
shānɡ pǐn kù cún
  • merchandise inventory
  1. 按售价估计商品库存损失

    Estimated loss from sales valuation of merchandise inventory

  2. 当处理客户订单时发现商品库存少于订购数量,那么将使用AmazonSQS向制造商发送一个购买订单。

    If , when processing a customer order , the widget inventory is less than the number ordered , a new purchase order is sent to the Manufacturer using Amazon SQS .

  3. 为了管理庞大的商品库存,fabindia安装了it系统,以跟踪印度近100家门店商品的流动情况。

    To manage its enormous inventory , fabindia has installed an IT system to track the flow of goods at nearly 100 stores in India .

  4. 基于系统动力学的变质商品库存系统仿真

    Simulation of Deteriorating Items Inventory System Based on Systems Dynamics

  5. 超级市场要经常地补充商品库存。

    The supermarkets have to replenish their stock of goods very regularly .

  6. 但是货币的增加并没有伴随着商品库存的同步增加;

    Increasing the money supply does not spontaneously increase the stock of these goods ;

  7. 实现商品库存统计、短线商品和超储商品报警等功能。

    Statistics for commodity stocks , short-term storage of goods and commodities super-alarm function .

  8. 国际石油价格高位运行,国内有的商品库存增加和部分资金占压;

    International oil price remains high level , stockpiling of some commodities increases and hence ties up funds ;

  9. 商业信用下两阶段可变腐败率商品库存决策问题研究

    Study on the Ordering Policy in the Two Phase Inventory System with Changing Deterioration Rate under Trade Credit Policy

  10. 研究了通货膨胀下允许延期支付的变质率和需求率均为非常数的商品库存模型。

    This paper studies an inventory model of deteriorating items with non-constant deterioration rate and demand rate under inflation and permissible delay payments .

  11. 配送是降低社会商品库存与稳定供需关系的新兴的物流方式。

    Distribution / Delivery is a newly-rising means to reduce the storage of social commodities and to stabilize the relationship between market subjects .

  12. 欧元区未售商品库存水平正以2008年末以来的最快速度上升,而在德国,库存水平正以15年前开始编制该项数据以来的最快速度上升。

    Stocks of unsold goods in the eurozone are rising at the fastest since late 2008 , and in Germany at the fastest since the series started 15 years ago .

  13. 打个比方,如果商店老是遇到最畅销的商品库存不足的问题,或是到秋季还有大量夏装积压,那么,缩小设在富裕地区的配送中心省下的费用就是白省了。

    Cost savings from slimming down rich-world distribution centres will be squandered if stores constantly find themselves either short of the fastest-selling items or stuck with excess summer dresses in autumn , for example .

  14. 而本系统涵盖了邮购业务处理、邮购商品库存管理、邮购财务清算、邮购物流配送四个方面,是全国邮政系统内部第一个比较完善的邮购业务综合信息处理系统。

    But this system covered to mail order a business processing , mail order merchandise stock a management , mail order finance settlement and mail order a logistics to go together with to send four aspects .

  15. 按照中国政府最资深农业顾问的说法,中国农业大宗商品库存达到历史高位,这让政府很难做到在不导致价格大幅下跌的前提下逐步取消国家收购政策。

    Chinese stockpiles of agricultural commodities have hit historically high levels , complicating efforts to phase out a policy of state buying without causing a steep fall in prices , according to Beijing 's most senior agricultural adviser .

  16. 在表达了对抗通胀的决心后,中国似乎正在将这种决心付诸行动&实物市场的交易商、钢铁厂和制造商等企业,目前都难以为自己的大宗商品库存融资。

    Having talked the talk on inflation , China appears to be walking the walk , with traders in the physical market as well as companies such as steel mills and manufacturers all struggling to finance their inventory of commodities .

  17. 其主要特点表现在六个方面:难点在出口销售收入和进口成本的确认及商品库存核算、汇兑损益的确认、出口退税的核算等三个方面。

    The main features are in six aspects and the difficulties lie in : the recognition of exports sales and imports costs and the settlement of inventories , the recognition of foreign exchange gains and losses , and the settlement of export drawback .

  18. 临时的或有选择的补贴有助于减少政府过剩商品的库存。

    Temporary or selective subsidies can help reduce government stocks of surplus commodities .

  19. 两阶段可变腐败率商品的库存决策问题

    Study on the ordering policy in two phases inventory system with changing deterioration rate

  20. 从铝到锌,所有大宗商品的库存量都居高不上,而集装箱船却空空如也。

    Stocks of everything from aluminium to zinc are being piled high while container ships lie empty .

  21. 与拍卖人相反,经销商仍然难以维持生计,很少收购商品作为库存。

    Dealers , as opposed to auctioneers , are still finding it hard to make a living and seldom buy for stock .

  22. 为了确定订单能否被处理,将根据订购的每种商品核查库存是否充足。

    To determine whether the order can be processed , the item quantity ordered is checked against the inventory level of each item .

  23. 表明供需是价格上涨主要推动力量的另一个迹象是,包括原油在内的大多数大宗商品的库存自1月份以来都已下跌。

    In another sign that supply and demand is the main driver , inventories for most commodities including crude oil have fallen since January .

  24. 中国计划继续增加谷物、食用油和其他大宗商品的库存。同时,中国将减少煤炭消耗量,以应对大气污染问题。

    China plans to continue stockpiling grain , edible oil and other commodities but will reduce its consumption of coal as it plans to tackle air pollution .

  25. 许多电子商务零售商,比如亚马逊(Amazon)等,都会明确标注每件商品的剩余库存。

    Many e-commerce retailers like Amazon do this by explicitly noting how much of each item is left in stock .

  26. 该系统在能完成对常规的商品信息、库存信息和销售信息等录入与查询统计的同时,重点突出了引入RFID技术以后,系统在商品跟踪识别定位等方面所具有的新特征。

    This system emphasizes the new characteristics after introducing the RFID into Chain-Supermarket . Certainly , it can also complete the conventional functions of inquiring goods information , inventory information and sales information .

  27. 借助于自动识别和计算机网络技术,RFID网络广泛应用于对标识商品进行高效库存管理、防伪、跟踪与追溯等领域,对供应链的管理手段产生了重大的影响。

    RFID networks have a significant impact on supply chain management for tagged-items to achieve efficient inventory management , anti-counterfeiting , tracking and tracing , etc. , through the technology of automatic identification and computer networks .

  28. 检查是否可以配送订单商品&即库存是否充足(ProcessPendingOrders方法)。

    Check whether the order can be shipped & that is , you have sufficient inventory ( ProcessPendingOrders method ) .

  29. 一个基于数量折扣的变质商品定价和库存模型

    Pricing and inventory model based on quantity discounts of deteriorating goods

  30. 一种预测商品销量及库存的新方法

    New Measure for Forecasting Sales and Stores of Goods