
gē tè shì
  • Gothic
哥特式[gē tè shì]
  1. 这些形象属哥特式或者拜占庭式而非古典式。

    The images were Gothic or Byzantine rather than classical .

  2. 故事从一个哥特式悲剧升华为神奇的童话。

    The story ascends from a gothic tragedy to a miraculous fairy-tale .

  3. 那座大教堂最终于1490年建成,但其哥特式风格的正面一直未能完工。

    The cathedral was eventually completed in 1490 , though the Gothic facade remains unfinished

  4. 布拉卡那幢紧靠斯隆广场的房子是他喜好哥特式建筑的一个证据。

    Braka 's house , just off Sloane Square , is a testament to his Gothic tastes

  5. 那座哥特式大教堂吸引着世界各地的游客。

    The Gothic cathedral attracts visitors from all around the world .

  6. 这是哥特式建筑的典型样式。

    It is a classic style of Gothic buildings .

  7. 哥特式建筑,尤其是其发展的后期,以轻灵和高耸的尖顶为标志

    GOTHIC_BUTTRESSES_DESC ; Gothic construction , particularly in its later phase , is characterized by lightness and soaring spaces .

  8. 电影《所见所闻》改编自伊丽莎白·布伦代奇所著的哥特式小说,阿曼达·塞弗里德在片中饰演和丈夫(詹姆斯·诺顿饰演)一起从曼哈顿搬到哈德逊河谷乡村的艺术家,但很快她开始担心自己的新房子受到了诅咒。

    Adapted from a gothic novel by Elizabeth Brundage , Things Heard and Seen stars Amanda Seyfried as an artist who moves from Manhattan to rural Hudson Valley with her husband , James Norton , but soon fears that her new house is cursed .

  9. SunChen:哥特式风格gothicstyle.伦敦大火烧毁了以前的教堂。

    Helen : The old St Paul 's Cathedral was in the old Gothic style .

  10. 此外,林林总总哥特式和殖民复兴风格(ColonialRevival)的建筑都带有一种颇为讨喜的怪诞感,令人啧啧称奇。

    Many other Gothic and Colonial Revival structures have delightful quirks and surprises .

  11. 可能是因为柯南·道尔的哥特式怪兽未能获评X级片感到失望,汉默公司于是转而寻找其他怪兽以支撑他们日渐高涨的恐怖片名声。

    Possibly dismayed that they 'd failed to gain an X Certificate for their version of Conan Doyle 's gothic creeper , Hammer now went in search of other beasts to bolster their growing horror reputation .

  12. 科隆大教堂(CologneCathedral)是世界上最完美的哥特式教堂,位于德国科隆市中心的莱茵河畔。

    Cologne Cathedral is the world 's most perfect Gothic-style church , located in downtown Cologne , Germany , the Rhine River .

  13. 然而,从事酒店开发的自然疗养(NaturalRetreats)公司给这里增添了不少吸引力,他们建了一座哥特式旅馆,在旁边又加了几座北欧式木屋。

    But Natural Retreats , a hotel development company , has made the place much more appealing by taking a Gothic-style inn and adding several Nordic-style wooden houses onto the side .

  14. 在河的左岸,城堡和哥特式圣维特大教堂(St.Vitus'sCathedral)旋转跃入天空。

    On the left bank of the river , the castle and the Gothic pirouettes of St Vitus 's cathedral leap into the sky .

  15. 他喜欢显摆肯尼迪总统窄小的床(橡木床头板雕成哥特式风格)和步入式衣帽间的抽屉,肯尼迪家族的女性家长罗丝(RoseKennedy)在抽屉上一笔一画地标注上了黑色内衣。

    He likes to show off President Kennedy 's narrow bed with its carved Gothic oak headboard and a walk-in closet drawer labeled in the careful script of matriarch Rose Kennedy ' black underwear . '

  16. 中央电视台(CCTV)最近访问了这个学院,并采访了校长甄忠义。甄忠义说,校园设计仅仅是汲取了欧洲哥特式建筑的风格;

    State broadcaster CCTV paid a recent visit to the campus and spoke to the principal , Zhen Zhongyi , who said that the campus 's design was based merely on European Gothic architecture ;

  17. 就餐的餐厅恰好也在宏伟的哥特式大教堂兰斯主教座堂(Notre-DamedeReims)附近,大多数的法国国王都是在这座教堂里加冕登基的。

    The restaurant also happens to be just around the corner from the magnificent Gothic cathedral of Notre-Dame-de-Reims , where most of the kings of France were coronated .

