
  1. 品牌战略与企业文化力开发

    Strategy of the brand and developing the power of corporate culture

  2. 略论品牌竞争中的文化力作用

    On Cultural Effectiveness in Brand Competition

  3. 区域品牌是一种文化力和巨大的无形资产,一个区域的品牌一经形成,对该区域的发展将产生巨大的作用,这种作用是长期的、延续的和潜在的。

    The regional brand is a kind of culture and huge intangible asset . A regional brand formed , will have a great effect for the development of the region , and this effect is long-term , continued and potential .

  4. 请他们从品牌文化的深层角度阐述了品牌是无形资本以及品牌价值与文化力的内质关联。

    As long as established the connection between the brand and the buyer , the brand capital can emerge into its enormous value , which not only the force of visualization , but also the force of culture .

  5. 文章从品牌获取溢价的能力、时空穿透力、竞争的杠杆力、品牌文化力及抗风险能力五个方面论述了品牌竞争力的效应。

    The article discusses five aspects of the brand competitiveness , namely the competency of the brand attaining the premium and penetrating space-time , the lever force of brand in market competition , the competence of the brand culture and the anti-risk competency of the brand .