
  1. 咱有必要理解苍蝇的脑子吗?

    Shall We Even Understand the Fly 's Brain ?

  2. 最好派个负责人来,咱好有个抓挠。

    We need someone sent here to take charge , and give us dependable backing .

  3. 咱俩有何区别

    What 's the difference between you and me ?

  4. 咱俩有很多共同之处

    something you and I both have in common .

  5. 店主:咱这有对带数码相机功能的手机有巨大需求。

    Shop owner : there 's a big demand for cell phones with digital cameras .

  6. 在众目睽睽之下,跟一群乡下毛丫头跳舞!咱不怕有人看见吗?

    Dancing in public with a troop of country hoydens & suppose we should be seen .

  7. 那乡下可大了去了,上小学那会儿就老听我们老师说,咱美国有几个州啊,比法国跟你们英国捆一块儿都要大!

    They used to tell us at school that some of our states are as big as France and England put together .

  8. 世上有多少妞儿,咱就有多少让她们喜欢咱的招儿。我们先来缕一缕一些基本思路,然后你就能战无不胜,想泡谁泡谁了~

    There are as many different ways to get a girl as there are girls , so let 's go over some basic rules that 'll win over any girl worth getting .

  9. 别这样,咱俩总有一个要提起他。

    Come on , one of us had to mention him .

  10. 这是咱俩之间有史以来最长的一次对话了

    This is the longest conversation we 've ever had .

  11. 看来咱爷俩有得聊了。

    We have a lot to talk about .

  12. 伙计们咱可是上面有人身居高位的朋友国王亲自授予我爵位

    Boys . I have friends at court , powerful friends ! The king himself made me a lord !

  13. 你看,咱店门口有个街头艺人想拉路人跟他的牵线木偶跳舞。

    Oh , look , there 's a street performer trying to get people to dance with his marionette outside our shop .

  14. 与此同时,咱感到至少有40个(咱估计的)更多的此类物体在紧跟着第个物体移动。

    In the meantime , I felt at least forty more of the same kind ( as I conjectured ) following the first .

  15. 不过至少它还提醒咱们,如果不戒掉手机瘾,咱真的有可能会在街上撞到别人。

    Why would people be less obnoxious on this device than on any other ? At least it reminds us that if phone addiction isn 't curbed , we 'll indeed be tripping over one another in the street .

  16. 热情地微笑,向你的双胞胎姐妹宣称:咱姐俩太有品位了,不是吗?

    Smile warmly and declare to your twin : Don 't we have great taste ?

  17. 店主:咱注意,您有迈克尔?乔丹签署的题名在您的摊位呢。

    Shop owner : I noticed that you have Michael Jordan signing autographs in your booth .

  18. 我总是觉得咱俩之间,有一种特殊的关系,因此,瑞秋·格林,你愿意嫁给我吗?

    Y'know , I always felt like you and I have this - this special bond . Y'know ? So , Rachel Greene , will you marry me ?

  19. 咱听到在咱周围有混乱的噪音,但是以咱这样的躺姿,除了天空,是什么都看不到的。

    I heard a confused noise about me , but in the posture I lay , could see nothing except the sky .

  20. 是咱的两倍啊,算上马和人,咱有优势。

    Twice our size ... In regiments of horse and men , the advantage is ours .