
  • 网络Donna;dona;DKNY;dana
  1. 首先是在唐娜•萨默(DonnaSummer)HotStuff乐曲伴奏下的跳绳比赛。

    First was a skipping rope competition , undertaken to Hot Stuff by Donna Summer .

  2. 韦布坦言,她开客户研讨会前会哼唱唐娜萨默(DonnaSummer)的歌曲《我感到了爱》(IFeelLove)。

    The author admits to humming Donna Summer 's " I Feel Love " to herself before client workshops .

  3. 对于设计师来说,FashionGPS一举“改变了秀场的游戏规则,”唐娜?卡兰(DonnaKaran)时装公司全球传讯事务高级副总裁阿里扎?利希特说。

    For designers , Fashion GPS has been " game-changing , " said Aliza Licht , Donna Karan 's senior vice president of global communications .

  4. 手机另一个不那么惊人的新奇用途,是为微软(Microsoft)产品营销及设计部门工作的人种学者唐娜•弗林(DonnaFlynn)在中国进行现场工作期间发现的。

    Another less startling but novel use was uncovered during fieldwork in China by Donna Flynn , an ethnographer working for Microsoft on product marketing and design .

  5. 在悉尼出生,在伯克郡工作的企业家唐娜•艾达•桑顿(DonnaIdaThornton)专门开办了一家“牛仔诊所”——为女士们提供专家级的牛仔裤挑选指南。

    Sydney-born Berkshire-based entrepreneur Donna Ida Thornton runs innovative Denim Clinics , which provide a comprehensive masterclass in helping women find their perfect jeans match .

  6. 一天早上,唐娜•塔拉里科(DonnaTalarico)坐在电脑前,眼睛直直地看着屏幕,发觉自己——又忘了登录密码!

    Donna Talarico sat at her computer one morning , stared at the screen and realized she had forgotten - again ! - her password .

  7. 但美国教育委员会(americancounciloneducation)高等教育女性办公室主任唐娜菲利普斯(donnaphillips)称,在常青藤联盟院校中有4位女校长具有“惊人的象征意义”。

    But according to Donna Phillips , head of the office of women in higher education at the American Council on Education ( ACE ) , having four female presidents in the Ivy League is " incredibly symbolic " .

  8. 办公家具生产商SteelcaseInc.的研究团队“未来办公空间”(WorkSpaceFutures)的主管唐娜・弗林(DonnaFlynn)按照自己的步调工作,而且也让她那些做行为研究的下属这样做。

    At office-furniture-maker Steelcase Inc. , Donna Flynn , director of workspace futures , works at her own pace and lets her staff of behavioral researchers do the same . '

  9. 包括唐娜•塔特(DonnaTartt)、斯蒂芬•金(StephenKing)以及马尔科姆•格拉德威尔(MalcolmGladwell)在内的一批知名作家试图干涉出版商阿歇特(Hachette)和零售业巨头亚马逊(Amazon)之间的争端。

    Agroup of leading authors , including Donna Tartt , Stephen King and Malcolm Gladwell , has attempted to intervene in the dispute between publisher Hachette and retailing behemoth Amazon .

  10. 《如何维权而不失业》(StandUpForYourselfWithoutGettingFired)一书的作者、就业律师唐娜•鲍尔曼(DonnaBallman)表示,随着“关系资本”变得越来越重要,劳动合同中需要开始加入更多关于在线人脉网络归属权的条款。

    Donna Ballman , an employment lawyer and author of the book Stand Up For Yourself Without Getting Fired , says that as " relationship capital " becomes more important , employment contracts will need to start including more clauses on ownership of online networks .

  11. 未来几周各大名品店将陆续推出今秋新品,马切萨(Marchesa)、芬迪、唐娜-凯伦(DonnaKaran)、Marni和DerekLam等设计的皮草手袋将缤纷亮相。

    The fall collections , which begin arriving in stores in coming weeks , were a veritable parade of handbags made of fur from the likes of Marchesa , Fendi , Donna Karan , Marni and Derek Lam .

  12. 唐娜莫西斯杀死了那个仆人,王子杀死了她。

    Dona Merces killed the servant and the prince killed her .

  13. 至于保罗和唐娜,正过着美满的生活。

    As for Paul and Donna , they are doing fine .

  14. 人们在议论唐娜莫西斯和那个仆人的事情。

    People are saying things about Dona Merces and the servant .

  15. 唐娜莫西斯,死在了泻湖里,可怜的人。

    Dona merces , dead in the lagoon , poor thing .

  16. 大家。欢迎来到唐娜小姐的芭蕾学校。

    People . Welcome to miss Donna 's school of ballet .

  17. 唐娜转过身要警告他们。

    She turned back inside the tower to warn them .

  18. 我想现在我知道该如何训练唐娜了。

    I think now I know better how to trainDonna .

  19. 弗兰克:你想学探戈吗,唐娜?

    Frank : Would you like to learn to tango , Donna ?

  20. 迈可再度丢下困惑又挫折的唐娜。

    Once again , Michael left Donna in bed confused and unsatisfied .

  21. 首先,她要那个公司的负责付款的部门负责人唐娜交谈。

    First , she speaks with Donna in the Accounts Payable department .

  22. 唐娜小的时候发生过什么事吗?

    Did something happen to Donna when she was little ?

  23. 问题17.唐娜在巴西被派去干什么?

    Question 17 . What was Donna assigned to do in Brazil ?

  24. 那所以你和唐娜的计画是什么?

    So , what do you have planned for donna ?

  25. 等唐娜看完这本小说后,我可以借吗?

    May I borrow that novel when Donna finishes it ?

  26. 唐娜做出决定了吗

    Hey , Donna . Come to a decision yet ?

  27. 欢迎大家来到唐娜小姐的舞蹈学校。

    Welcome , everyone , to miss Donna 's school of dance .

  28. 问题19.唐娜是如何挣额外的钱养活自己的?

    Question 19 . How did Donna make extra money to support herself ?

  29. 贝斯《唐娜·李》五个小节好了

    Bass , five bars of " Donna Lee . " All right .

  30. 当时,俩人都心知肚明届时唐娜会独自一人居住于此。

    By then , they both knew she would be living there alone .