A Study on the Valuation Method of Enterprice Brands

  7. 这是去年一季度相比的结果,当时,雷诺美国公司公布其商标价值出现大幅滑坡。

    That 's compared with a quarter a year earlier when the company posted big drops in the value of its trademarks .

  8. 剔除税前的1.7亿美元重组费用,以及商标价值的下降,每股盈利为1.10美元。

    Excluding pretax charges of $ 170 million for restructuring and a drop in value for one of its trademarks , it earned $ 1.10 per share .

  9. 以此提升商标价值评估的科学性和客观性,实现企业商标价值的利益最大化,促进企业知识产权事业的发展。

    So that it can improve the scientific and objectivity of evaluation of trademark , achieve benefit maximization of trademark , and promote development of intellectual property career .

  10. 通过文献阅读分析发现目前在商标价值评估的实务中,主要有重置成本法、收益现值法和现行市价法三种常用评估方法,我国采用较多的是收益现值法。

    By reading widely literatures and documents , the author analyze that the evaluation methods mainly include present value of earning , replacement cost method and relative market value method .

  11. 面对虚假诉讼泛滥的局面,驰名商标价值剩余几许,驰名商标司法认定制度又该何去何从,值得我们深思。

    Facing the situation of false action flooding , how much value surplus of well-known trademark , and where to go of the judicial cognizance of well-known trademark , it is a problem worthy of our thought .

  12. 名牌商标的价值与设计

    The Value and Design of Famous Brand 's Trademark

  13. 论商标的价值意蕴

    Toward the Value Implications of the Trade Mark

  14. 他们说这是不公正的,会降低他们的的品牌名称和商标的价值。

    They say it would unjustly reduce the value of their brand names and trademarks .

  15. 关于商标信誉价值问题的思考

    Thinking on brand reputation value problem

  16. 商标经济价值的货币表现,即商标的价格。

    The expression in terms of money about the brand economic price means the brand price .

  17. 在无形资产日益重要的今天,商标的价值也逐渐为人们所重视。

    When intangible assets is gradually more important today , the trademark value also gradually more important today .

  18. 目前,如何评估闲置商标的价值已经成为盘活闲置商标资源的瓶颈问题。

    Presently , how to assess the value of stock trademark has become the bottleneck of stock trademark transaction .

  19. 对商标的价值进行评估之后,还可以对商标资产进行投资、许可或转让的有效利用,为媒介增加经济收益。

    After assessing the value of trademarks , media can make profits using the assets of trademarks by investing , licensing or transferring .

  20. 这种研究对正确认识商标的价值,商标在企业竞争中的作用,进而对商标法的修改都具有十分重要的意义。

    This research has profound significance on correct understanding of the value of trademarks and the magnitude effect of trademark for enterprise competition .

  21. 并进一步剖析商标经济价值是商标使用者的获得能力,它作为一项无形资产在与之它所标识的商品或服务的经济活动中,能带来数额不等的超额收益。

    As an invisible property in the e-conomic activities of their marked commodities or services , they can bring them unequal amount of excess earnings .

  22. 烟草公司称这项法律违反了澳大利亚宪法,说这会降低其品牌和商标的价值,是不公平的。

    Tobacco companies say the legislation violates the Australian constitution . They say it would unjustly reduce the value of their brand names and trademarks .

  23. 因此,人们往往用传统的劳动价值看待商标的价值,并在此基础上形成了一系列商标价值的评估方法。

    People still look at the value of trademark with traditional labor-value theory as knowledge has supported the economy at large , and then a series of the method of evaluation turn up day after day .

  24. 京晶:这是商标本身的价值吗?

    That 's the value of the logo alone ?

  25. 另一种是考虑商标的自身价值,在这里就发生了商标本身的交易。

    The other is to consider the value of their own trademark , where occurs the transaction of trademarks .

  26. 网络营销中网站域名的商业价值和传统营销中的品牌及商标的商业价值很相似,或者说网络营销中网站域名更具有商业价值。

    The commercial values of the domain name of Web site and traditional brand and trade mark are very close in the marketing of the network .

  27. 因此汽车商标词的价值意义必然引起人们对其翻译的探讨与研究,文章分析汽车商标词的文化性及其文化客体,并从文化语境的角度来探讨在不同文化语境下的翻译策略。

    In this paper , the cultural implication and its cultural objects will be discussed , and the translation tactics in different cultural context will be approached .

  28. 其中,商标的美学价值是商标翻译成功与否的关键。商标的美学价值主要体现在音美、形美、意美。

    As is confirmed by translation practice , the success of trademark translating is mainly measured by its aesthetic value which finds expression in beautiful sense , form , and sound .

  29. 许多国内企业长期精心培育的驰名商标具有很大价值,然而在外资并购中其价值却被严重低估甚至完全不能得到体现,有些驰名商标则在并购完成被外方控制后逐渐走向衰落和消亡。

    The well-known trademarks of domestic enterprises usually have great value , but sometimes in the activities of M & A by foreign capital the value is greatly underestimated and even completely ignored .

  30. 商标的财产价值对于西方发达国家企业来讲早已成为共识,它在企业中不可替代的作用已被越来越多的企业和企业家所认可。

    The property value of a trademark has long been a shared vision of enterprises in the western developed countries and now more and more enterprises and entrepreneurs come to realize that its function can not be replaced .