
  • 网络consulting management;Managing Consultancy
  1. 基于数据仓库的咨询管理模式研究

    The Research of Consulting Management Model Based on the Data Warehouse

  2. 本系统的特色是,可以通过应用本系统,系统除了包含传统的学生就业管理、学生就业咨询管理、违约管理等内容外,切实有效地在毕业生、下岗人员和企业之间架起了一座信息化桥梁。

    The character of this system is setting up an information bridge between the graduates , laid-off workers and company , which contains the traditional students employment management , consulting management etc. .

  3. 开发了PCBN刀具多媒体数据库咨询管理系统。

    A multimedia database inquiry and management system of PCBN cutting tools is developed .

  4. 绿阳高尔夫咨询管理有限公司正是想在这样一个时机从推广USGA差点系统开始切入高尔夫行业。

    Ltd wants to do is just to get into the golf industry by promotion for USGA handicap system embracing such a good chance .

  5. 德勤英国审计和风险咨询管理合伙人斯蒂芬•格里格斯(StephenGriggs)表示:“我们可能必须从科技公司那里招聘人才。在现代社会,这些人将成为抢手的人才,因此他们将是一种昂贵的资源。”

    Stephen Griggs , managing partner of audit and risk advisory at Deloitte UK , said : " We may have to start recruiting from technology companies . In the modern world these guys will be hot talent so they will be an expensive resource . "

  6. 建立数字参考咨询管理及运行机制

    Making up the Management and Operation Mechanism of Digital Reference Service

  7. 小业主,大咨询管理模式比较分析

    Comparison and Analysis on the Management Model of Weak Owner and Strong Consultant

  8. 只有预测到信贷登记咨询管理制度实施后商业银行潜在的信贷行为的变化,才能正确地加以引导,发挥该项措施的应有效能。

    Understanding the potential changes in bank 's loaning behavior is the key to bring Loan Information Registration System into play .

  9. 介绍一种新的工程管理模式&工程咨询管理总包,并介绍了日照港的建设经验。

    This paper presents a new engineering management mode : engineering consultation management contracting , and recommends the experience of Rizhao Port .

  10. 现代轮机管理不但应包含传统的技术内容,但应由行政管理、法律管理、经济管理、思想教育管理和咨询管理等多方面组成。

    Modern Marine Engineering Management ( MMEM ) includes not only the traditional technology but also the administrative management , legal management , economic management , ideological education and advisory management , etc.

  11. 但现阶段,我国的建设项目监理制度在许多方面与国际工程咨询管理制度存在差距,要与国际接轨还任重道远。

    But at present , there are existence disparities between our construction supervision system and the international project consultation management system in many aspects . It needs heavy responsibilities to catch up with the pace of international project system .

  12. 顺应战略管理,医院领导者必须具有新的思维,即:战略管理、参照管理、创新管理、知识管理、危机管理、咨询管理、机会管理、事前管理、文化管理、系统化管理等。

    To meet the new challenge , hospital leadership must be in possession of new thinking , which is strategic management , benchmarking management , innovation management , knowledge management , crisis management , consult management , opportunity management , culture management , and system management , etc.

  13. 基于CBR的工程项目咨询知识管理研究

    Research of Knowledge Management on Project Consulting Based on CBR

  14. 波士顿咨询的管理人士不会轻言SAT成绩能预测工作绩效,但孔帕罗尼称,该公司将SAT测试作为批判性思维、问题解决能力和定量分析能力等“成功基本要素”的衡量标准。

    BCG managers won 't say that SAT results predict job performance , but Ms. Comparoni said the company uses the test as a standard measure of ' the basic building blocks of success , ' such as critical thinking , problem-solving skills and quantitative abilities .

  15. 社区卫生项目咨询服务管理存在的问题与对策研究

    Problems and countermeasures in consulting service administration of community health projects

  16. 国外先进工程造价咨询业管理的借鉴意义

    Advanced management of consulting on project cost industry in foreign land

  17. 基于知识共有的数字参考咨询服务管理研究

    Research on Management of Digital Reference Services Based on Knowledge Shared

  18. 高校图书馆参考咨询部管理模式的研究

    Research of Management Model of Referring and Consulting Service in University Libraries

  19. 中美图书馆网络参考咨询的管理比较

    The Comparison of Network Reference and Consulting Management between China and American

  20. 咨询项目管理质量控制实用方法研究

    The Research on the Practical Methods of Quality Conbd of Consultation Project Management

  21. 浅谈通信工程造价咨询的管理与基本流程

    A Brief Introduction of the Cost Consultation of Communication Engineering and Its Basic Flow Chart

  22. 虚拟咨询组织管理研究

    Study on Management of Virtual Consulting Organization

  23. 咨询台管理-在低成本地区获得规模效益,同时缩短响应时间并改进问题分析效果。

    Help desk administration-capturing economies of scale in low cost regions while improving response time and issue analysis .

  24. 外国企业在中国境内从事建筑、安装、装配、勘探等工程作业和提供咨询、管理、培训等劳务活动所得。

    The income derived from construction , installation , assembly or exploration project or consultation , management and training services .

  25. 在中国的服务定位于两方面:国内企业的管理实务咨询、管理技能提升培训和海外业务拓展咨询;

    Now the consulting service is focused on two sections : Local enterprise 's management upgrading and overseas business development ;

  26. 随后,本文分析了管理信息化咨询对管理咨询公司和管理咨询顾问的要求。

    The paper also put forward the issues our country 's management consulting company should pay attention to in the four phrases .

  27. 通过对咨询企业管理信息系统的需求和功能分析,设计了咨询企业管理信息系统的总体框架结构。

    Though analyzing the necessary and the function of consulting corporation management information system , the collectivity frame of the MIS was designed .

  28. 太平星表示,自2001年创建以来,该公司已为超过50亿美元的不动产交易提供了咨询和管理服务。

    Pacific Star says it has advised and managed more than $ 5bn of real estate deals since it was founded in 2001 .

  29. 联合融资公司提供相应的咨询、管理和风险控制服务,将统一的融资需求进行专业化处理。

    The joint funding company provides correspondent services such as consultation , management and risk controlling and takes actions to specialize the unified financing demands .

  30. 工程造价咨询档案管理自动化,是工程造价咨询档案管理作所追求的目标,它是一个复杂的系统工程。

    File management automation engineering cost consulting , engineering cost consulting archives management work is the pursuit of the goal , it is a complicated system engineering .