  1. 咲夜:因为我的小姐叫我去建的。

    Sakuya : Just because my mistress asked me to built it .

  2. 咲夜:我没理由回答你。

    Sakuya : I have no reason to answer you .

  3. 咲夜:小姐她正在自己的房间里休息。

    Sakuya : My mistress is just taking some rest in her room .

  4. 咲夜:你未经允许就来了,我能帮你吗?

    Sakuya : You entered here without permission , may I help you ?

  5. 咲夜:但是的确,我们将很快拆了城堡。

    Sakuya : But for sure , we will pull out the castle soon .

  6. 咲夜:但是我最终还是没能清理掉。

    Sakuya : But finally I wasn 't able to clean what I had to .

  7. 咲夜:阻止人们扰乱我的小姐的计划是我的职责。

    Sakuya : It 's my duty to stop the people disturbing the plans of my mistress .

  8. 咲夜:不好意思房东,你能再等一下吗?

    Sakuya : I 'm sorry my landlord , but would you wait a little bit longer ?

  9. 咲夜:起初你们就不期待对此话题做个了结。

    Sakuya : From the beginning , you did not expect to put and end to this talking with me .

  10. “木之花”一名源于山上的女神。人们一度相信“木花咲耶姬命”是居住在富士山上的主神。

    The name " Konohana " comes from the goddess of the mountain , " Konohana Sakuyahime no Mikoto " who was once believed to inhabit Mt. Fiji .