
  • 网络Commodities;Commodity operation
  1. 专业化应是基于核心竞争力的专业化,而不仅仅是商品经营的专业化;

    The specialization should base on the core competence , but not only the specialization of commodities .

  2. 本公司对商品经营充满自信,在本公司没有解决不了的大问题,没有不做的小生意。

    As we are full of confidence in our ability to handle commodities , there is no problem too large or business too small for our company to deal with .

  3. 商业银行利率商品经营管理研究

    The Research of Commercial Bank Interest Rate Commodity Operation and Management

  4. GB/T16868-1997商品经营质量管理规范监管相关手册以及保税商品的记录。

    Commodity quality management specificatio Planning Manage handbook and bonded material .

  5. 进出口商品经营单位所在地总值表

    Value of import and export by location of commodity management units

  6. 商品经营型国有林场的发展思路

    The Developmental Thinking of Commercial Management Type National Forest Farms

  7. 商品经营型林场可持续经营探讨

    Approaching the Sustainable Management of Commodity Management Type Forest Farms

  8. 商品经营和资本运营的互动研究

    Research into Interaction of Goods Management and Capital Operation

  9. 建立知识商品经营专业培养知识经营职业人才

    Establishing Major of Knowledge Commodity Management and Training Professional Talents of Knowledge Management

  10. 优化商品经营利润的数学模型

    Mathematics Model Optimizing the Goods and Managing the Profit

  11. 美日企业由商品经营转向资本经营的启示

    Enlightenment from Diversion of American and Japanese EnterPrises from Commodity Operation to Capital Operation

  12. GB/T16868-1997商品经营质量管理规范

    Commodity quality management specificatio

  13. 要确立篮球文化市场的定位,在商品经营中要转变为篮球文化商品。

    In order to establish basketball cultural market , we should shift from commodity marketing to basketball cultural marketing .

  14. 从零售企业商品经营的客观规律出发,比较全面系统地阐明零售企业店铺设计的地位作用、具体内容和要求。

    Proceeding from retailing general law , the paper analyzes the importance , content and requirement of designing retail shops .

  15. 本文认为财务经营模式需要从三个环节去经营:商品经营、货币经营与资本经营。

    This dissertation thinks that the operation pattern should follow three parts : merchandise management , currency operation , and capital operation .

  16. 差异化竞争战略要求百货商场避免与其他业态零售企业商品经营结构的趋同,确立自己个性化、品位化的市场定位,以获得不断发展的基础。

    The differentiation strategy calls the company to avoid the similarity of commodity structure with its competitors and establishing a special market position .

  17. 北京当代商城为金鼎级精品百货店,以商品经营为主,集餐饮、休闲娱乐、商务公寓于一体。

    Beijing Modern Plaza is an upscale department store , featuring commodity sales , integrating services of catering , entertainment and business apartment .

  18. 本条例所称经营者,是指在市场内从事商品经营或提供服务的个人、企业以及其他组织。

    " Operator " in these regulations refers to the individual , enterprise and other organization undertaking commodity business or providing services in the market .

  19. 通过财务经营,企业能从要素市场中获得并调整其商品经营过程中所需的各种财务资源,是财务活动展开的基础。

    Through the function of finance operation , enterprise can acquire and adjust financial resources , which is the basis of carrying out financial activities .

  20. 近年来,日本的零售经济长期由大型的综合性商品经营所主导,呈现出爆炸性增长的新专卖店。

    In recent years , Japan 's retail economy , long dominated by large general merchandise operations , has seen an explosion of new specialty stores .

  21. 上述统计数字表明,从自体经营转向为别人工作的情况是相当惊人的。进出口商品经营单位所在地总值表

    These statistics reveal a rather startling shift away from self-employment to working for others . Value of import and export by location of commodity management units

  22. 研究、建立知识商品经营专业,培养知识经营职业技能人才,对促进社会经济高速发展将发挥重大作用。

    Studying and establishment major of knowledge commodity management and training professional talents of knowledge management will play great role to promote social economy development with high speed .

  23. 在商品经营不足以解决改制对现金的需求时,可以通过资本经营中的产权交易来完成。

    In case when commodity operation can 't meet sufficiently the demands , the problem may be solved through the transaction of property right in the operation of capital .

  24. 分析总结了宏观经济因素变动对制造企业商品经营与资本经营协调性(包括价值协调和风险协调)的影响规律。

    The author analyzes the influence law of macroeconomic factors change on the coordination of good management and capital operation from two sides of value coordination and risk coordination .

  25. 经济补偿金来源于企业的净资产,它的变现通过商品经营和资本经营两条途径实现。

    The compensatory amounts come from the net assets value while the cashing of the assets is realized by two ways : the operation of commodities and operation of capital .

  26. 在中国过去,大多数的企业管理人员都只注重商品经营,但是现在越来越多的企业经营者的在注重商品经营的同时,开始注重资本经营。

    Most of managers in china focus their eyes on merchandise management in the past years , but more and more enterprisers begin to pay a great attention to fund management .

  27. 分别针对前面机理分析、价值协调评价、风险协调衡量和宏观经济影响分析四个方面的问题,给出了我国制造企业商品经营与资本经营协调发展策略。

    The author gives the coordination strategies for goods management and capital operation of manufacturing enterprises from four aspects of mechanism analysis , value coordination , risk coordination and macroeconomic effects .

  28. 第二十七条农村集体经济组织的成员,在法律允许的范围内,按照承包合同规定从事商品经营的,为农村承包经营户。

    Article 27 " Leaseholding farm households " refers to members of a rural collective economic organization who engage in commodity production under a contract and within the spheres permitted by law .

  29. 结合它自身存在的问题提出品牌化连锁经营、打造顾客链、进行业务流程再造,并提出了其商品经营模式创新的保证措施。

    Combining with its own problems it proposes the brand chain operation , create customer chain and precede business process reengineering . It also put forward the measures to guarantee the innovation of its operating mode .

  30. 第五部分,针对超市的商品经营提出了多种策略性的方法,对超市在商品定位、分类、组合、陈列、定价及自有品牌营销方面的建设有一定的启迪和推动作用。

    The fifth part presents many strategic measures related to commodities operation of supermarket , which are enlightening and helpful to the position , classification , mix , display , pricing and the establishment of self-owned brands .