
  • 网络Hashtable;Hash table;hash
  1. 如果哈希表中没有与键值对应的名称,将返回null。

    If name does not correspond to a key in the hashtable , then null will simply be returned .

  2. 本例中,已搜索到SharedObject,并且name参数已用于从数据哈希表中搜索已存储的对象。

    In this case , the SharedObject is looked up , and the name parameter is used to look up the saved object from the data hashtable .

  3. 基于哈希表的分布式移动Agent的寻址机制

    A Distributed and Based on Hash Table Mobile Agent Addressing Mechanism

  4. 基于分布式哈希表对等网络的Web服务发现

    Web Service Discovery Based on DHT Peer-to-Peer Network

  5. 请注意,variablemap类在许多方面与哈希表非常相似。

    Note that the variable_map class resembles a hash table in many respects .

  6. 分布式哈希表[1](DistributedHashTable,DHT)是一种非常有前景的对等网络拓扑模型。

    Distributed Hash Table is a compellent peer-to-peer meshwork topology model .

  7. 基于哈希表的高性能URL过滤器研究

    High Performance URL Filter Based on Hash Table

  8. 这些覆盖网络利用分布式哈希表(DistributedHashTable,DHT)把关键字映射到覆盖网络的节点中。

    They provide a Distributed Hash Table ( DHT ) function for mapping keys to overlay nodes .

  9. 分布式哈希表算法,构建了P2P环境中的服务推举网络,并给出了服务选择的算法和框架。

    In this paper , we construct a scalable distributed referral network in P2P and propose a heuristic algorithm f.

  10. 目前,分布式哈希表(DHT)技术是结构化P2P网络中采用的主要技术。

    At present , Distributed Hash Table is applied in the structured technology .

  11. 本文提出了一种基于双计数布鲁姆过滤器的哈希表(Double-counterBloomfilteredHashTable,DBHT)。

    We propose a Double-counter Bloom filtered Hash Table ( DBHT ) .

  12. 这些结构化的P2P网络通常都基于分布式哈希表(DistributedHashTable,DHT),具有可扩展性好等特点。

    Generally , these structured P2P networks are based on DHT ( Distributed Hash Table ) and with the advantage of good scalability .

  13. 基于哈希表的DXF文件信息读取方法及其应用

    Method of Data-extraction from DXF Based on Hash Table and its Application

  14. 算法中还引入了哈希表和综合匹配法对SPECK算法进行了改进。

    Synthetic match and Hash table are introduced to improve SPECK .

  15. 结构化P2P网络使用分布式哈希表方法,具有较高的查询效率和良好的可扩展性,但是稳定性较差。

    Structured P2P uses DHT ( Distributed Hash Table ) method . It is outstanding in efficiency and scalability , but is of low stability .

  16. 分布哈希表(DHT)方法是结构化拓扑P2P系统实现资源定位的关键技术。

    Distributed hash table ( DHT ) scheme is the core technique to locate resources in structured peer-to-peer systems .

  17. 对于作为一个JavaScript哈希表编码的记录,JSON对象包含“id”字段和“name”字段。

    The JSON object includes both the " id " field and the " name " field for the record encoded as a JavaScript hash table .

  18. 结合P2P与Web服务语义描述技术,提出了一种基于分布式哈希表的非集中式Web服务发布与发现方法。

    This paper presents an approach for decentralized Web services publication and discovery based on distributed Hash table by combining peer to peer ( P2P ) networks and semantic description of Web services .

  19. 利用分布式哈希表,有结构的对等(peer-to-peer,简称P2P)网络具备了较短的路由长度和较好的扩展性。

    With the help of distributed Hash table , the structured P2P ( peer-to-peer ) network has a short routing path and good extensibility .

  20. 一种基于哈希表和Trie树的快速内容路由查找算法

    A fast content routing lookup algorithm on hash and trie tree basis

  21. Rails同时为许多其他对象提供了合理的blank?定义:true,false,空数组及哈希表,数值类型,甚至是Object类本身。

    Rails provides reasonable definitions of blank ? for several other objects too : true , false , empty arrays or hashes , numeric types , and even the Object class .

  22. 得不到响应时再将查询请求提交给节点组,在组哈希表(PartialHashTable)的指导下进行组内节点转发;

    If no response , the query is transferred to the peer group , and propagated within group peers under the instruction of the Partial Hash Table maintained by the group ;

  23. 当用户单击后退或前进按钮,或者加载一个加入书签的URL时,JavaScript代码查看哈希表并重新生成用户希望的视图。

    When users click the Back or Forward buttons or load a bookmarked URL , the JavaScript code sees the hash and regenerates the view they expect .

  24. 这个修订实际上是文档的MD5哈希表,由CouchDB自动添加。

    This revision is actually the MD5 hash of the document , automatically added by CouchDB .

  25. 提出了利用许可证的发布者和主体两维信息,采用分布哈希表和Hilbert曲线对许可证进行分布定位的新的许可证存储策略。

    In this paper , a new strategy to store certificates is put forward by using two-dimensional certificate information and Hilbert space filling curve .

  26. update&update方法接受一个整数ID,以指定要更新的行;或者接受一个字段哈希表,使用指定的值更新字段。

    Update & The update method takes an integer ID to specify the row to update , as well as a hash table of fields to update with the specified values .

  27. 由于params[:person]这个哈希表包含了所有输入表单中的名/值对,updateattributes的一次调用完成了更新@person实例所需要的所有工作。

    Since the params [ : person ] hash contains all the name / value pairs from the input form , a single call to update_attributes does everything necessary to update the @ person instance .

  28. Chord环是目前常见的一种基于分布式哈希表的P2Poverlay模型,在该模型上可承载即时通讯、语音、视频等多种业务。

    Chord is a common distributed hash table based P2P overlay model , there have many applications such as instant message , voice and video stream on this model .

  29. 结构化P2P系统采用支持分布式哈希表(DHT)的路由算法,根据精确关键字进行对象的定位与发现。

    The structured P2P system adopts routing algorithms which support a distributed hash table ( DHT ) functionality , locates and searches data objects by precise keywords .

  30. 可以在概念上将哈希表认为是一系列的bucket,每个bucket所拥有的地址是通过应用哈希函数从键值导出的。

    You can think of a hash table conceptually as a series of buckets , each with an address that is derived form the key value by applying the hash function .