
  • 网络HABAKKUK;Habacuc;Ha-bakkuk
  1. 但这是大卫、约伯或是哈巴谷做过的吗?

    Is that what David , Job or Habakkuk did ?

  2. 申言者哈巴谷的祷告,调用流离歌。

    A prayer of Habakkuk the prophet in shigionoth .

  3. 先知哈巴谷所得的默示。

    The burden which Habakkuk the prophet did see .

  4. 谁会关于哈巴谷进行一系列的讲道?

    Who teaches a sermon series on Habakkuk ?

  5. 《旧约》中十二小先知之一,传统上认为是〈哈巴谷书〉的作者。

    One of the12 Minor Prophets of the Old Testament , traditional author of the Book of Habakkuk .

  6. 其实,两者只是时空不同罢了。迪拜世界与哈巴谷世界的症结,在于信心。

    The crux of the matter , both for Dubai World and Habakkuk 's world , is a matter of faith .

  7. 虔诚的我们想要因为哈巴谷信心的缺乏而责备他,还想告诉他安静点,神自有他的旨意。

    The pious in us want to scold Habakkuk for his lack of faith and tell him to be quiet and that God has a plan .

  8. 我们可以选择假装什么问题都没有地继续生活,也可以选择诚实地面对我们心中的疑惑,就像大卫、约伯和哈巴谷那样。

    We can just continue to go through life pretending we have everything together , or we can be honest as David , Job and Habakkuk were about our doubts .

  9. 再者,当经济学家将迪拜世界与雷曼兄弟作比时,我却看见我们今日世界与当日哈巴谷世界的可比性。

    Next , while economists are drawing parallels between Dubai World and Lehman Brothers , I am seeing more parallels between the world of today and the one Habakkuk lived in .

  10. 哈巴谷为耶路撒冷的毁灭痛彻心扉,我们则恐惧失去工作、财富及失却全球经济螺旋上升的希望。

    While Habakkuk anguished over the destruction of Jerusalem and we fear for the losing of jobs , wealth , and the spiraling global economy , in actuality , the difference could be a matter of time .