
shào bīng
  • sentinel;sentry;guard;picket
哨兵 [shào bīng]
  • [sentinel] 站岗、放哨、巡逻、稽查的士兵

哨兵[shào bīng]
  1. 每个大门有一名哨兵站岗。

    A sentry was on guard at each of the gates .

  2. 哨兵喝问:“站住!什么人?”

    A sentry gave the challenge ," halt ! who goes there ?"

  3. C连的哨兵就在前头。

    C Company 's sentries were just ahead .

  4. 他从未能够通过边防哨兵的检查。

    He was never able to get past the border guards .

  5. 哨兵不让没有通行证的人通过大门。

    The guard won 't let anyone through the gate without a pass .

  6. 我们在军营的大门口布置哨兵。

    We posted sentries at the gates of the camp .

  7. 我们由哨兵守卫,以免遭受突袭。

    We were guarded by sentries against surprise attack .

  8. 术中哨兵淋巴结(SN)冰冻病理学检查的准确率934%。

    The accuracy rate of intraoperative frozen-section examination of SN was 93.4 % .

  9. 在本例中,我们实现了一个类似的JDBC结果解析器,它通过以一个哨兵值XML标示的XML参数使用几个已命名语句和位置参数。

    In this sample , we implemented a similar JDBC results resolver that uses named statements and positional parameters with the XML parameter denoted a sentinel value of XML .

  10. 目的研究乳腺癌患者腋窝非哨兵淋巴结(non-SentinelLymphNode,NSLN)跳跃式转移的相关临床病理因素。

    Objective To investigate the related clinical pathological factors of breast carcinoma with skip metastasis to non sentinel lymph node ( NSLN ) .

  11. 逆转录环介导等温扩增CK-19基因判断乳腺癌哨兵淋巴结转移的研究

    The Research of Reverse Transcriptase-loop Mediated Isothermal Amplifying CK-19 Judge Breast Cancer Sentinel Lymph Node Metastasis

  12. 目的寻找术中注射生物染料检测乳腺癌哨兵淋巴结(SentinelLymphNode,SLN)方法,并研究哨兵淋巴结活检(SentinelLymphNodeBiopsy,SLNB)预测腋窝淋巴结状况的准确性。

    Objective To study the method of biological dye injection for detecting sentinel lymph node ( SLN ) in breast cancer , and explore the accuracy of evaluating axillary lymph node status by SLN biopsy ( SLNB ) .

  13. 目的推荐腋窝哨兵淋巴结定位活检术(SLND)。

    Objective To recommend the armpit sentry lymphaden positioned living inspection ( SLND ) .

  14. 借助于面向Agent的软件开发方法学ODAM,对机器人哨兵系统的需求进行了高层的建模和分析,定义了系统的组织场景,角色交互模型,角色行为模型和角色变迁模型。

    Gives the modeling and analysis of the robot guard system , and defines the organization scene of the system , roles exchange model , role behavior model and role transition model based on the agent-oriented methodology ODAM . 4 .

  15. A.J.杰恩是迪士尼奇幻王国外面的大佛罗里达温泉度假酒店的一名游客,他接受《奥兰多哨兵报》采访表示,早些时候他曾和自己的孩子就是在同一片水边空地玩耍的。

    A.J. Jain , a guest at The Grand Floridian right outside Disney 's Magic Kingdom , told the Sentinel that he and his children were playing at the same beach earlier .

  16. 目的:探讨乳癌患者哨兵淋巴结组织学状态同腋窝淋巴结状况的一致性及哨兵淋巴结活检替代腋窝(SLN)(SLNB)淋巴结清扫的可行性。

    Objective : To study the consistency between the histological status of the sentinel lymph nodes ( SLN ) and the axillary lymph nodes , and the possibility of using sentinel lymph node biopsy ( SLNB ) to substitute routine axillary clearance .

  17. 这个哨兵呆在他的哨亭里以躲避风寒。

    The sentry stayed in his box to avoid the cold .

  18. 大厅里有没有哨兵

    Now , do they have any sentries in the hall --

  19. 一种新型无源探测与跟踪雷达系统&沉默哨兵

    Silent Sentry : a Novel Passive Detecting and Tracking Radar System

  20. 执勤的哨兵和一名持枪者对峙。

    The guard on duty was confronted by an armed man .

  21. 在去农场的所有路上都布置了哨兵。

    Sentinels were placed at all the approaches to the farm .

  22. 乳腺癌哨兵淋巴结检出相关临床和组织学因素

    Clinical and histological factors associated with sentinel node identification in breast cancer

  23. 普通小哨兵还原卡在局域网中的应用探索

    The Exploration and Application of XSB Restoration Card Based Upon the LAN

  24. 乳腺癌哨兵淋巴结活检的临床和实验研究

    Clinical and Experimental Study on Sentinel Lymph Nodes Biopsy of Breast Carcinoma

  25. 已多次发现该哨兵在值勤时睡觉。

    The sentry has been found sleeping at his post many times .

  26. 哨兵止杈:而我们再也不会重复这过错。

    Sentinel Stillbough : And we would not see those mistakes repeated .

  27. 我的哨兵传达,他未再前进。

    My scouts tell me that he has not advanced .

  28. 哨兵隔一定的时间从一个地方巡视到另一地方。

    The guard traveled from one place to another at regular intervals .

  29. 哨兵发出的止步命令,并问来者是谁

    Order given by a sentry to stop and say who one is

  30. 哨兵止杈:等宣吧。

    Sentinel Stillbough : You must wait for an audience .