
  • 网络Philosophical anthropology
  1. 已往的哲学人类学只研究人类个体而不研究人类整体。

    The Later philosophical anthropology only studied the individual , not the humankind as a whole .

  2. 在他的哲学人类学思想的基础上,舍勒提出了全新的本体论意义上的教育观。

    On his thought of philosophical anthropology he put forward a new ontological meaning of education .

  3. 他的学说由情感现象学、哲学人类学、价值伦理学和知识社会学等构成。

    His theory consists of Emotional Phenomenology , Philosophical Anthropology , Value Ethnics and Knowledge Sociology .

  4. 马丁·布伯从哲学人类学的立场去理解宗教,揭示了人的对话的存在。

    To comprehend religion from the standpoint of philosophical anthropology , Martin Buber revealed the existence of dialogue of human race .

  5. 第三章,论述实践观念的历史演变及实践哲学人类学的理论视野。

    Chapter III elaborates on the historical evolution of the notion of practice and the theoretical perspectives of practical philosophical anthropology .

  6. 杜维明以哲学人类学的视角对儒学作出“创造性阐释,”把儒家哲学阐释为一种哲学的人类学。

    DU Weiming provides a creative interpretation to Confucianism from the perspective of philosophic anthropology by categorizing Confucian philosophy into philosophic anthropology .

  7. 正是在对话中,我们就达到了“之间”的领域,哲学人类学就是关于“之间”的人类学。

    Just in the dialogue , we attain to the sphere of " Betweenness ", philosophical anthropology is anthropology concerning " Betweenness " .

  8. 马丁·布伯从人的“对话性”入手,从哲学人类学和宗教哲学两个方面探讨了人类的道德行为和道德价值。

    In accordance with the dialogical reality of human beings Martin Buber researched human moral actions and moral values from the perspectives of philosophical anthropology and philosophy of religion .

  9. 外位性思想是巴赫金在学术生涯初期提出的,它脱胎于其哲学人类学,并始终在其学术活动中发挥着核心作用。

    Outsideness was put forward by Bakhtin in his early studies of philosophic anthropology and it played a major role in his academic activities which lasted for half a century .

  10. 人建立其“关系性”的能力也就是一种“神性”,因此,哲学人类学必然蕴涵着一种“神学”。

    The capacity of human race to establish their " relationship " is also a kind of divinity , therefore , philosophical anthropology must necessarily contain a kind of " theology " .

  11. M·舍勒的哲学人类学认为,独具精神是人区别于其他一切存在物的内在本质,而作为完整的人又是生命和精神的统一体。

    Philosophical anthropology by Mark & # 8226 ; Scheler thinks that Spirit is the unique nature that distinguishes man from other beings and a complete man is a unity of life and Spirit .

  12. 这种将人类的道德关怀扩展到自然的理论主张,实质上是追问人的本质的哲学人类学传统在当代的复兴,是人类道德进化史中的第三次超越。

    The opinion of moral expansion of human beings into nature is the modern renaissance of philosophical anthropology which research into the essence of human beings . It is the third transcension of human morality .

  13. 英伽登的价值研究是以人为根本的,他始终关注人的问题,并以哲学人类学的研究作为价值论的基础,人及其作为主体的意识行为是理解英伽登审美价值论的重要线索。

    He is always concerned about problems of human , and take philosophical anthropology research as the basis of value theory . Human and their consciousness behavior is the important clues to understand aesthetic value theory .

  14. 它不但首次提出了完整的生命三要素理论及其功能运作模式,而且其“神主形从”的生命建构原则实现了与现代哲学人类学的理论契合;

    It , for the first time , puts forward a complete theory concerning the three elements and their functional patterns of life , and its constructive principle of life is accordant to the modern philosophical anthropology theory .

  15. 哲学人类学从人与动物的根本区别入手,揭示人的生物和文化等特性,强调人与人、人与自己、人与自然之间的深层合理关系,并力图确立完整人的概念。

    Based on the basic difference between human and animal , philosophical anthropology points out the peculiarity of Men 's biology and culture , places emphasis on three relationship : Man and himself , Man and Man , Man and nature .

