
hā jí
  • haji
  1. 据伊朗英文媒体《德黑兰时报》报道,他被当地人叫做“Amou哈吉”,“Amou”在法尔斯省方言中代表“善良老人”。

    Locally , he is known as Amou Haji . ' Amou " is the Farsi term of endearment for a kind old man , the The Tehran Times reports .

  2. “哈吉”是朝圣,是到麦加的宗教旅程。

    Hajj is a pilgrimage , a religious journey to Mecca .

  3. 绝大多数的年份里,有大约两百万人进行“哈吉”。

    Most years , about 2 million Muslims perform Hajj .

  4. 据报导,阿勒-哈吉从去年1月起进行绝食斗争。

    Al-Haj has reportedly participated in a hunger strike since January of last year .

  5. 阿勒-哈吉是星期四从关塔那摩送往苏丹的三人之一。

    Al-Haj is one of three men sent to Sudan from Guantanamo on Thursday .

  6. 他们因为一年一度的“哈吉”而聚集在麦加城。

    They are in the city of Mecca for an annual event called Hajj .

  7. 国家电视台的评论员表示,希望不久后哈吉侯赛因餐厅能在费卢杰重新开业。

    On state television , commentators expressed hope that Haji Hussein might reopen soon in Fallujah .

  8. 伊拉克政府军最近在费卢杰取得了一些战果,与此同时,人们几乎立刻开始谈论哈吉侯赛因餐厅。

    When Iraqi forces recently made gains inside Fallujah , people almost immediately began talking about Haji Hussein .

  9. 他进门后就坐在床边给睡着的哈吉马将起了故事。

    He came and sat on Hjalmar 's bed to tell him a story while he was asleep .

  10. 哈吉讨厌香皂和水,有人建议他洗澡,这让他很抓狂。

    Amou Haji has an aversion to soap and water and even the suggestion of a bath drives him crazy .

  11. 阿勒-哈吉的案子几年来一直引人注目,原因是他的记者职业。

    The case of Sami al-Haj has gotten considerable attention over the years because of his work as a journalist .

  12. 哈吉的最后是一个庆典,宰牲节会礼,由朝觐者一起祈祷庆祝。

    The end of the Hajj is marked by a festival , Eid Al-Adha , which is celebrated with prayers .

  13. 哈吉好像不在乎世界上的任何事物,他没什么可以失去,也没什么需要害怕。

    Haji doesn 't seem to have a care in the world and has nothing to lose and nothing to fear .

  14. 但是国防部发言人怀特曼说,阿勒-哈吉被拘留是因为他从事种种支持恐怖主义的活动。

    But the Pentagon spokesman , Bryan Whitman , says al-Haj was held for a variety of activities in support of terrorism .

  15. 而阿勒-哈吉对他的律师说,他是被强灌营养液的人之一,灌营养液是防止他们饿死。

    Al-Haj told his lawyer he was among those force fed a liquid dietary supplement to prevent them from dying of starvation .

  16. 其中一名叫哈吉.托里亚利的市民说,如果外国部队不能为人们提供安全,外国部队应该离开阿富汗,而政府也应该保证人民的安全。

    Toryali says says if the foreigners cannot provide security for the people-something the government must also ensure-then the foreigners should leave Afghanistan .

  17. 而在此之前,勒沃库森的胡安,卡里姆哈吉,斯滕曼和巴内塔也曾与意大利俱乐部接触过。

    While bayer 's juan , Karim haggui , Fredrik stenman and tranquillo Barnetta have also been linked with Italian clubs in the past .

  18. 托普卡匹博物馆先前同意向2012年1月大英博物馆的哈吉展览借出一件重要文物。

    The Topkapi Museum had agreed to an important loan for an exhibition about the Haj that the BM was planning for January 2012 .

  19. 由于加拉塔萨雷的新教练哈吉坚持球队不应该拥有任何租借而来的球员,因此因苏亚很有可能在半个赛季后就回归到安菲尔德。

    Liverpool could see Emiliano Insua make a shock return to the club after Galatasaray manager Gheorghe Hagi insisted he wanted no loan players in his squad .

