
hā lǐ fā
  • caliph
  1. 又要让哈里发演示该如何战斗?

    Yet again the Caliph must show you how to fight ?

  2. 老乞丐扑倒在哈里发的脚下。

    The old beggar threw himself at the Caliph 's feet .

  3. ISIS认为,建立地方控制来发扬哈里发政权是必要的。

    ISIS believes that it is necessary to establish territorial control and promote a Caliphate .

  4. 但自封为恐怖哈里发国的ISIS让两个教派面临共同的挑战。

    But the self-declared caliphate of terror known as Isis presents them with a common challenge .

  5. 自从ISIS建立了哈里发政权来表明自己是全球穆斯林教徒的合法统治者,他们就已经给自己戴上了手铐。

    Once ISIS claimed to be the legitimate leaders of all Muslims worldwide by declaring the caliphate they tied their own hands .

  6. ISIS认为,2014年新哈里发政权的建立意味着伊斯兰的真正存在,而这也是1000年来的第一次。

    ISIS believe that the declaration of the new Caliphate in 2014 was the first time in 1000 years that true Islam actually existed .

  7. 唯一的线索可能就是考古学家发现的印有“希沙姆”字样的陶器。Baramki的同事RobertW.Hamilton解释说,宫殿应该属于哈里发瓦利德二世的继承人。

    The only hint archaeologists have found is a chunk of pottery bearing the name " Hisham . " Baramki 's colleague , Robert W. Hamilton , has argued that this is proof that the palace belonged to the heir of the caliph , Al-Walid II .

  8. 四大哈里发时期阿拉伯军事伦理思想解读

    Research on the Arab Military Ethical Idea in the Four-great-caliph Period

  9. 929年的今天,科尔多瓦埃米尔阿卜杜勒·拉赫曼三世建立科尔多瓦哈里发国。

    929 – Emir Abd-ar-Rahman III established the Caliphate of Cordoba .

  10. 穆斯林哈里发有时还会有基督徒的妻子或母亲。

    Sometimes Muslim caliphs would have Christian wives or mothers .

  11. 在那里被巴格达哈里发雇为雇佣军。

    As mercenaries by the Baghdad caliphs .

  12. 四大哈里发时期是阿拉伯军事伦理思想形成的关键时期。

    The four-great-caliph period was an important time to formative the military ethical idea of Arab .

  13. 突厥将领握有军权,专横跋扈,任意废立甚至杀害哈里发。

    Turkish generals hold military power , arbitrary Bahu , arbitrary killings and even repeal legislation Khalifa .

  14. 新生的埃及人涌向开罗的解放广场,他们需要的是权利,而不是一个哈里发这样的统治者。

    When young Egyptians crowded into Cairo 's Tahrir Square , they wanted rights , not a caliph .

  15. 哈里发必须每年至少进行一次圣战,不得接受任何国际边界的划定。

    The caliph must engage in jihad once a year as a minimum and may not accept any international borders .

  16. 大多数穆斯林神职人员,甚至是那些拥护极端主义的人,对哈里发的建立并不满意。

    Most Muslim clerics , even those who espouse other extremist positions , are unhappy about the declaration of the caliphate .

  17. 地点:南京绿地洲际酒店76层,凌霄中餐厅哈里发厅,南京市鼓楼区中央路1号。

    Venue : Intercontinental Nanjing , 76F , Khalifa Room , Summit Restaurant , No.1 Zhongyang Road , Gulou District , Nanjing .

  18. 珐蒂玛是穆罕默德教祖的小女儿,也是第四世哈里发阿里的妻子。

    Fatima was the youngest daughter of the Prophet Mohammed and was also the wife of the fourth muslira caliph , ali .

  19. 随着哈里发王权的瓦解,萨拉丁就自封为埃及的统治者,但仍附属于关系疏远的努尔丁。

    With the Caliphate gone Saladin now found himself the ruler of Egypt , though still a subordinate of the distant Nur al-Din .

  20. 但该组织似乎的确在限制开支,这也许会令它难以行使其自称要建立的哈里发国的职能。

    But the group does seem to be restricting spending , potentially making it difficult to function like the caliphate it claims to be building .

  21. 哈里发塔用了近6年时间方才建成,远大集团则希望以大约一天两层的速度建起这栋220层的摩天大楼。

    While the Burj took nearly six years to complete , broad wants to build its 220-storey skyscraper at a rate of about two storeys a day .

  22. 谢尔库赫在乡间基本上处于闲置状态,未能袭击围攻亚历山大的军队或控制着法蒂玛哈里发的开罗守军。

    Shirkuh remained largely inactive in the countryside , failing to attack either the besieging army or the garrisoned city of Cairo , which held the Fatimid Caliph .

  23. 我向你引述的,《可兰经》的同一章谈到了人类,是上帝在地球上的阿布和哈里发。

    I think that the same chapter that I quoted to you of the holy Koran talks about human beings being Abus and Khalifah of God on earth .

  24. 在旅游和普瓦捷期间,一个军队的法兰克人和勃艮第人以查理马特尔的力量打败了倭马亚哈里发,现在战斗的地方下落不明。

    Fought somewhere , now precisely unknown , between Tours and Poitiers , an army of Franks and Burgundians under Charles Martel defeated the forces of the Umayyad Caliphate .

  25. 对知识的好奇不仅使他热情地支持基督教学者,而且与穆斯林巴格达的哈里发进行友好的通讯往来。穆斯林波斯尼亚人组织(穆波人组织)

    His intellectual curiosity led him not only into an enthusiastic support of the Church 's scholars , but also into a friendly correspondence with the Moslem Caliph of Baghdad .

  26. 从唐纳德.特朗普在美国大选中获胜到英国脱欧和中东新哈里发的崛起,紧张局势可能会继续恶化,然后才有望好转。

    From Donald Trump 's triumph to Brexit and the rise of a new caliphate in the Middle East , the tension is likely to get worse before it gets better .

  27. 沙瓦尔以焚城回应了还未夺得福斯塔特并将其作为反开罗(哈里发所在地,埃及事实上的首都)基地的阿马尔里克。

    Shawar responded by burning the city before Amalric could take it and use it as a base against Cairo ( the Caliph 's city and de facto capital of Egypt ) .

  28. 在同阿巴斯的会谈中,哈里发反复强调他的国家对巴勒斯坦人民和阿巴斯领导的权威机构不变的支持。

    During his meeting with Abbas , Sheikh Khalifa reiterated his country 's " firm " stance in the support of the Palestinian people as well as the PNA led by Abbas .

  29. 哈里发甚至不可能考虑与联合国交战或者谈判,因为在伊斯兰强硬路线下,只能接受神赐权威。

    The caliph may not even engage with the UN and negotiate as this would be considered , in a hardline interpretation of Islam as accepting an authority other than that given by God .

  30. 伊玛丁记载说,在谢尔库赫的短暂哀悼期内,埃及宫廷经历了“意见不一”,赞吉埃米尔们此后选择了萨拉丁并迫使哈里发“任命他为维齐尔”。

    " Imad ad-Din wrote that after the brief mourning period of Shirkuh , during which " opinions differed ", the Zengid emirs decided upon Saladin and forced the caliph to " invest him as vizier .