
  1. 我国水稻品种的稻米品质状况与消费市场的需求存在较大差距,优质稻米的生产和供应已经成为水稻生产和流通中的重要制约因素。

    In our country , there is a wide gap between rice grain quality among varieties and the needs of the consumer market . The high-quality rice production and supply of rice has become the important constraints of rice production and circulation .

  2. 众所周知,风味和香气是食品产品的重要感官品质,在食品消费越来越崇尚色、香、味的潮流中,风味物质的微胶囊化,具有十分重要的应用价值。

    As is known to all , flavour and perfume are two important sensory qualities of food products .

  3. 特色农业是指具有独特的资源条件、明显的区域特征、特殊的产品品质和特定的消费市场的农业产业。

    Characteristic agriculture is that has the unique resources condition , the obvious provincial characteristics , the special product quality and the specific consume market agricultural industry .

  4. 自成立以来,坚持以产品技术为导向,以国际的品质,更贴近消费群体少而精的产品路线。

    Since its inception , we 're persist to use product technology as a guide , basis of quality to press close to the " fewer but better " requirement of our consumers .