  20. 似乎人人都在哈吉侯赛因餐厅吃过东西:当地人、士兵、游客,以及经由穿城而过的高速公路往返于巴格拉和安曼之间的商人。

    Everyone , it seemed , ate at Haji Hussein : locals , soldiers , tourists and businessmen traveling the Baghdad-to-Amman highway that runs through the city .

  21. 哈吉上一次洗澡要追溯到1954年,那时猫王的摇滚乐刚刚起步,国际照明委员会还在使用蒸汽机发动火车。

    Amous last wash was way back in 1954 when Elvis Presley just launching rock n roll and CIE was still using steam engines to pull its trains .

  22. “奥巴桑乔很高兴得到哈吉。穆罕默德。艾布。拜克勒被任命为新苏丹的消息。”索科特发言人说到。

    " Obasanjo has received with delight the news of the emergence of Alhaji Mohammadu Abubakar as the new Sultan of Sokoto ," the government said in a statement .

  23. 在伊朗法尔斯省的荒村附近的野外生活了数十年之后,哈吉的外表越来越像他周围的环境。

    After decades of living off the land near isolated village of Dejgah in the Southern Iranian province of Fars , he has now began to look like his surroundings .

  24. 哈吉长达60年不洗澡创造了史诗般的新纪录,此前曾有位66岁的印度老人辛格38年不洗澡。

    Haji 's epic avoidance of soap and water sets a new record , the previous one was held by 66-year-old Indian man , Kailash Singh , who had not taken a bath over 38 years .

  25. 作为欣欣向荣的巴格达餐饮业的后来者,它既供应烤肉,又为人们提供怀恋往昔的场地——曾几何时,拔腿前往费卢杰,去哈吉侯赛因餐厅吃午饭,对巴格达人而言是稀松平常的事情。

    A new entrant on the capital 's thriving restaurant scene , it offers great kebab and a dose of nostalgia for a time when Baghdadis thought nothing of zipping off to Fallujah for lunch at Haji Hussein .

  26. 他在哈吉马头顶上撑起一顶花雨伞,伞上画满图画。因为只有在花伞的笼罩下,孩子们才会梦见沙人儿讲的故事。

    He held over Hjalmar 's head a beautiful umbrella with many pictures on it , for it 's only when children are under the Sandman 's umbrella that they can hear what he says in their dreams .

  27. 马德新(1794-1874),清朝后期享誉云南的回族大阿洪,完成朝觐功课的哈吉,同时也是一位赫赫有名的大学者。

    Ma Dexin ( 1794-1874 ) was a famous great Muslim Akhund during the late period of the Qing Dynasty in Yunnan Province , and he also was an outstanding scholar who once made a pilgrimage to Mecca .

  28. 美国国防部说,他们认为星期四从关塔那摩拘留中心送往苏丹的前半岛电视台摄影师萨米.阿勒-哈吉仍然具有危险性,他们期望苏丹政府帮助确保此人不再重新参与恐怖主义活动。

    Al-Jazeera Cameraman Freed From Guantanamo The Pentagon says it believes a former al-Jazeera cameraman sent from the Guantanamo detention center to Sudan Thursday is still dangerous , and it expects the Sudanese government to help ensure he does not resume what the Pentagon says is his involvement in terrorism .

  29. 阿勒-哈吉从未受到正式起诉,但是确认他身份、最终又批准他被转送到关塔那摩的听证记录指控他把大笔现金转交给阿塞拜疆的某一组织,据说该组织支持在车臣和巴尔干的恐怖集团。

    Al-Haj was never formally charged , but transcripts of hearings at Guantanamo that determined his status , and eventually approved his transfer , allege he was a courier for large amounts of cash that went to an organization in Azerbaijan that allegedly provided support for terrorist groups in Chechnya and the Balkans .

  30. 五角大楼发言人怀特曼没提供释放萨米.阿勒-哈吉等人详细条件,但是他说,总的来说,有关条件涉及接收国答应给予人道待遇、并采取某些措施预防这些曾经被关押的人参与恐怖活动。

    Pentagon Spokesman Bryan Whitman would not give details of the conditions for the release of Sami al-Haj or the other detainees , but he says in general the conditions involve a promise of humane treatment by the receiving country and some sort of action to prevent the former detainees from getting involved in terrorist activities .