  16. 马克思完整的异化观不是劳动异化而是实践异化,在此基础上循着马克思异化观的哲学人类学思想维度,力图在一个更广阔的背景下重新反思异化的根源和历史效应。

    Marx 's complete view on alienation is not labor alienation , but that of practice . Following the ideological dimension of philosophical anthropology , this paper tries to rethink the origin and historical effect of alienation in a more wide background .

  17. 第八章,论述实践哲学人类学对于克服传统发展观的弊端、确立ZI.世纪以人为核心的总体现代化建设理论和新的发展观的重要意义。

    Chapter VIII elaborates on the significance of the practical philosophical anthropology in overcoming the disadvantages of traditional perspectives of development and establishing an overall modern theory of construction and a new perspective of development in the 21St century with man at its core .

  18. 在同被视为现代哲学人类学创立者的马克斯·舍勒的思想的对照中,可以说马克思的人学才是现代哲学人学的最早形态。从马克思的资本学说看近代西方的环境问题

    Contrasting the thought of Scheler , who is regarded as founder of modern philosophical anthropology , we can see that nothing but Marxist doctrine of man is the earliest form of modern philosophical anthropology . On the Environment Problem Based on Capital Theory of Karl Marx

  19. 诗歌具有哲学和人类学的思想高度。

    His poems are of a high level of thought in philosophy and anthropology .

  20. 我学习了雕塑、绘画、音乐、写作、英国文学、哲学和人类学。

    I was taking sculpture , drawing , music , writing , English literature , philosophy , anthropology .

  21. 为了讨论,本论文借鉴哲学、人类学等其他学术方面的知识来加以分析。

    This paper is to find it on reference to philosophy , anthropology and other disciplines of knowledge .

  22. 人工智能、心理学、语言学、哲学、人类学、神经系统科学和教育学都是其重要的组成部分。

    It includes as contributing disciplines : artificial intelligence , psychology , linguistics , philosophy , anthropology , neuroscience , and education .

  23. 对人类社会发展问题的研究,必须从文化的研究入手,通过哲学与人类学的结合建构当代的发展哲学。

    Researches on social development issues must start from cultural researches , constructing contemporary development philosophy through an integration of philosophy and anthropology .

  24. 文章从历史发展的纵向,从哲学和人类学研究的角度,探索人类学习活动的特点及其发展规律。

    Following the course of history , the article probes the features and developing rules of human being 's learning activities in perspectives of philosophy and anthropology .

  25. 它是一门跨学科的元学科,即它融合了逻辑学、语言学、哲学、人类学、心理学、社会学、美学等各个领域。

    It one interdisciplinary yuans of discipline , namely it merges such each field as logic , linguistics , philosophy , anthropology , psychology , sociology , aesthetics , etc.

  26. 依据了哲学、人类学、符号学等理论,对视觉文化在人类的艺术创作中所发挥的作用进行了简要的论述。

    In this chapter , we briefly discuss the function of visual culture in literary and artistic creation under the guidance of related theory of philosophy , anthropology , and semiology .

  27. 空间系统的研究涉及到自然科学以及人文社会科学的许多领域,如物理学和天文学、语言学、心理学、哲学和人类学等。

    Investigations into spatial systems concern a number of disciplines of natural science , social sciences and the humanities , such as physics , astronomy , linguistics , psychology , philosophy and anthropology .

  28. 不仅涉及医学,而且包罗天文学、地理学、哲学、人类学、社会学、军事学、数学、生态学等各项人类所获的科学成就。

    In this book is not only medical science involved , but the scientific accomplishments made by humans in philosophy , anthropology , sociology , strategics , mathematics , ecology and so on .

  29. 隐喻理论是当代认知语言学中最具代表性的理论之一,近几十年更是迅速发展为哲学、人类学、心理学、社会学、语言学和文学批评等众多学科的研究热点。

    Metaphor theory is one of the most representative theories in the contemporary cognitive linguistics . In recent decades , it has become a hot topic of philosophy , anthropology , psychology , sociology , linguistics and literary criticism , etc.

  30. 心理学、哲学、人类学、语言学和认知科学的发展为我们深入认识和理解语言与思维的关系提供了新的研究视角,隐喻和隐喻思维就是这样一种可能带来启发性意义的视角。

    The development of psychology , philosophy , anthropology , linguistics and cognitive sciences has furnished us with new perspectives to look at the relationship between language and thought . Metaphor and metaphorical thinking is just one of these significant perspectives we can take .