
  1. 《唐宫夜宴》到底牛在哪?为体现丰腴的唐俑形象,演员们穿着塞海绵的连体衣,嘴里含着棉花登台演出,而月牙形的妆容和仿唐三彩陶器的服装,让观众仿佛穿越回1300多年前的唐朝。

    Fourteen dancers wearing jumpsuits filled with sponge and with special cotton in their mouths recreate the plump figures of Tang Dynasty females . Besides , crescent-shaped makeup make audiences feel like travelling to the Tang Dynasty 1300 years ago .

  2. 唐俑也如大唐帝国一样,达到了颠峰。

    Tomb figure making reached its highest development peak in the Tang Dynasty .