
  1. 谈唐代边塞诗中的意象群

    On the Image Groups in the Fortress Poems of the Tang Dynasty

  2. 唐代边塞诗的思想内容浅析

    On Ideology of Frontier Fortress Poem in Tang Dynasty

  3. 略论唐代边塞诗美学形态对前代的传承

    A Brief Comment on the Aesthetic Morphology of Frontier Poems in the Tang Dynasty

  4. 宋代边塞诗词对唐代边塞诗的继承与发展。

    Secondly , the Song Frontier Poems ' inheritance and development of the Tang Frontier Poems .

  5. 生命力与英雄梦&论唐代边塞诗的浪漫主义色彩

    Vitality and Heroes ' Dream : On the Romantic Flavour of Frontier Poetry in the Tang Dynasty

  6. 唐代边塞诗的研究已是学术界的热门话题,成果丰硕。

    Frontier poems in Tang Dynasty is a hot topic in academic circles , It has yielded fruitful results .

  7. 边塞诗是唐朝诗歌的独特流派,盛唐边塞诗又是唐代边塞诗的典型代表。

    The frontier poem always is a Chinese classical poetry traditional subject , but Tang Dynastys frontier poem has interpreted this subject head .

  8. 对于唐代边塞诗这一诗史奇观,学界多从相关战争性质进行研究。

    Frontier fortress poetry of the Tang Dynasty , the wonder of poetry history , is usually researched by academic circles from its related character of war .

  9. 从唐代边塞诗看唐代诗人的战争反思&唐代边塞诗系列研究之五

    On Tang Poets ' Introspection on War through Their Poetry about the Wars along the Border & The 5th of series study of border poetry in Tang Dynasty

  10. 从内容上分析唐代边塞诗,可以帮助我们理解唐代的诗歌创作,并深刻理解唐代的社会生活和盛唐精神。

    We may understand the poem creation , social life and the spirit of grand Tang Dynasty if we analyze the materials of frontier fortress poem in Tang Dynasty .

  11. 所以唐宋边塞诗词作中有些什么变化差异是值得探讨的,通过比较可以更加全面地认识唐代边塞诗和宋代边塞诗词的特点。

    It is worth exploring the changes and the differences of such poetry , and by comparison , the features of the Tang and Song Frontier poems could be understood more comprehensively .

  12. 一是关于北部边防的边塞诗,一是关于东南沿海的海防诗。前者基本上沿袭了唐代边塞诗的传统;

    There were two serieses : one was about the north frontier defence , which followed the traditional style of the Tang , the other was about the southeast coast defence , which was characterized by the flavour of sea breeze and alleys .

  13. 唐代是边塞诗发展的极盛时期,中唐大历十才子和盛唐边塞诗派都写作了大量的边塞诗作。

    Tang Dynasty is a period of great prosperity in which plenty of frontier fortress poems were written .

  14. 不仅仅只有唐代存在边塞诗,而且自汉代以来,每个朝代都会有抵御外辱、表现塞外风光、英勇征战的边塞诗歌。

    Not only in the glorious age of tang dynasty existed , and since the han dynasty , every dynasty have to resist outside , to reflect the scenery beyond the great and heroic in frontier fortress poems .

  15. 唐代边塞战争与边塞诗

    On the wars at frontier fortresses and poems of such themes in Tang dynasty

  16. 受唐代边境战争性质不同认识的影响,人们历来对唐代边塞诗的主题价值有不同的评论。

    Influenced by different opinions of the nature of frontier wars in the Tang Dynasty , people have different comments all the time on the theme value of the frontier fortress poems of the Tang Dynasty .