
  • 网络Hahn;Jaen;Jaén;HHN;Hilary Hahn
  1. 但是,由西班牙哈恩大学EvaristoBallesteros博士领衔的研究团队指出,这种技术同样可以用于其它类型食物的安全性检测。

    However , the scientists , led by Dr Evaristo Ballesteros , from the University of Jaen in Spain , say their technique could be used to check the safety of other types of food .

  2. Fuzzy集合上广义Fuzzy数值测度的哈恩分解

    Hahn Decomposition of Signed Fuzzy Number-valued Measures on the Fuzzy Set

  3. 不过哈恩博士发现鳉鱼AHR的氨基酸链上有九处地方的环节在不同个体中存在差异。

    Dr Hahn has , however , found nine places along the amino-acid chain of killifish AHR where the link in the chain varies between individuals .

  4. 在纽约从事管理培训的哈恩(LiciaHahn)建议说,想想你能为新团队及其领导者提供什么。

    Think about what you have to offer to the new team and its leader , advises Licia Hahn , an executive coach in New York .

  5. 卡斯商学院(CassBusinessSchool)资深研究员彼得•哈恩(PeterHahn)表示:“现实是,银行股目前表现相对不错,如果这种状况持续下去,银行的奖金水平将再次提高,而近年来表现出的所有自律可能会丧失。”

    Peter Hahn , a senior fellow at Cass Business School , said : " The reality is that banks " shares have done relatively well , and should it continue , bonuses could come back up and all the discipline shown by the banks in recent years could be lost . "

  6. 哈恩还呼吁人们抵制卷入这起风波的科技企业。

    Hahn also called for a boycott of the companies involved .

  7. 当我看到爱米尔哈恩是公诉人。

    When I saw that Emil Hahn was the public prosecutor .

  8. 集值测度的哈恩分解

    Hahn Decompositions with Respect to Set-Valued Measures

  9. 现在,银行业完全是由一批错误的人在经营,哈恩教授表示。

    This industry is run by entirely the wrong people now , says Prof Hahn .

  10. 关于哈恩分解的一种方法

    A Method on The Hahn Decomposition

  11. 项目经理马祖巴•哈恩亚麻(MazubaHaanyama)表示,对许多人来说,学习曲线极为陡峭。

    For many , the learning curve is extremely steep , says programme manager Mazuba Haanyama .

  12. 但是哈恩上尉在这儿。

    But Captain Harn is here .

  13. 爱米尔哈恩会在场吗?

    Emil Hahn will be there ?

  14. 这是因为合并将使加德纳公司大大获益而对哈恩公司总的来说不利。

    This is because it would be a huge boost for Gardner Holdings but overall bad for Hahn .

  15. 受西方宏观经济学追求微观基础的潮流影响,哈恩难题和希克斯共存问题成为长期困挠货币经济学的两大理论难题。

    Influenced by the trend of searching micro-foundation for macroeconomics , Hahn 's Problem and Hick 's Coexistence Problem becomes the main two perplexing today 's monetary theories .

  16. 哈恩分解定理是整个广义测度理论的基础定理.本文给出这一定理的一个非常直观的新证明。

    Tile Hahn Decomposition Theorem is the basic one for the whole theory of signed measure . In this paper , we give a which is new proof of this theorem .

  17. 目前,哈恩每周的生活费为200欧元,房租一直靠母亲资助。他表示,在父母办完婚事后,他将用剩下的钱去读书并为自己买一张德国的火车通票。

    Hahn , who lives on200 euros a week and has his rent paid by his mother , said he wanted to use some of the rest of the cash to finance his studies and buy a rail pass , RTL said .