
  • 网络tang;late tang
  1. 隐逸:仕途憧憬的逆向缓冲&唐末诗人的隐居与诗歌创作

    Seclusion and Poetry Writing of Poets in the Late Tang Dynasty

  2. 吕氏是较晚兴盛,名气在唐末及宋却又极盛的家族。

    Family Lv was late to thrive , famous in late Tang and Song .

  3. 唐末五代湖南地区的蛮族活动及其它

    Activity of MAN Tripe in Hunan Province in Late Tang Dynasty

  4. 赵犨兄弟与唐末陈州

    ZHAO Chou Brothers and Chen County in Late Tang Dynasty

  5. 唐末文学研究

    A Study on the Literature of the End of the Tang Dynasty

  6. 韦庄是唐末、五代文坛上一位诗、词兼擅的重要作家。

    Wei Zhuang was an important writer in the Late Tang Dynasty .

  7. 这种风格的转变,发生在唐末五代时期。

    The change occurred at the times of Five Dynasties .

  8. 论唐末诗歌创作的主题和体式

    On Theme and Form of Poetic Creation at the End of the Tang Dynasty

  9. 齐山佛教历史最早可追溯至唐末。

    The Buddhist history of Qi Mountain can be traced back to late Tang Dynasty .

  10. 入幕是唐末诗人的生存状态之一。

    In the late Tang Dynasty , many poets chose to work in the imperial government .

  11. 隋唐五代史研究的一个新概念、新认识&《唐末五代的代北集团》评介

    A Review of the Book Dai Bei Bloc During the Late Tang and the Five Dynasties

  12. 公元876年,导致了王仙芝、黄巢领导的唐末农民大起义。

    In 876 , the farmers " uprising led by Wang Xianzhi and Huang Chao broke out .

  13. 唐末辽东南部地区行政归属问题试探

    A Probe into the Issue of Administrative Ownership of Southern Region of Eastern Liaoning in Late Dang Dynasty

  14. 第二阶段是盛唐以后至唐末,水墨山水画崛起。

    The second phase was from the peak to late Tang period when landscape wash painting grew up .

  15. 唐末五代前后出现的中国花鸟画,以写形、写实为主,画史称之为工笔花鸟画。

    Chinese flower-and-bird painting came into being in the end of the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties .

  16. 论唐末五代散文的儒学内蕴和艺术特质

    On the confucianism and Artistic Features on the Prose in the End of Tang Dynasty and Wu Dai

  17. 唐末宋初于阗王国的社会经济

    The Social Economy of Khotan Kingdom between the End of Tang Dynasty and the Beginning of Song Dynasty

  18. 哀伤、绝望、矛盾是唐末诗歌创作中的重要主题。

    Grief , desperation and inconsistency were important theme of poetic creation in the end of the Tang Dynasty .

  19. 唐末诗人方干的隐居生活与其创作具有密切的关系。

    The secluded life of poet Fang Gan in the late Tang Dynasty is closely connected with his literary writing .

  20. 它萌芽于唐末五代,兴盛于宋、明、清代。

    It originated from the late Tang and Five Dynasties , flourished in the song , Ming , Qing Dynasty .

  21. 唐末五代时期江右豪杰的浮沉与影响

    On the Vicissitudes and the Influences of Jiangyou Heroes in the End of the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties

  22. 唐末诗人的隐逸风尚与淡泊情思

    The Tendency to Be Hermit Indifferent to Fame and Fortune in the Poets in the Late Years of the Tang Dynasty

  23. 我国学术界对于唐末儒学思想的研究尚显得有些薄弱。

    Our country academic circle still appeared somewhat weak regarding the research of Confucianism in the last years of Tang Dynasty .

  24. 宋王朝的建立,结束了自唐末形成的四分五裂的局面,使中国又归于统一。

    The founding of Song Dynasty once again ended the disunifica-tion of the ancient China since the end of the Tang Dynasty .

  25. 第四章略论后世对唐末文学的接受和评价问题。

    Chapter 4 , the author briefly discusses the reception and evaluation of the literature of the end of the Tang Dynasty .

  26. 赣南闽西边区是唐末五代接受北来客家先民的第一站;

    The south of Jiangxi and the west of Fujian were the first station of the north hakkas in late Tang dynasty .

  27. 自唐末北宋以来,人们开始称韦应物为山水田园诗人。

    Since the late Tang and Northern Song Dynasties , people have begun to call Wei Yingwu the poet of landscape and pastoral .

  28. 随着唐朝中后期经济重心的南移,自唐末五代始,中国的文化重心也逐渐南移,在南唐和西蜀形成了当时的两个文化中心。

    The culture centre of China moved southwards during the Five-Dynasty , while the economy centre moved to south in the late Tang Dynasty .

  29. 本文是对唐末五代宫廷音乐,与辽承唐乐的研究。

    This article talks about the research in Late Tang Dynasty court music and the inheritance of the court music from Tang to Liao .

  30. 他以清词丽句来表达自己的情感,并形成一种特殊的美感境界,在唐末诗坛上具有重要意义。

    In the lucid and elegant style , his emotions were well expressed and his poems had particular significance in the late Tang poetry .