
  • 网络Commercial contract;merchant contract
  1. 另一点是,服务规格说明与这样的商业契约联系在一起,该商业契约可以重复性的输出到一个SOA软件协调工具,例如WebSphereIntegrationDeveloper中去。

    Another is ensuring that the service specifications tied to such business contracts can be iteratively exported to a SOA application orchestration tool such as WebSphere Integration Developer .

  2. 九位大法官中有四人持异议,坚持认为这样的合并与其他商业契约一样,不过是一种资产的出售而已。

    Four of the nine justices dissented , insisting that the merger , like any commercial contract , was simply a sale of property .

  3. 这是一份完全合格的商业契约,双方是在完全理解并且是用口头和书面形式来表示继续理解时才实行本合约。

    This is a full recourse commercial contract , when executed , is the full understanding between the parties and supersedes all other understandings , whether verbal or written .

  4. 在这个地方,我们就将商业中的契约概念应用到软件中。

    This is where the contract metaphor from business applies to software .

  5. 我国国有独资商业银行的契约关系与治理结构研究

    Research on the Contract Relationship and Mechanism of Governance of Chinese State-owned Bank

  6. 对外部审计服务的需求起源于为促进商业社会中契约当事人(包括股东、债权人、管理层以及潜在投资者等)之间的交易顺利进行。

    The demand for external audit service originates from the intention to smooth transaction among contracted parties in commercial society ( including shareholders , creditor , management and potential investors ) .

  7. 在纷杂的商业银行企业契约中,最为关键的是所有者和经营者之间的委托代理关系,因此,我们可以将委托代理模型应用于商业银行,并以此为基础构建商业银行的激励和约束机制。

    The principal-agent relationship plays a critical role in the complex firm contracts among commercial banks , we can therefore apply the model of principal-agent into the commercial banks and set up the incentive and monitoring mechanism for them .

  8. 我们看到了基础性的转变,与商业伙伴之间从契约性的、对立的关系转到更为协作的关系。

    We are seeing fundamental shifts from contractual , adversarial relationships with the business to ones that are more collaborative .

  9. 在此基础上从分析商业银行的特殊性出发,阐述了商业银行特殊的契约性质,提出了商业银行应该遵从契约型治理的观点。

    In the base of that , I analyze the special character of commercial bank , and introduce the special character of it 's contact .