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  • 网络Xianyang City
  1. 咸阳市商业银行CIS规划设计

    Program design of Xianyang City Commercial Bank CIS

  2. 在建立公路建设与国民经济发展适应性评价模型的过程中,提出了带有偏好约束锥的DEA综合评价方法。最后,以陕西省咸阳市为例,进行实证分析。

    In the establishment of highway construction and economic development evaluation model adaptive process , made a binding preference cone method of comprehensive evaluation of the DEA . Finally , Xianyang City , Shaanxi Province as an example , empirical analysis .

  3. 目的为了解咸阳市麻疹流行特征,方法对咸阳市2003-2005年麻疹监测系统(MSS)运转情况进行分析。

    Purpose The goal for understood the Xianyang measles epidemic characteristic Method The analysis of the situation on the Xianyang 2003-2005 year Measles Surveillance System ( MSS ) operation .

  4. 关中中部近10a地下水动态变化的区域响应分析&以咸阳市为例

    An Analysis on Regional Responses of the Dynamic Variations of Groundwater in the Middle Areas of Guanzhong Plain in Recent Decades & A Case Study of Xianyang

  5. 按照常规预报思路,以MICAPS系统为基础,探索了咸阳市大降水天气过程预报方案。

    By using of conventional forecast road way , based on MICAPS system , the xianyang forecast ways was searched for heavy precipitation .

  6. 浅谈咸阳市总体规划的修编

    Elementary Comments on the Revision of General Planning of Xianyang City

  7. 咸阳市粮食储备库拱板屋架施工

    Construction of arch roof truss of grain reserve depot in Xianyang

  8. 咸阳市工业三废对环境的污染及其防治

    Environment Pollution by Industrial Waste and Treatment Countermeasures in Xianyang City

  9. 咸阳市常用装饰石材及釉面砖中放射性核素分析

    Analyzing the Radionuclides Level in Decorative Materials Commonly Used in Xianyang City

  10. 基于生态足迹的咸阳市适度人口研究

    Study on the Optimum Population of Xianyang City Based on Ecological Footprint

  11. 咸阳市小气候相似区域的划分

    The Division of Similar Zones of Microclimate in the City of Xianyang

  12. 咸阳市城市居民小区生态景观绿化分析

    Research on the Ecological Landscape Plantation in the Residential Area of Xianyang

  13. 咸阳市1999&2006年生态足迹动态分析

    Dynamic Analysis of Ecological Footprint of Xianyang City from 1999 to 2006

  14. 咸阳市城区新建道路命名初探

    On the Naming of Newly-Built Roads in the City Proper of Xianyang

  15. 咸阳市医务人员艾滋病知识知晓状况调查研究

    Survey of Knowledge Level on AIDS among Medical Staff in Xianyang City

  16. 咸阳市旅游资源的分类调查与评价

    Classification investigation and evaluation of tourism resources in Xianyang Area

  17. 基于产业集群视角的咸阳市产业布局分析

    Analysis on Industry Layout in Xianyang City Based on Industry Cluster View

  18. 咸阳市92812局部暴雨成因分析

    An Analysis of Partial Rainfall Reason in Xianyang 92 . 8 . 12

  19. 咸阳市土地利用变化的动态分析及驱动力研究

    Study on the Dynamics of Land-use Change and Driving Force in Xianyang City

  20. 咸阳市耕地后备资源研究

    Study on farmland resources in support in Xianyang municipality

  21. 咸阳市耕地承载量研究

    Synthetica cultivated land the bearing capacity of population research

  22. 咸阳市城区土地定级研究

    The research of Land grading on Xianyang City

  23. 咸阳市水环境质量评价研究

    Assessment on Water Environment Quality In Xianyang City

  24. 咸阳市城区地下水超采问题及对策

    Issue of Groundwater Overdraft and its Countermeasures in the Urban Area of Xianyang City

  25. 咸阳市城区基准地价空间分布与区位因子分析

    An Analysis on Location Factors Effecting the Spatial Distribution of Xianyang Urban Datum Land Price

  26. 咸阳市2006年对2~7岁儿童实施麻疹复种活动评价

    Measles vaccine duplicate inoculation Activity Appraisal to 2-7 year old children of Xianyang in 2006

  27. 基于气象因子的咸阳市飞播造林播期确定

    The Seeding Time Determination of the Aerial Seeding Based on the Meteorological Elements in Xianyang

  28. 咸阳市城乡居民收入差距的实证分析

    The Empirical Analysis on the Gap between Urban and Rural Residents ' Incomes in Xianyang City

  29. 咸阳市的中小学体育教师参加培训的动机带有明显的个人功利性。

    Xian yang City School Teachers participate in training with the apparent motive of personal utility .

  30. 北方缺水城市水资源可持续利用研究&以陕西省咸阳市为例

    Study on the Sustainable Utilization of Urban Water Resources in Water Deficit Cities of North China