- 名dumping

It makes a further analysis on the role of the Northeast of China region in the commodity dumping and raw material supply of imperialistic Japan .
Research results show that opium was the breach of the economic aggression of big powers against Northeast China , Moreover , these big powers also took merchandise dumping as means and plundering resource as final purpose .
is how the EU calculates anti-dumping rates when it launches investigations into Chinese imports .
Empirical analysis of anti-dumping situation of China 's exported goods & Based on analysis of anti-dumping case number and export sum of money of China 's export
In consideration of international situation and developments as well as foreign merchandise dumping to Chinese , this paper analyses China 's present antidumping situation and puts forward maneuverability suggestions and countermeasures about it .
China has joined WTO on December 11, 2001.After China 's accession to WTO , more foreign products will be dumped into China .
Visiting China last week , Angela Merkel , the German Chancellor , said that a trade dispute over solar panels would be better dealt with by negotiation than by imposing antidumping duties on low-priced imports from China .
Study on the Strategy of Chinese Goods Answering Anti-dumping Investigation
On Chinese Export Merchandise Suffering from Frequent Anti-Dumping
The author , from analysis to these features and reasons , has put forward how to face this problem and protect the export merchandise .
In the course of being anti - dumped , China suffers dumping from other countries quite often that disturbs normal trade order , obstructs the adjustment of Chinese local industrial structure and imposes the pressure of bankrupt on local business enterprises .
In recent years , our export goods are frequently under threat of antidumping , meanwhile , in the frame of WTO , the main body of solving the international trade dispute only to be the unofficial guild .
The European Commission said the duties , imposed in January on goods worth some 575m ( $ 812m ) a year , complied with WTO rules and served to protect European businesses from unfairly priced Chinese goods .
China and other countries have an interest in ensuring that their exports are not subject to anti-dumping and trade restrictions .
With the increasing of China ' exporting to the outside , especially after China joined WTO , there are more and more anti-dumping cases that the Chinese goods suffer .
Besides proposing " anti-dumping " measures on imports deemed to be priced unfairly low , Beijing is looking at " countervailing duties ", used against goods that receive government subsidies .
After starting an investigation into whether imports are being dumped , illicitly subsidised or are simply flooding in at a rate that threatens domestic industry , governments typically impose full restrictions on imports 12-18 months later .