
bǔ rǔ qī
  • lactation;Breastfeeding;lactation period;suckling period
  1. 在哺乳期测定泌乳量其方法采用:weight-suckle-weight法。

    The amount of lactaion was determined in the suckling period by using the method of " weight-suckle-weight " .

  2. 铅对哺乳期雄性小鼠睾丸损伤的研究

    Effects of Lead on the Testis Damage of Male Mice in Suckling Period

  3. 未成年人和哺乳期女性免予起诉。

    Young people and nursing mothers are exempted from charges .

  4. 离婚后,哺乳期内的子女,以随哺乳的母亲抚养为原则。

    In principle the mother shall have the custody of a breast-fed infant after divorce .

  5. 哺乳期后的子女,如双方因抚养问题发生争执不能达成协议时,由人民法院根据子女的权益和双方的具体情况判决。

    If a dispute arises between the two parties over the custody of their child who has been weaned and they fail to reach an agreement , the people 's court shall make a judgment in accordance with the rights and interests of the child and the actual conditions of both parents .

  6. KM小鼠哺乳期内日龄与体重的关系

    Correlation between days and liveweight of KM mice in milking period

  7. 邻苯二甲酸二丁酯宫内和哺乳期染毒对F1代雄性大鼠的生殖发育毒性

    Reproductive and developmental toxicity of F_1 male rats treated with DBP in utero and during lactation

  8. 甲状腺协会支持了世界卫生组织所建议的孕妇或哺乳期妇女每日250?g的需要量。

    The Thyroid Association backs the World Health Organization 's recommendation of250 ? g daily for all pregnant or lactating women .

  9. 母猪FSHβ基因对仔猪哺乳期生长影响的研究

    Effects of sows ′ fsh_ β gene on their piglet early growth

  10. 美国食品和药品监督管理局(FoodandDrugAdministration)和美国国家环境保护局(EnvironmentalProtectionAgency)的现行指南警告:孕妇和哺乳期妇女应将金枪鱼的摄入量限制在每周6盎司(约合170克)。

    Current guidelines from the Food and Drug Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency warn pregnant and nursing women to limit tuna consumption to six ounces per week .

  11. 用人巨细胞病毒(HCMV)单克隆抗体,对279例哺乳期妇女的乳汁进行了检测。

    Specimens of human milk were detected by HCMV-IgG , HCMV-IgM McAb .

  12. DHA的最优量对于怀孕和哺乳期妇女非常重要。

    Optimal levels of DHA are therefore crucial for pregnant and lactating mothers .

  13. 哺乳期母鼠饲以组氨酸料对仔鼠脑海马区含锌量及AChE的影响

    Effects of lactation rats fed histidine diet on amount of zinc and ache of their pups

  14. 4.menstruationn.月经,月经期间妇女在经期、孕期、产期和哺乳期受特殊保护。

    Women enjoy special protection during menstruation , pregnancy , child birth and baby nursing period .

  15. 小鼠孕期哺乳期补充DHA对仔鼠视觉发育影响的研究

    Influence of Supplementary DHA in Pregnancy and Lactation mice on the Visual Development of Pups

  16. 哺乳期大鼠SON的NOS神经元数目亦显著高于妊娠期大鼠(P<0.01)。

    The number of NOS neurons in SON of lactating rats was also significantly higher than that of the pregnant rats ( P < 0 01 ) .

  17. 鱼肉中富含ω-3脂肪酸、B族维生素、碘、硒和维生素D。众多研究表明,鱼肉中的营养物质对于胎儿和哺乳期婴儿的大脑发育尤为重要。

    Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids , B vitamins , iodine , selenium and vitamin D. And numerous studies show that the nutrients in fish are particularly important for brain development in fetuses and nursing infants .

  18. 目的研究雌激素β受体(EstrogenReceptorβ,ERβ)在妊娠及哺乳期小鼠下丘脑室旁核(paraventricularnucleus,PVN)内表达的变化情况。

    Objective To study the expression of estrogen receptor beta ( ER β) in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus ( PVN ) of maternal mice during pregnancy and lactation .

  19. DHA支持脑部、眼睛、和中枢神经系统的发展,而这些刚好都是对于怀孕和哺乳期妇女特别重要的。

    DHA supports the brain , eyes , and central nervous system which is why it is uniquely important for pregnant and lactating women .

  20. 跟踪调查显示哺乳期妇女尿脱氧吡啶酚排泄率仍维持较高水平(5.83±2.14)nmol/mmolCr,P<0.01)。

    Follow - up investigation showed that the urine deoxypyridinoline during lactation maintained considerably higher level ( 5 . 83 ± 2 . 14 nmol / mmol Cr , P < 0 . 0 1 ) .

  21. 目的:评价超声在诊断非哺乳期乳腺炎(NLM)中的价值。

    Purpose : To assess the value of the sonographic diagnosis of non-lactation mastitis ( NLM ) .

  22. 目的以前瞻性方法研究哺乳期妇女两个时期放置活性宫内节育器(IUD)一年避孕效果和副反应。

    Objective To investigate the contraception effectiveness and side effects in two periods of lactational women who were inserted intrauterine device ( IUD ) for 1 year .

  23. 直到近年,美国儿科学会(AmericanAcademyofPediatrics,简称AAP)还在建议儿童3岁前不要食用花生和树坚果,并告诫怀孕或哺乳期的妈妈也不要食用花生。

    Until recently , the American Academy of Pediatrics had recommended that young children avoid eating peanuts and tree nuts until at least age 3 and cautioned pregnant or nursing women against eating peanuts .

  24. 在孕期和(或)哺乳期补充DHA的母亲,其婴儿具有较高的血DHA水平和较好的体格、视力和智力发育水平。

    The infants whose mother had a supplement of DHA during pregnancy and lactation have higher blood DHA level and better development results of body , visual acuity and intelligence .

  25. 方法:对产后不同时期的155例哺乳期妇女,经TVS观察子宫大小、内膜厚度、卵巢和卵泡变化情况。

    Methods : We observed the size of uterus , the thickness of endometrium and the alteration of ovary and follicles of the 155 feeding women at different periods through TVS .

  26. 哺乳期避孕药ST-1435衍生物的合成

    Synthesis of ST-1435 derivatives as contraceptive for lactating women

  27. 哺乳期CD-1母鼠锌缺乏导致仔鼠海马神经元凋亡及其机制

    Zinc Deficiency of CD-1 Mice during Lactation Period Causes Neuronal Apoptosis in the Hippocampus of Their Suckling Offsprings

  28. 目的探讨不同剂量醋酸甲羟孕酮(DMPA)用于哺乳期妇女避孕对其避孕效果、副反应发生率及停用原因的影响。

    Objective To discuss the effects of contraception by different dosage of DMPA on the breast feeding women , as well as the side effects and the cause of having to stop the medicine .

  29. Ayieko证明了这些昆虫是有益的:例如,蝼蛄和白蚁都可以帮助哺乳期的母亲产生母乳。

    Ayieko has proof that they are beneficial : for example , both mayflies and termites help lactating mothers to produce milk .

  30. 目的通过对宫内及哺乳期铅接触仔鼠海马bcl2和bax基因表达水平的检测,探讨其在铅引起学习记忆障碍中的作用。

    Objective To investigate the effects of lead exposure of filial rats in the duration of intrauterine and lactation on learning and memory behavior and the expression of bcl 2 and bax gene in hippocampus formation and their correlation .