
  • 网络harman;Hamann;JBL;Sidney Harman
  1. 包利华是哈曼国际(HarmanInternational)首席执行官、总裁兼董事长,该公司是一家全球性的音响与电子设备制造商。

    Dinesh Paliwal , is the CEO , president and chairman of Harman International , a global manufacturer of audio and electronic equipment .

  2. P9配备了高端相机公司徕卡(Leicas)的摄像头,华为的一款智能手表镶嵌了施华洛世奇(Swarovski)的宝石,华为的平板设备采用了哈曼卡顿(HarmanKardon)音效。

    High-end camera companyLeica endorsed the P9 camera , one of the company 's smartwatches isencrusted with Swarovski crystal and Harman Kardon audio is used for Huawei 's tabletdevice .

  3. 有些投入到了由布拉特设立、现在由哈曼先生监管的项目“目标”(Goal)里。

    Some of this went into Goal , a programme set up by Mr Blatter that is now overseen by Mr Bin Hammam .

  4. 国际足联另外一名执行委员哈曼(MohamedBinHammam)也牵涉其中。

    Another Fifa executive committee member , Mohamed Bin Hammam , was also implicated .

  5. 此前退出总统竞选的哈曼(MohamedBinHammam)是亚足联主席。

    Mohamed Bin Hammam , who had earlier pulled out of the presidential race , is the head of the Asian confederation .

  6. 国际足联道德委员会在苏黎世召开会议称,亚足联主席哈曼(MohamedBinHammam)和国际足联副主席杰克•华纳(JackWarner)必须出庭受审。

    Fifa 's ethics committee meeting in Zurich said the head of Asian football , Mohamed Bin Hammam , and Fifa vice president Jack Warner had a case to answer .

  7. 交付和遗产最高委员会否认了泰晤士报的全部指控,事实上,委员会称哈曼[MohamedBinHammam]在卡塔尔获得2022年举办权的过程中并没有担任任何官方或非官方的角色。

    The Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy strongly denies all the wrongdoings alleged by the Sunday Times . In fact , they say that Mohamed Bin Hammam played no official or unofficial role in securing the bid for Qatar in 2022 .

  8. 世界足球管理机构,即国际足联开始对主席塞普•布拉特(SeppBlatter)进行道德审查程序。这是由于竞选足联主席的对手哈曼(MohamedBinHammam)的煽动。

    The governing body of world football , Fifa , has opened ethics proceedings against its president Sepp Blatter at the instigation of his rival for the Fifa leadership Mohamed Bin Hammam .

  9. 你们在哈曼街上就只是这样而已?

    So that 's what you were doing on harmon road ?

  10. 哈曼在王和王后面前就甚惊惶。

    Then Haman was afraid before the king and the queen .

  11. 哈曼怒气冲冲地回家,心情极其沮丧。

    Haman went home in a towering rage , absolutely frustrated .

  12. 哈曼说不会再有媒体访问。

    Hartman says there won 't be any more media interviews .

  13. 以斯帖派末底改管理哈曼的家产。

    And Esther set Mordecai over the house of Haman .

  14. 哈曼声称她是嫉妒的同事暗箭伤人的受害者。

    Harman claimed she was the victim of backstabbing by jealous colleagues .

  15. 这是连续两个赛季哈曼让博尔顿失望。

    This is the second successive season Hamann has let down Bolton .

  16. 哈曼的伦敦之行及其思想史意义

    Haman 's Journey to London and Its Significance in the History of Thoughts

  17. 王说,把哈曼挂在其上。

    Then the king said , Hang him thereon .

  18. 国际足联称哈曼和华纳如今将面临全面调查。

    FIFA says bin Hammam and Warner will now face a full FIFA inquiry .

  19. 1王和哈曼进去,与王后以斯帖一同宴饮。

    So the king and Haman went in to feast with Esther the queen .

  20. 我将球大脚开给了中场的埃里希?哈曼。

    I began it by spraying the ball out to Erich Hamann in midfield .

  21. 哈曼公司的帕克认为这一点非常有预见性。

    Harman 's Park thinks that 's prophetic .

  22. 国王带着哈曼来赴王后以斯帖的筵席。

    So the king and Haman came to take wine with Esther the queen .

  23. 于是人将哈曼挂在他为末底改所预备的木架上。

    So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai .

  24. 他会封哈曼为摄政王。

    He will appoint Haman as his regent .

  25. 于是王带着哈曼赴以斯帖所预备的筵席。

    So the king and Haman came to the feast which Esther had made ready .

  26. 这话一出王口,人就蒙了哈曼的脸。

    As the word went out of king 's mouth , they covered Haman 's face .

  27. 臣仆说,哈曼站在院内。

    And the king 's servants said unto him , Behold , Haman standeth in the court .

  28. 那时王与哈曼又同坐共饮,书珊城的居民却非常慌乱。

    And the king and Haman sat down to drink ; but the city Shushan was perplexed .

  29. 过了一会,他从御园回来,却看见哈曼求以斯帖救命。

    In a few minutes he returned , only to find Haman begging Esther for his life .

  30. 哈曼就进去。

    So Haman came in .