- 网络Gottingen;Goettingen;g ttingen;Gttingen

He studied at the universities of Gottingen , Zurich and Bonn , and wrote a doctoral thesis on the philosophy of Schelling .
Five years later he went to Gottingen University in Germany as an exchange student , majoring in Sanskrit and lesser-known ancient languages like Pali .
The Swiss logician P. Bernays , a close associate of Hilbert , and another exile from Gttingen , had returned to Z ü rich .
Prof Nayernia , originally from Iran , started his synthetic sperm research at georg-august University in G ttingen using mouse stem cells and adult human stem cells .
But as 1933 closed , that centre was a gaping , jagged hole , with Hilbert 's Gttingen ruined .
He accepts an invitation to speak at Gttingen University , essentially , a dress rehearsal for the Prussian Academy .
In any case , it was becoming more and more clear that Princeton was the new G ? ttingen ;
As Hilbert died at G ? ttingen on 14 February 1943 , a new kind of applied logic was taking shape .
One purpose of the trip was to visit Gttingen , where Alan consulted some authority , presumably in connection with the Central Limit Theorem .
Budapest Janos became Gttingen Johann , one of Hilbert 's disciples , and then in 1933 became Princeton Johnny , adopting English as his fourth language .
Pauli was an Austrian who did his PhD under Sommerfeld in Munich and then post-doced with Max Born in Gottingen and also with Niels Bohr in Copenhagen .
His father had hopes that he would go to Gottingen and study with Gauss , but Janos received a military education at the imperial engineering academy in Vienna .
Titchmarsh had employed a certain approximation which , rather romantically , had been exhumed from Riemann 's own papers at Gttingen where it had lain for seventy years .
Courant and Weyl , with von Neumann , covered the whole mainstream of pure and applied mathematics , bringing something of Hilbert 's Gttingen to life again on the western shore .
In the following year , having unfortunately been supplied with funds by the Wedgwoods , he went to Gottingen and became engulfed in Kant , which did not improve his verse .
BERLIN ( Reuters ) - Police investigating a complaint about a van disrupting morning traffic on Monday in the German city of Goettingen were surprised to discover a5-year-old boy behind the wheel .
Men and women both turn to work to fill the void when they have sex less than once a week , according to a survey of32,000 people by the University of Gottingen in Germany .
The concentration distribution of gaseous nitric acid on different heights of canopy had been measured at Gottingen forest from May to December , 1987 . The atmospheric diffusion efficiency in the forest was measured simultaneously .
Nikolaus Pevsner , who was born in1902 into a cultured , bourgeois Jewish family in Leipzig , was forced to abandon a promising academic career as an art historian in G ö tt ingen in1933 .
In this area the work of Eddington , and of others such as P.A.M. Dirac , placed Cambridge second only to G ? ttingen , where much of the new theory of quantum mechanics had been forged .