
  • 网络commercial contract
  1. 在解除范围上,应考虑商事合同的根本目的加以确定。

    The discharge scope should be confirmed after considering the fundamental purpose of the commercial contract .

  2. 随后援引《国际商事合同通则》对卖方的各种违约形式及买方如何补救进行阐述。

    Then , it quotes the Principles of International Commercial Contract to state the different forms of sellers ' breach of contract and the ways for buyers to adopt remedies .

  3. 在对BOT特许协议属国际契约还是国内契约是行政合同还是民商事合同进行论证的基础上,提出了BOT特许协议属国内契约,是一种特殊的民商事合同。

    On the problem that whether BOT charter agreement is domestic contract , commercial contract or the administrative contract on the basis of the argument , the thesis puts forward the BOT concession agreement of domestic contracts is a special type of contract in civil law .

  4. 论《国际商事合同通则》的性质及其功能

    On the Nature and Functions of Principles of Intemational Commercial Contracts

  5. 通则旨在为国际商事合同制定一般规则。

    These principles set forth general rules for international commercial contracts .

  6. 《国际商事合同通则》法律适用规则评析

    On the Application Approach of Principles of International Commercial Contracts

  7. 《INCOTERMS2000》与《国际商事合同通则》并存适用的若干问题思考

    Research on Incoterms 2000 and Principles of International Commercial Contracts

  8. 国际商事合同通则诚实信用原则研究

    A Study on the Principle of Good Faith of PICC

  9. 行政合同与普通民商事合同有所不同。

    The administrative contract is different from the civil contract .

  10. 试析《国际统一私法协会国际商事合同通则》的性质和功能

    On the Nature and Functions of the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts

  11. 论商事合同解除的法律后果

    The Legal Consequences of the Discharge of Commercial Contracts

  12. 旅游合同独特的本质内涵使其与传统的民商事合同相比具有明显的不同。

    Travel contract is different from traditional business contract because of its distinctive nature .

  13. 劳动合同与商事合同的比较

    Comparison between Labor Contract and Business Contract

  14. 《国际商事合同通则》合同扩张义务比较研究建筑商没能履行合同中规定的义务。

    Comparison of the Expanded Contractual Obligations in the Principles of the International Commercial Contracts ;

  15. 国际贸易统一法的又一新成果&《国际商事合同通则(2004年修订本)》评析

    Another New Achievement on International Trade Uniform Law & Review on Principles of International Commercial Contracts 2004

  16. 排他性选择法院协议的效力应独立于它所服务的国际民商事合同的效力。

    Effect of exclusive choice of court agreements shall be independent of effect of international business contracts which they serve .

  17. 保险合同是一种重要的商事合同,具有双务性、诺成性、不要式性;

    Insurance contract is a kind of important commercial one , which has the characters of mutual responsibility , promises and informality .

  18. 完善我国合同法应借鉴《国际商事合同通则》国际商务代理人和经纪人联合会

    The Enlightening Value of the International Business Contract Rules to the Improvement of China s Contract Law ; International Union of Commercial Agents and Brokers

  19. 在国际立法文件中选择了《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》和《国际商事合同通则》两种观察分析。

    United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and Principles of International Commercial Contracts are chosen and analyzed in the international regulations .

  20. 商事合同中格式条款的广泛应用对经济发展产生了巨大的影响,与此同时也带来了一定的负面影响。

    Commercial format terms are widely used in the contract , which has a great influence on economic growth and at the same time also brought certain negative impact .

  21. 较之普通民商事合同,最大诚信原则对当事人的要求更高。

    On the request of the parties than the ordinary civil and commercial parties to a contract , the principle of good faith on the request is even higher .

  22. 效率违约制度一般适用于商事合同领域中的一时性合同,而给付不能制度的范围涵盖了民事、商事合同。

    Breach of the efficiency of the system are generally applicable to commercial contracts in the field of temporary contracts , while the payment system can not cover the civilian and commercial contracts .

  23. 本文从比较法和国际私法的角度对损害赔偿这一国际商事合同法上的主要救济手段进行研究。

    This dissertation has implemented research on the damages for breach of contract , as prime remedy , under international commercial contract law from the perspective of comparative law and private international law .

  24. 最密切联系原则已是国际民商事合同法律适用的主要原则之一,灵活性是其突出的特点,但有过分随意的危险;

    Principle of proximate connection is one of the most important principle in utilization of international civil and commercial contract law , flexibility is its notable characteristic , but it is also too loose .

  25. 起源于罗马法的违约金制度,作为现代民商事合同的救济方式,在交易实践中被广泛运用。

    As a remedial method to the performing of contract in civil and commercial law , the liquidated damages system , with its origin traced back in Roman law , is widely applied in the practice .

  26. 海运合同是国际商事合同中较为特殊、较为复杂的合同,在海运合同中当事人意思自治受到限制,传统的法律选择方法不能有效地发挥作用。

    Shipping contract , in which the autonomy of the will of the parties is restricted but the conventional law may fail to exercise its effective power , belongs among one of special and complicated international business contracts .

  27. 本文通过比较研究的方法,在对各国及国际商事合同实体法中的法定解除制度研究、评析的基础上,认为我国合同法定解除制度存在一些不足。

    With the comparative research way the paper explains the defects of the lawful rescission of contract institution on the basis of the study and analysis on the lawful rescission of contract of the substantial law of International Commercial Contract .

  28. 只有在《国际统一私法协会国际商事合同通则》一书中关于国际统一私法协会简介中部分提到。

    They are only mentioned in the part of " the Introduction of the Association for the International United Private Law ", the book " The international Commercial Affairs Contract General Rules of the International United Private Law Association " .

  29. 为正确审理涉外民事或商事合同纠纷案件,准确适用法律,根据《中华人民共和国民法通则》、《中华人民共和国合同法》等有关规定,制定本规定。

    These Provisions have been formulated pursuant to the relevant provisions of the PRC General principles for civil law , the PRC Contract law , etc. , in order to correctly try foreign-related civil and commercial disputes and accurately apply the law .

  30. 《国际商事合同通则》及《欧洲合同法原则》为这二大法系在该制度中的糅合、兼容作出了很好的榜样,为各国立法趋势指明了方向。

    《 Principles of International Commercial Contract 》 and 《 Principles of European Contract law 》 for these two law systems in this system , has compatibly made the very good example , has indicated the direction for the various countries ' legislation tendency .