
  • 网络Brand Consumption;Brand consume
  1. 研究结果表明,中国牙膏已进入到品牌消费阶段,名牌牙膏产品已成为城市消费者的首选。

    The result showed that Chinese toothpaste is entering brand consume stage . The brand toothpaste has become the preferred choice in city consumers .

  2. 现代品牌消费主体行为特征研究

    Research on the Consumption Characteristics of Modern Brand Consumption Main Body

  3. 在这些举措的推动下,索尼应该可以和竞争对手松下电器产业公司(MatsushitaElectricIndustrialCo.Ltd.)齐头并进,后者是松下品牌消费类电子产品的生产商。

    That should help it keep pace with rival Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. , maker of the Panasonic brand of consumer electronics .

  4. 北京老字号品牌消费心理与消费行为研究

    Research of consumer psychology and behavior on Beijing famous old brand

  5. 然而,如此大量的品牌消费,结果将通向哪里呢?

    But where will this vast consumption of brands lead ?

  6. 强调品牌消费。

    Sixth , we should emphasize brand consumption .

  7. 中国消费市场已逐步从商品消费进入品牌消费。

    Chinese consumer market has been gradually charged from commodity consumption to brand consumption .

  8. 形象经济时代,品牌消费成为日常生活的重要组成部分。

    In image economic times , brand consumption becomes an important part of everyday life .

  9. 消费者对服装辅料的品牌消费,其实质是一种个人心理的消费。

    Consumer spending on apparel brand , its essence is a personal psychology of consumption .

  10. 此投票结果根据进入世界品牌消费行列的人们所给出的真实评价而得出。

    This data reflects user opinions and depends on user entry of standard brand names .

  11. 关于品牌消费的思考

    Thoughts on Brand Consumption CONSUME

  12. 服装市场已趋向品牌消费,品牌不仅可以产生高额的附加值,而且可以让企业拥有持久的生命力。

    The clothes market is toward to brand consumption . Brand can bring high premium and lasting life-force .

  13. 以成都大学生服装品牌消费为例,对第三章的假设模型进行验证。

    Students apparel brand in Chengdu consumption as an example , on the assumption that Chapter III model validation .

  14. 这是一个品牌消费的时代,品牌传播活动因此而在全球各地蓬勃展开。

    This is an era of brand . Therefore , the brand communication activities around the world boom in expansion .

  15. 品牌消费追求品牌的符号价值,而品牌的符号价值对消费者的心理具有重要影响;

    In brand consumption , what people pursue is the symbolic value of the brand , which has great influence on consumers'psychology .

  16. 其中以品牌消费为主,追求时尚,喜欢品牌,对新产品感兴趣是其体育消费行为的重要特征。

    Among them , consumer-based fashion brand like brand new product is its interest in an important feature of sport consumer behavior .

  17. 象征消费典型地体现在品牌消费中。文章分析了品牌在消费社会中的作用,提出产品设计要以品牌作为导向的观点;

    After analyzing the function of brands in consuming society , this articles claims that the product design should be lead with brand ;

  18. 女性消费者的消费意识大大增强,由一般商品消费转向品牌消费,从商品的物质功能性需求转向精神需求。

    Female consumer awareness greatly enhanced along with the products consumer turning to branded consumer and the functional requirements turning to spiritual needs .

  19. 在品牌消费中,认识品牌,获得品牌知识,并不断把这种知识由感性提升到理性,形成品牌忠诚和品牌价值观念。

    We acknowledge and acquire more brand knowledge and upgrade it from sensibility to rationality to building brand loyalty and brand value concepts .

  20. 这个在西方比较典型,有针对不同人口地理特征的和不同阶层的人群的各种各样的品牌消费信用卡。

    Typically in the West there are many levels of branded card offerings that relate appropriately to different demographic and life style classes .

  21. 会员的体育消费习惯主要包括三个方面:即品牌消费、明星消费和商品使用消费。

    Members of the sports consumption habits mainly includes three aspects : namely , consumer brands , celebrities consumption and use of consumer goods .

  22. 来自中国的消费几乎占到了圣诞后高端产品包括巴宝莉、玛百莉、路易威登和古琦等品牌消费的三分之一。

    The booming'Peking Pound'has accounted for almost a third of post-Christmas purchases of high end goods from Burberry , Mulberry , Louis Vuitton and Gucci .

  23. 近年来,我国大米销售行业发展迅速,已经进入了品牌消费的时代,市场竞争激烈,但潜力巨大。

    Recent years , rice selling industry has achieved rapid developments and entered the times of brand consuming with fierce market competition but huge potentialities .

  24. 品牌消费逐渐成为童装消费的主流,知名度较高的品牌成为年轻家长给孩子购物的首选。

    Brand consumption has gradually become the mainstream consumption , the higher visibility of the brand has becoming young parents to give children the preferred shopping .

  25. 包装除了地域性以外还有时空性,还要考虑在新时代下如何做好文化继承和弘扬的关系,以及兼顾在市场经济的模式下,品牌消费观念的崛起等问题。

    In addition to geographic , how to extends the culture in the new era and how to develop the brand in the market economy both are the considering questions .

  26. 品牌消费行为一直是消费者行为学中研究的热点,随着新媒体蓬勃发展,品牌运作也逐渐走出传统领域,搭上互联网快车,步入网络营销时代。

    Brand consumer behavior is always hot in consumer behaviors research , with the development of new media , the management of brand gradually comes out of traditional fields , and begins the era of network marketing .

  27. 而作为拥有巨大消费潜力以及引领消费风尚的大学生群体而言,其品牌消费行为对于众多企业,尤其是以青年消费者为目标群体的企业无疑具有重要的影响。

    As a group who has huge consumption potential and leads the consuming trends , college students ' brand buying behavior undoubtedly have a significant impact on many enterprises , especially those who are targeted on youngers .

  28. 无论是耐用品还是非耐用品,场独立型认知风格的消费者倾向于选择弱势品牌消费,而场依存型认知风格的消费者则更倾向于消费强势品牌。

    No matter the products were durable or not , the consumers with field-independent cognitive style were inclined to choose a weak brand , whereas the consumers with the field-dependence cognitive style tend to choose a strong one .

  29. 随着这一群体逐步走向社会,消费需求不断膨胀,追求时尚,体现个性,热衷于外貌消费和品牌消费,体验享乐式的生活,消费更加冲动。

    As this group gradually entering into the society , consumer demand expands ceaselessly , the pursuit of fashion , personality , keen on appearance consumption and brand consumption , experience the pleasure of life , consumption more impulsive .

  30. 针对少女装C品牌假日消费群体不同的购买动机和行为,本文提出了差异化的假日服务营销组合策略。对少女装品牌企业在假日里进行有针对性的服务营销提供了指导性的作用。

    Based on the different consumer motives and behaviors of C brand on holiday , a service marketing strategy with differentiation is drawn to give instruct to holiday service marketing in fashion brand .