
  • 网络The Only Witness
  1. 碰巧约翰是唯一的证人。

    It happened that John was the only witness .

  2. 而你是剩下的唯一的证人。

    And you are the only witness left .

  3. 原告唯一的证人嗜赌成性,游手好闲,其证词一下子就被推翻了。

    The plaintiff 's sole witness , a gambler and layabout , was easily discredited .

  4. 电子眼是我们唯一的证人。

    These cameras are the only witnesses we 've got .

  5. 你我他是唯一的证人。

    The only witnesses are you , me and him .

  6. 他们杀掉了唯一的证人。

    So they killed our only witness .

  7. 他是你唯一的污点证人?

    He do the " bald spot " on you ?

  8. 我是唯一的目击证人。

    I was the only witness .

  9. 你可能找到了我们唯一一个可靠的证人。

    You may have found our only reliable witness .

  10. 他是我们唯一有意识的目击证人。

    He 's our only conscious witness .