  18. 十二岁时埃利斯第一次读艾米莉·勃朗特(EmilyBrontë)的这本哥特式浪漫小说,她立刻身陷其中,欲罢不能,从此每当生日前夕,埃利斯就要重读这本书。

    She was 12 when she first read Emily Bront ë " s gothic romance , and without fail , she 's returned to it annually in the run-up to her birthday .

  19. 本人曾流连忘返于莫拉村建于14世纪的SantaMarialaMayor教堂、一座恢宏的哥特式风格的谷仓以及灰褐色石头盖成的雄伟城堡,它与《权力的游戏》(GameofThrones)中的城堡相比也丝毫不逊色。

    I have been enchanted by Mora 's 14th-century church of Santa Maria la Mayor , a glorious Gothic barn , and the village 's mighty castle in dust-coloured stone , which would not look out of place in Game of Thrones .

  20. 人们期待它的部分原因是亚历克斯•麦克道尔(AlexMcDowell)精致的制作设计。在他的设计中,氪星文明受到跨宇宙的哥特式和高迪式潮流的影响,但是大多修饰得比较阴暗。

    The promise lies partly in Alex McDowell 's elegant production design , which suggests that Krypton 's civilization was influenced by cross-cosmos currents of Gothic and Gaud í, but mainly in the darkly revisionist premise .

  21. 在露台上,我的身后是旧城的哥特式和巴洛克式尖塔,我看到了楼下的斯瓦特普鲁克·切赫桥(SvatoplukCechBridge),卡夫卡在那居住时,这座新艺术风格的桥才建成没几年。

    From the outdoor terrace , with the Gothic and Baroque spires of Old Town at my back , I looked down at Svatopluk Cech Bridge , an Art Nouveau span that would have been only a few years old when the writer lived there .

  22. 1958年,我的母亲住进了霍洛威疗养院(HollowaySanatorium),那是一座庞大的建筑,是19世纪大亨托马斯·霍洛威(ThomasHolloway)的维多利亚哥特式幻想,此人通过出售可疑的药用配剂积累了财富。

    In 1958 , my mother was admitted to the Holloway Sanatorium , the sprawling Victorian Gothic fantasy of a 19th-century tycoon , Thomas Holloway , who amassed a fortune through the sale of dubious medicinal concoctions .

  23. 爱伦·坡;哥特式小说;象征主义;恐怖效果;

    Allan Poe ; Gothic stories ; symbolism ; horror effect ;

  24. 基督教信仰是哥特式教堂建筑艺术风格的灵魂。

    Christian belief is the soul of the Gothic artistic style .

  25. 154例无牙颌患者哥特式弓口内描记法描记图形分析与分类

    Classification and reading of gothic arch tracing of 154 edentulous patients

  26. 爱伦·坡及其小说《黑猫》中的哥特式特征

    Allan Poe and the Gothic feature of his novel Black Cat

  27. 论凯瑟《我的安东尼娅》中哥特式手法的作用

    On the Function of Goethean Writing in Cather 's My Antonia

  28. 哥特式艺术的最高成就体现在建筑方面。

    Gothic art of the highest achievements in the construction area .

  29. 哥特式建筑风格代表了欧洲中世纪艺术的最高成就。

    Gothic-style architecture represents the highest achievements of European medieval art .

  30. 论哥特式教堂彩绘镶嵌玻璃窗艺术产生之原因

    On the Cause of Emergence of Stained-Glass Window in Gothic Churches