
  • 网络downs;downes;Towns
  1. 伍尔夫(VirginiaWoolf)为寻求灵感而行走,她从家乡南唐斯的罗德麦尔出发,在伦敦的公园里漫步。

    Virginia Woolf walked for inspiration . She walked out from her homeat Rodmell in the South Downs . She wandered through London 's parks .

  2. 你的小别墅在哪.-苏塞克斯唐斯

    Where 's the cottage ? - Sussex Downs .

  3. 伦敦政治经济学院(londonschoolofeconomics)社会学讲师唐斯莱特(donslater)表示,青年创业家没有家庭责任和财务负担,因此常常可以承受更大的风险。

    Younger entrepreneurs can often be greater risk-takers thanks to their lack of familial and financial obligations , says Don Slater , a reader in sociology at London School of economics .

  4. 在NBA范围内,各位主管正在密切观摩唐斯、拉文和威金斯这三人的未来,后二者将会在[2017年]7月有资格签下延长合同。

    Around the NBA , executives are closely monitoring the futures of Towns , LaVine and Wiggins , the latter two being eligible for extensions in July .

  5. 艾伦•唐斯•弗兰克,CNN记者这起全国最大的信用资料失窃阴谋的所有3万名受害者有一个共同点,就是都拥有信用报告。

    ALAN DAWNS FRANK , CNN CORRESPONDENT All the 30000 victims of the nation 's largest identity theft scheme had in common were credit reports .

  6. 进攻端,森林狼可以让唐斯落入低位,变身成哥斯拉,也可以迫使防守球员去包夹维金斯,从而最大化卢比奥、巴loc和米尔萨普的作用。

    Unleashing Godzilla in the post , forcing defenders to double off Wiggins , Rubio , Butler , and Millsap could play into Minnesota 's hands .

  7. 超级替补小因斯为诺茨郡爬出降级区立下大功,他在2-0取胜MK唐斯的比赛里打进一球。

    Super sub Thomas Ince made a vital contribution as he helped Notts County climb out of the relegation zone after netting in a2-0 win over MK Dons .

  8. 现如今,NBA的新生代大个子们确实个个前途无量,但是目前为止,德马库斯-考辛斯、安德烈-德拉蒙德、唐斯、戴维斯或者波尔津吉斯之中还没有一个人率领他们的球队打进过季后赛第二轮。

    The current crop of NBA bigs is really promising , but so far , none of DeMarcus Cousins , Andre Drummond , Towns , Davis or Porzingis has even carried their team out of the first round of the playoffs .

  9. 拉文与安德鲁-威金斯和卡尔-安东尼-唐斯一同成为森林狼队冉冉升起的三颗新星——主教练汤姆-锡伯杜将他们称作“三核心”——他们能够帮助球队成为NBA的下一个总冠军有力竞争者。

    LaVine joins Andrew Wiggins and Karl-Anthony Towns as the Timberwolves ' burgeoning young stars - the " core three " as coach Tom Thibodeau refers to them - who could help the team become the NBA 's next championship contender .

  10. 在提交给唐斯所在委员会的最新报告中,科莫详细列举了另外8家银行的奖金数目和额度,这8家银行均在去年10月从问题资产救助计划(TARP)中得到巨额纾困资金。

    In his new report , sent to Mr Towns ' committee , Mr Cuomo detailed the number and size of bonuses at eight other banks that received billions from the federal troubled asset relief programme fund last October .

  11. 仅仅是唐斯和巴特勒就能值回票价。

    Towns and Butler alone are worth the price of admission ,

  12. 卡尔-安东尼-唐斯则成为了明尼苏达森林狼的新晋状元。

    Karl-Anthony Towns went No. 1 to the Minnesota Timberwolves .

  13. 唐斯说道,他没有得到关于原因的明确解释。

    Towns said he was not given a clear explanation as to why .

  14. 唐斯的第一任教练,山姆·米切尔,仅仅一个赛季后就被解雇了。

    Towns ' first coach , Sam Mitchell , was fired after just one season .

