
  • 网络Commercial Trade;commerce;business relations
  1. 中国商务部副部长王超表示,作为美中商业贸易联合委员会(U.S.-ChinaJointCommissiononCommerceandTrade,简称:美中商贸联委会)年会议程的一部分,中国已寻求加快《全球政府采购协议》方面的磋商。

    As part of the annual U.S. - China Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade , China 's vice minister of Commerce , Wang Chao said that Beijing sought to ' accelerate negotiations ' on what is formally called the Government Procurement Agreement .

  2. 最后,建立了五个股票板块的IPO定价模型,包括一个大样本模型信息板块,四个小样本模型采掘业板块、金融服务板块、商业贸易板块和社会服务板块。

    Finally , IPO pricing models are established which includes one large sample model of information board and four small sample models consisting of mining board , finance board , commerce board and social service board .

  3. 随着Internet被广泛应用于商业贸易活动,电子商务开始获得飞速发展。

    Along with the Internet widely used in commercial and trading activities , e-commerce started to develop rapidly .

  4. 附录II确实允许商业贸易。

    Appendix II does allow commercial trade .

  5. 以国际互连网Internet作为通信手段,人们可以在计算机网络上建立自己的形象、宣传自己的有机产品和服务,同时进行在线的商业贸易以及通过网络来进行结算。

    By the communication of Internet , any people can create his identification , can propaganda his product and service , to do the trade and accounting online at the same time .

  6. 本文从电子商务(Electroniccommerce)的发展、体系结构、安全性以及在各行业中的应用等方面对这一新型的商业贸易形式进行了全面的介绍。

    This article introduces a kind of new trade model ( electronic commerce ) from several aspects including it 's development 、 system structure 、 secdrity 、 application in some trades .

  7. WTO的加入,商业贸易需要大量懂外语人才进行交流,外语人才需求量不是比以前少了,而是更多。

    For instance , WTO joining , the commercial trade needed massively foreign language talents to carry on the exchange , the foreign language person demand is not short compared to before , but was more .

  8. 世界贸易组织(WTO)估计,商品交易规模在2009年下降12.2%后,2010年上涨了13.5%,而中国正在亚洲、非洲和拉美快速拓展新的商业贸易路线。

    The World Trade Organisation estimates that merchandise trade volumes rose by 13.5 per cent in 2010 after falling by 12.2 per cent in 2009 , and China is rapidly extending new commercial trade routes between Asia , Africa and Latin America .

  9. 工业生产和商业贸易的不断发展,产生了对运输工具进行动态称重(Weigh-In-Motion简称WIM)越来越多的需求。

    Along with the development of the industrial production and the business trade , it is required that the weigh-in-motion ( abbreviate WIN ) systems have more and more functional performances .

  10. 一种是脱离民俗背景的商业贸易。

    The other is the trade separated from the folk backgrounds .

  11. 清代新疆南部地区的商业贸易

    The Commerce of the South of Xinjiang in Qing Dynasty

  12. 暂时垄断某种商业贸易的行为。

    A temporary monopoly on a kind of commercial trade .

  13. 略论中央苏区的商业贸易建设

    On Construction of Commercial Trade in Central Soviet Region

  14. 国际商业贸易中心深梁设计及施工

    Deep Beam Design and Construction Analysis of Changchun International Business and Trade Center

  15. 但元朝时期商业贸易发达。

    However commerce was prosperous in the Yuan Dynasty .

  16. 长春国际商业贸易中心温度缝的处理

    The Methods for Dealing with the Temperature-Crack about Changchun International Trade and Commerce Center

  17. 英语也许是环太平洋地区商业贸易通用的语言。

    English may be the language of business and trade throughout the Pacific Rim .

  18. 他不会售卖任何东西,所以商业贸易对他而言也是无用的。

    He doesn 't sell anything so the commercial trade is useless to him .

  19. 商业贸易条款和付款方式。

    Commercial Trade Terms and payment Terms .

  20. 由于地理标志是一个伴随商业贸易往来而产生的新事物。

    With the geographical indication is a commercial trade and the emergence of new things .

  21. 近代陕北的商业贸易

    Commerce trade of modern Northen Shaanxi

  22. 商业贸易类展示中的文化

    In commercial trade class demonstration culture

  23. 商业贸易在历史上已经成为人类的一项基本活动。

    Commercial trade over the course of history has been a fundamental operation of human nature .

  24. 明清之际商品经济发达,商业贸易繁荣。

    In Ming and Qing Dynasty , the commodity economy developed and the commercial trade prospered .

  25. 由于经济全球化的趋势,家具已经进一步演变为全球性的商业贸易和艺术。

    Furniture is evolving as the global commercial trade and art under the trend of globalization economy .

  26. 欧洲人的地理发现把地球上的海洋变成了他们商业贸易和侵略征服的捷径。

    The European discoveries made the oceans of the earth into highways for their commerce and conquest .

  27. 与周边政权的商业贸易是金代经济体系的重要组成部分。

    The commercial trade with neighboring regimes is an important part of the economic system in Jin Dynasty .

  28. 稳步发展的青海商业贸易事业

    Trade Boom in Qinghai

  29. 精通处理商业贸易中的各种琐碎事件,保持你的收支处于最佳状态。

    Proficiency at squaring away the odds and ends of business transactions , keeping the check books tight .

  30. 汉语商务信函,指的是在商业贸易中交易双方之间的往来信件。

    Chinese business correspondence , refers to the correspondence between the two parties in the process of business trade .