
  • 网络Tang Law;the tang code;T'ang Code
  1. 《唐律》与现行刑法关于正当防卫之规定比较唐律贿赂罪研究

    A Comparative Study on Provisions of Justifiable Defenses between Tang Code and the Criminal Law of the PRC On Bribery Crime of the Tang Code

  2. 唐律集历代法典之大成,其立法技术纯熟,内容完备,有关贿赂罪之规定极具代表性。

    As a comprehensive expression of law in all Chinese ancient law , The Tang Code possess skillful legislative technique and complete content which have terribly representative regulation on bribery crime .

  3. 礼治模式下中国传统法律的秩序观&以唐律中侵害皇权罪为中心

    The Order Concept of Chinese Traditional Law under Rule of Rites

  4. 《唐律》中的侵害皇权罪及相关问题

    " Tang Law " Violation Imperial Authority Crime and Related Question

  5. 浅析唐律对贪污贿赂性质犯罪的规定

    Analysis on the Crime of Bribery of Corruption of the Tang Dynasty

  6. 《唐律疏议》的编纂,对后世产生了极大的影响。

    The Tang Law Explanation was compiled also influenced the generation tremendously .

  7. 唐律伦理立法对我国现行刑法的几点启示

    The Inspiration of Tang Dynastical Law to Current Criminal Law of China

  8. 古罗马法和唐律有关诚信规定之比较

    Comparison Research on Ancient Rome Law and Tang Law Related Good Faith Stipulation

  9. 二是唐律语言文本结构的特点;

    Features of the text structure of the legal language of Tang Dynasty ;

  10. 唐律惩治贪污贿赂行为的现实意义

    The Tang law punishing the behave of embezzlement and bribery crimes ' modern meaning

  11. 古代日耳曼和阿拉伯律法与唐律中法医学内容的比较

    Comparison on Contents Between Ancient German and Arab Laws and Chinese Tang Medical Jurisprudence

  12. 《唐律疏议》有关女性犯罪规定的梳理

    On the Legal Provisions about Female Crime Mentioned in Comment on Law of Tang Dynasty

  13. 唐律贿赂罪研究

    On Bribery Crime of the Tang Code

  14. 《唐律疏议》&中国古代法律与历史融合的典范

    Comments on Tang Law : A model for Harmonization of Chinese Ancient Law and History

  15. 唐律的法律解释制度则是对中国古代法律解释传统的传承和升华。

    The interpretation system of law inherited and sublimated the traditional Chinese interpretation of law .

  16. 唐与西夏婚姻制度之比较&以《唐律》和《天盛改旧定新律令》为中心

    Comparison on Marriage Law between " Tang Laws " and " Tiansheng Laws " of XiXia

  17. 唐律对共同犯罪成员的处罚试论唐律中的破坏市场管理秩序罪

    A Discussion of the Offense of Destroying the Market-directed Administer Order in Tang ′ s Law

  18. 从《唐律疏议》的局限性看中华法系发展的特点

    From the Limitation of Tang Dynasty Law to Look After the Characteristic of China Law System

  19. 论唐律赃罪的特点及其现代价值

    Features of the Crime of Embezzlement in the Law of Tang Dynasty and its Modern Values

  20. 试论《唐律疏议》中对疾残人的政策上海港本地集装箱集疏运问题及对策

    Policy towards the Disabled in On Tang s Laws ; Shanghai Local Container Transportation Problems and Countermeasures

  21. 历史上《周易》曾对修辞学产生了颇为深远的影响,尤其在唐律诗中表现得尤为突出。

    In history , Zhouyi have profound influences on rhetoric , especially regulated verse in the Tang Dynasty .

  22. 唐律伦理法思想的基本精神与特色是家族主义、礼刑合一、义务本位、男尊女卑、仁恕教化等。唐律伦理法思想有其积极因素和消极因素。

    The ethic law thoughts in the law of the Tang Dynasty have both positive and negative factors .

  23. 唐律伦理法思想的社会学分析

    An Analysis of the Ethic Law Thoughts in the law of the Tang Dynasty from the Angle of Sociology

  24. 在今天看来,汉唐律的损害赔偿规定,有不少科学、合理的内容,值得借鉴。

    Looked from the present , Many scientific and reasonable content of the damage compensate stipulation are worth profiting .

  25. 唐律的规定比现行法律的规定在调整范围上更大,在规范体系上也更严密。

    The regulative rang of Tang Dynasty Law is bigger and closer than the active law and legal system .

  26. 从《唐律》看唐初统治集团对经济的法律干预及其特点

    Analysis of the Law Interference of the Rulers in the Early Tang Dynasty in Economy as Well as Its Characteristics

  27. 但是唐律体制完备,是后代封建王朝的法律蓝本。

    But the law system in the Tang Dynasty was so perfected that successive dynasties regarded it as their original erasing .

  28. 在此基础上,对唐律中关于死刑的法律规定作了分析介绍。

    On this basis , the paper will introduce and analysis the laws and regulations on the death penalty of Tang Law .

  29. 诚信原则在古罗马法和唐律中都有规定,但规定的形式不尽相同。

    The credit principle has the different stipulation in the ancient Rome law and Tang Law , but the stipulated form is different .

  30. 在秦汉律的基础上,唐律有关损害赔偿规定有了进一步发展。

    Based on the law of Qin and Han Dynasties , the related damage compensate stipulation has further developed in the Tang Dynasty .