
hā léi huì xīng
  • Halley's Comet;the Halley Comet;Halleys comet
哈雷彗星 [hā léi huì xīng]
  • [Halleys comet;the Halley Comet] 太阳系的一个成员,其轨道运行周期约76年,彗星核半径估计约15公里,最近一次在1986年出现

哈雷彗星[hā léi huì xīng]
  1. 哈雷彗星将于2061年回归。

    Halley 's Comet is going to come back in 2061 .

  2. 1910年5月,全美国人民都笼罩在一片对哈雷彗星的恐慌之下,如处于太空时代般躁动不安。

    And in May of 1910 folks all over the nation were in a space-age state of turmoil over Halley 's Comet .

  3. Vega飞船对哈雷彗星的电视观测

    Television Observations of Comet Halley from Vega Spacecraft

  4. 我们使用云南天文台1米RCC望远镜和卡焦摄谱仪,取得了7张长狭缝光谱。这是我国唯一的一组哈雷彗星长狭缝光谱。

    U. , respectively , we made some long-slit spectral observations using the Cassegrain spectrograph attached to the 1-m RCC telescope of Yunnan Observatory .

  5. 张钰哲研究小行星的光变曲线和旋转、CZ仙后座变星以及哈雷彗星轨道的变化。

    He studied the light curves of asteroids and thus their rotation , and also studied the variable star CZ Cassiopeiae , and the evolution of the orbit of Comet Halley .

  6. 本文先概述国际哈雷彗星联测(IHW)的计划;

    In this paper , the plan of the International Halley-Watch ( IHW ) is introduced briefly .

  7. 而当哈雷彗星第二次过近地点时期,利用M24微机数据采集系统,对该彗星进行追踪观测。得到在此期间哈雷彗星21厘米射电连续辐射强度的上限为2.22Jy(5σ)。

    The upper limit of the intensity of the 21-cm wavelength continuous radiation of Halley 's Comet is 2.22 Jy ( 5 σ) .

  8. 《自然哲学的数学原理》是一本物理学史上首屈一指的鸿篇巨制,一部描述运动规律和万有引力的鸿篇巨著。为此,艾德蒙德·哈雷(EdmundHalley)给予了鼎力资助,次年这一巨著终于呈现在世人面前。艾德蒙德·哈雷本人因发现哈雷彗星而名垂青史。

    That the most important volume in the history of physics , which described the laws of motion and of gravity , saw the light of day the next year was , in the end , due to the deep pockets of Edmund Halley , of comet fame .

  9. 英国天文学家J.R.海德曾经使用这些数据计算哈雷彗星的运行轨道,他发现,彗星运行轨道角度呈变小趋势:在汉代,角度为1700,到19世纪中叶,则减至1610。

    R. Hind , a British astronomer , once usedthese continuous data to calculate the orbit of Halley 's Comet , and discovered that the angle of the orbit showed a narrowing trend.In the Han Dynasty , it was 170 degrees , but it nar-rowed down t0 161 degrees in the mid-9th century .

  10. 一次哈雷彗星爆发现象的观测和分析

    Observation and Analysis for the Outburst of the Halley 's Comet

  11. 哈雷彗星的四轴跟踪预报

    The Prediction of the Four-Axis - Tracking for Halley 's Comet

  12. 哈雷彗星每七十六年经过地球一次。

    Halley 's comet visits the Earth once in 76 years .

  13. 在1986年3月哈雷彗星可能发生了彗核分裂

    Possible Nucleus Splitting of Halley 's Comet in March , 1986

  14. 哈雷彗星等离子体彗尾亮度分布的理论分析

    Theoretical analysis of brightness profiles for plasma tail of Comet Halley

  15. 是一颗绝对独特的星,我的哈雷彗星

    A completely unique constellation of attributes . My Halley 's comet .

  16. 看看这张图,你们可以看到哈雷彗星。

    Look at the chart , you 'll see halley 's comet .

  17. 哈雷彗星的羟基射电谱线观测

    Radio Observations of the OH line in Comet Halley

  18. 上海天文台25米射电望远镜哈雷彗星射电观测

    Sadio Observation of Comet Halley with the 25m Radio Telescope of Shanghai Observatory

  19. 哈雷彗星观测望远镜的跟踪电路

    The Control Circuit of the Telescope for the Observation of Halley 's Comet

  20. 哈雷彗星的轨道演变的趋势和它的古代历史

    The tendency in orbital evolution of halley 's comet and its ancient history

  21. 哈雷彗星掩星观测

    The observation of occultation by the Comet Halley

  22. 在兰州首次观测哈雷彗星

    Comet Halley First Observed and Photoed in Lanzhou

  23. 是雅典,希腊,火星,南极洲还是哈雷彗星上?

    Is it in Athens , Greece , Mars , Antarctica or Haley'c Comet ?

  24. 哈雷彗星和晚型星系统内羟基源观测特性的探讨

    Study of observing properties of Oh sources in Halleys comet and late-type star systems

  25. 哈雷彗星1986年光谱的谱线证认

    Spectral line identification of halley 's comet in 1986 on line the story of year

  26. 是我的哈雷彗星

    She was my Halley 's comet .

  27. 哈雷彗星1985/86回归期间大尺度现象观测

    Observations of Large-Scale Phenomena During 1985 / 86 Apparition of Comet Halley at Yunnan Observatory

  28. 哈雷彗星的彗核分裂

    The Splitting of Comet Halley 1986

  29. 在中国古代哪本编年史书中留下了关于哈雷彗星最早的记载?

    Which annalistic style book in ancient China leaving the earliest record about Halley 's Comet ?

  30. 而哈雷彗星及其同类彗星则来自遥远的奥尔特彗星云。

    Halley and its ilk came from a distant swarm of comets called the Oort Cloud .