
  1. 金融资源一般包括货币资源、资本资源、制度资源和商品资源。

    Usually financial resource includes money resource , capital resource , intuitional organization resource and commodity resource .

  2. 这主要是指新兴经济体,但大宗商品资源丰富的澳大利亚和加拿大也包括在内。

    That mostly means the emerging world , but commodity-rich Australia and Canada have also been drawn in .

  3. 分析南宁市旅游商品资源优势及旅游商品开发中存在的问题。

    The tourist commodity resources of Nanning city enjoy great advantage but its development is still in primary stage .

  4. 报告指出,该增长将缓解在全球和国内市场上商品资源的价格浮动。

    The report says the growth will ease amid fluctuating prices of resource commodities in the global and domestic markets .

  5. 澳大利亚等其它大宗商品资源丰富的国家,不得不放弃不具竞争力的行业,更多地发展服务业。

    Other commodity-rich nations , such as Australia , have had to abandon uncompetitive industries and move to more services-based economies .

  6. 随着我们进入2015年,投资者对过去3年大宗商品资源丰富的老新兴市场的疲弱增长感到失望是合理的。

    As we enter 2015 , investors are justifiably disillusioned with poor growth in the commodity laden ' old emerging markets ' over the past three years .

  7. 在那些依赖进口石油、天然气和金属的亚洲国家中,中国公司一马当先,尝试在澳大利亚等大宗商品资源丰富的国家获取资源控制权。

    Chinese companies are leading an attempt by Asian nations that rely on imports of oil , gas and metals to gain control over resources in commodities-rich countries such as Australia .

  8. 近年来,从相邻的日本和韩国,到大宗商品资源丰富的澳大利亚和巴西,一系列重要国家纷纷发现,它们最重要的贸易伙伴是中国,而不是美国。

    In recent years , a range of important countries have found that China rather than the US is their principal trading partner , from neighbouring Japan and South Korea to commodity-rich Australia and Brazil .

  9. 因而,通过构架现代流通体系提高商品资源的配置效率,成为促进工业化、信息化发展,推动流通发展的关键。

    So , it has become the key to the development of industrialization , information science and circulation to raise the efficiency of the distribution of commodity resources through the institution of a modern circulation system .

  10. 第二,金融资源以博弈规则及按货币资源、资本资源、制度资源和商品资源四个层次分析其配置效率。

    Analyzing effective allocation of financial resources from two different points : the rule of game theory and four levels of financial resources : monetary resources , capital resources , system resources and commodity resources . 3 .

  11. 同时,由于商品资源分布、需求状况以及运输条件和自然条件等因素的影响,使得在同一区域内的不同地方建立物流中心,整个物流系统和全社会的经济效益并不相同。

    At the same time , because of the influence of different commodity resources distribution , demand conditions , the conditions of transport and natural conditions , establishing a logistics center in different places will have different influence on the whole society and the economic .

  12. 其资源转化的基本模式是:资源产品商品货币资源。

    The basic model of resource conversion is : resource-product-commodity-money-resource .

  13. 贵州有着开发民族旅游商品的资源优势。

    Guizhou has some advantage on developing national tour merchandise .

  14. 对穿越国境的商品和资源流动放宽限制。

    Liberalize the cross-border movement of merchandises and resources .

  15. 主要依赖市场的力量分配商品和资源并决定价格。

    An economy that relies chiefly on market forces to allocate goods and resources and to determine prices .

  16. 政府干涉分配商品和资源起重要作用的非市场经济。

    A non-market economy in which government intervention is important in allocating goods and resources and determining prices .

  17. 以资源环境经济学理论为根据,探讨了水资源以及商品水资源的价值内涵;

    From the aspect of resource environmental economics , we have analyses the value of resource as well as the value and the price of resource merchandise ;

  18. 这是因为在海外投资的第一阶段,中国企业主要专注于获取大宗商品与资源,而在这些方面,非洲与拉美的机会更多。

    That is because , in the first phase of overseas investment , Chinese groups have concentrated on getting commodities and resources , where opportunities are greater in Africa and Latin America .

  19. 其发展过程经历了两次飞跃,一是1985年,出口商品从资源密集型为主向劳动密集型为主的飞跃;

    And it experienced two leaps . Firstly , the resources intensive commodities as the principal export commodities turned into the export of labor intensive commodities as the principal export commodities in 1985 's ;

  20. 水资源无论开发与否都有价值,水资源价值的内涵主要体现在稀缺性、资源产权和劳动价值3个方面,其中劳动价值是区别天然水资源和商品水资源的重要标志。

    Water resources , exploited or unexploited , has the attributes of scarcity , property right and labor value , in which labor value is the crucial ingredient to distinguish commercial water resources from natural water resources .

  21. 基于Web的协同商品设计零部件资源应用系统研究

    Research of Web Based Collaborative Commodity Design Parts Application System

  22. 商品性林地资源价格与调整林地资源使用费标准的研究

    Study on Measurement on Commercial Forest Resources Price and Adjustment of Standard of Use Fee

  23. 经济系统的第一要素是用来生产商品的自然资源。

    The first ingredient of an economic system is the natural resources from which goods are produced .

  24. 5月份,中国许多大宗商品和天然资源的进口量激增,显示基建出现反弹。

    Chinese import volumes of many commodities and natural resources surged in May , indicating a rebound in infrastructure building .

  25. 商品性林地资源经营利用以盈利为目的,其价格是所能提供地租的资本化。

    The management aim of the former is benefits , and the price is the capitalization of the ground rent it could offer .

  26. 在经过调研的基础上我们发现云南省虽然拥有旅游商品的开发资源和市场优势,但产业化程度较低,不利于旅游商品的健康发展。

    We found that there are abundant resources to develop tourism commodities with low industrialization which is disadvantageous to the development of tourism commodities .

  27. 会计信息作为一种特殊的商品在优化资源配置、促进会计技术进步和会计事务管理方面是有作用的。

    Accounting information , as a kind of special goods , has function in optimizing resource distribution , promoting accounting technology progress and accounting transaction management .

  28. 投资者同时也被来自中国的制造业趋稳的信号鼓舞。来自新兴市场对于商品和其它资源的需求会带来全球经济的欣欣向荣。

    Investors were also encouraged by signs of manufacturing stabilization from China , with demand from emerging markets for commodities and other resources seen leading a revival of global growth .

  29. 环保产业是包括技术开发、产品生产、商品流通、资源利用、信息服务及工程承包的新兴产业。

    This newly emerging industry involves the development of technology , manufacturing of products , circulation of commodities , utilization of resources , provision of information , and undertaking of contracted projects .

  30. 新时期的经济安全带有鲜明的资源经济向知识经济过渡的特征。占领高科技优势地位与对商品市场和资源的保护具有同等重要的地位,是经济安全的重要内容。

    Today 's economic security has a remarkable characteristic of transition from resource economy to information economy , and therefore , an advanced position of high technology , as a main content of economic security , is as important as to protect the commodity market and resources .