  15. 艾伦•唐斯•弗兰克将为你讲述这个故事。

    Alan Dawns Frank has the story .

  16. 在卡尔-安东尼-唐斯、安东尼-戴维斯或者克利斯塔普斯-波尔津吉斯之前,他是可以从攻防两端左右比赛的7尺长人。

    a 7-foot gamechanger at both ends before KAT , Anthony Davis or Kristaps Porzingis .

  17. 他喜欢跟唐斯打挡拆战术,享受与威金斯一起跑快攻。

    He enjoys running the pick-and-roll with Towns and relishes running the break with Wiggins .

  18. “卢比奥+维金斯+巴loc+米尔萨普+唐斯”,这先发五虎真是强到爆炸。

    Rubio , Wiggins , Butler , Millsap , and Towns is a hellacious starting five .

  19. 唐斯目前只有23岁,但他在森林狼的4个赛季里目睹了太多。

    Towns is just 23 , but he has seen plenty during his four seasons with the Timberwolves .

  20. 谁能想到唐斯会在最后的决赛中凭借三分投篮力压凯尔特人的以赛亚-托马斯呢?

    Who could have predicted the sheer joy that followed Towns 's contest-sealing three-pointer to top Boston 's Isaiah Thomas ?

  21. 伦敦警察局称,他们已经了解了唐斯夫妇自杀的事,正在展开调查,但指控唐斯夫妇子女的可能性不大。

    The Metropolitan Police force said it had been notified of the deaths , and was investigating . Charges are unlikely .

  22. 格罗夫斯说,他听到唐斯夫妇自杀时吃了一惊,但认为他们作出了“勇敢”的决定。“尊严”组织则继续为自己辩护。

    Groves said be was shocked by the couple 's deaths but called their decision " typically brave and courageous . "

  23. 对皮球的运控水平上,唐斯与同样身怀此技的考辛斯不相上下。相比考辛斯,唐斯身形细长,体重244镑,脚步更为轻盈。

    Towns has a handle that rivals the ball-handling skills of Cousins and he is lighter on his feet at a svelte 244 pounds .

  24. 跟别人扯扯未来究竟是唐斯的还是恩比德的也比分析76人队到底是怎么战胜黄蜂队要来得有趣。

    Debating Embiid 's long-term upside vs. the likes of Karl-Anthony Towns is more fun than dissecting a mid-season loss to the Charlotte Hornets .

  25. 下半场唐斯遭遇包夹,罗斯18中11带领森林狼打赢了比赛。

    With Towns struggling against double-teams in the second half , Rose kept the Wolves in the game on 11-for-18 shooting in the half .

  26. 该组织负责人萨拉伍顿说,唐斯夫妇自杀的例子表明,有关方面应该规范协助自杀方面的法规。

    Sarah Wootton , chief executive of campaign group Dignity in Dying , said the couple 's deaths showed the need to regulate assisted suicide .

  27. 但是唯一的疑问就是他的防守,在上赛季中锋的防守正负值排名中,唐斯位于可怜的最后一位。

    But one reason to be leery is defense ; Towns ranked dead last in the NBA among centers in defensive real plus-minus last season .

  28. 锡伯杜和他的前队友都措手不及,唐斯和维金斯都是通过电话才知道的消息。

    Thibodeau , and his former players , were all caught off guard . Towns and Andrew Wiggins were notified of Thibodeau 's firing by phone .

  29. 英国唐斯丘陵的史前古道依旧有迹可寻,因为经过几个世纪的踩踏它们原本质密的白垩质土壤变得愈发紧实,开满了雏菊。

    The prehistoric trackways of the English Downs can still be traced because on their close chalky soil , hard-packed by centuries of trampling , daisies flourish .

  30. 即使有全明星吉米-巴特勒和经验丰富的控卫杰夫蒂格的加盟,唐斯依旧是这只球队里最忠实的力量。

    Even with the import of All-Star Jimmy Butler and veteran point guard Jeff Teague , Towns remains the sturdiest pillar of this franchise on the rise .