
  • 网络business corporation
  1. 出于这种一致性,我们来思考商事公司的基本特征。

    Consider , in this regard , the basic characteristics of the business corporation .

  2. 综观各国不同的法律体系,商事公司法(或者说是公司法,此为英国的称法)的共同架构是什么呢?

    What is the common structure of the law of business corporations or , as it would be put in the UK , company law across different national jurisdictions ?

  3. 作为一种法律制度,西方国家商事公司的雏形在中世纪时期就已存在。

    The corporation law in embryo appeared in the age of medieval in western countries .

  4. 摘要由于证券投资基金独特的治理结构,与一般商事公司相比,投资基金领域的关联交易存在更大的滥用或不公平的风险。

    Given its unique corporate structure , securities investment funds industry tend to see great abuse and risks in related party transaction compared with other businesses .

  5. 一方面,商事公司于十九世纪中后期才传入中国并得到一定的发展,商事公司的规范化运作在客观上产生了对立法的需求;

    For one thing , corporation appeared and developed gradually in China in the 19 century , which bring about the needs of the legislation of corporation objectively .

  6. 除引言和结论之外,本文共由三部分组成:第一部分论述了董事注意义务的理论成因,过失理论对注意义务标准的影响及注意义务标准在美国《示范商事公司法》中的历史演化。

    Besides Introduction and Conclusion , this essay includes three parts : One , this part addresses the cause of corporate directors ' duty of care , and its history changes .

  7. 本文在比较商事信托和公司制度的基础上,对信托理财和公司理财的目标、内容、方法等方面进行了探索性的研究。

    Based on the comparison in business trust and company system , this article does explorative research on the trust finance and company finance in the different aspects of goal , content and method of managing finances .

  8. 公司是市场经济中最重要的商事主体,公司信用基础的准确界定关涉公司信用制度的完善,完善的公司信用制度有利于降低公司制度运用的成本,提高公司制度竞争优势。

    Company is the most important commercialist of market economy , to accurately determine company credit basis relate to the improvement of the company , perfect credit system will help reduce the cost of using the system to improve the competitive advantage of company system .

  9. 但是,我们也看到在具体的商事实践中,公司章程存在着很多问题。

    However , in trading practices , there are still a lot of problems .

  10. 在立法体例的选择上,以我国现有的体系框架为基础,在《民事诉讼法》中设专章规定商事非讼程序或公司非讼程序的一般原则,在司法解释中对具体的程序规则进行规定。

    As to the choice of the legislative system , on the basis of existing framework of law system , to make general principle provisions of commercial or corporate non-contentious procedure in a separate chapter in " civil procedural law ", and details can be provided in the judicial interpretations .

  11. 随着商事交易的迅速发展,公司作为商事主体具有处分公司财产的权利,允许公司对外担保可以维护商事主体之间的交易安全以及促进资金融通和商品流通。

    With the rapid development of commercial transactions , companies are entitled rights to deal with their property as business unit . Allowing companies for external guarantee can maintain security of commercial transactions in the market , but also promote capital flow and goods .

  12. 商事信托作为组织法,其具有商事组织的典型共性,而且在制度设计和受托人信义义务的标准上,商事信托也与商事公司制度近年来出现了明显的趋同。

    As an organization law , the commercial trust possesses the typical common features of commercial organizations , and has the tendency of being the same with the system of commercial companies in recent years with respect to the system design and the standard of trustee 's faith obligations .