
  • Consultant;counselor
  1. 随后她进入匹兹堡市的安永会计事务所(Ernst&Young)担任咨询师。几年后跳槽到海湾石油公司(GulfOil)。

    She became a consultant at Ernst & Young in Pittsburgh and moved to Gulf Oil several years later .

  2. 他拥有25年的IT行业经验,是OpenGroup高级认证IT架构师,并拥有IBMIT架构师和咨询师证书。

    He has over 25 years of experience in the IT industry , is an Open Group Master Certified IT Architect and holds IBM IT Architect and Consultant certifications .

  3. 他们非常依赖职业咨询师提供的建议。

    They relied heavily on the advice of their professional advisers

  4. 你可以向导师、职业咨询师或亲友寻求建议。

    Seek the advice of mentors7 , career counsellors or friends and family .

  5. 那位IT经理在辛辛那提和其他求职者及咨询师一起参加RightManagement的训练课程后改变了思路。

    The IT manager changed his tune after practice sessions with fellow job seekers and a counselor in Cincinnati for Right Management .

  6. 他的公司distributiontechnology是一家向金融机构提供软件的企业,金融机构的咨询师使用该软件向客户和独立咨询师提供建议。

    His company , distribution technology , sells software to financial institutions whose advisers use it when giving advice to customers , and to independent advisers .

  7. 作为咨询师,我们经常有那些重复的体验:Rational的迭代开发的原则确实可以用来改善软件开发工作。

    As mentors , we live a recurring experience : Rational principles for iterative development really do improve software development .

  8. HR从业者,咨询师,商务指导师,经理,高级经理人员,决策者。

    HR practitioners , consultants , business coaches , managers , senior supervisors and decision makers .

  9. 训练有素的咨询师与试验参与者一起工作,以帮助他们制定避免接触HIV病毒的个人计划。

    Trained counselors work with study participants to help them develop an individual plan on how to keep from contracting HIV .

  10. 麦肯锡公司(McKinseyCo.)的咨询师高旭说,日本汽车制造商需要在中国市场迎头赶上。

    McKinsey Co. consultant Paul Gao said Japanese auto makers in China need to catch up .

  11. 世界钢铁动态(worldsteeldynamics)的行业咨询师彼得马库斯(petermarcus)推测,到2010年,中国钢铁产量将比需求量高出6300万吨。

    Peter Marcus , an industry consultant at world steel dynamics , reckons that by 2010 steel production in China will outstrip demand by 63m tonnes .

  12. 正像Block讽刺的那样,以“折腰”的姿态来协商合约,客户在此阶段也会知道咨询师确实是处在一个“弯腰”的位置上,从而对咨询师“要挟”。

    This negotiating the Contract phase from a " bent over " position , as Block quips , teaches the client that you work in a bent over position !

  13. 麦肯锡公司(McKinsey&Co.)的咨询师高旭说,日本汽车制造商需要在中国市场迎头赶上。

    McKinsey & Co. consultant Paul Gao said Japanese auto makers in China need to catch up . '

  14. 独立企业架构师和SOA咨询师DavidConway分享了他关于组织内SOA准备情况的观点。

    David Conway an independent Enterprise Architect and SOA Consultant , shares his perspective on SOA readiness in an organization .

  15. 26岁的帕瑞克从杜克大学(DukeUniversity)毕业后在德勤公司(Deloitte)干了5年的资深咨询师。

    Parikh , then 26 , had spent five years as a senior consultant at Deloitte after graduating from Duke University .

  16. 如果人员中没有经过认证的DBA,请从IBM的专家咨询师中找一位。

    If you don 't have a certified DBA on staff , bring one in from IBM 's expert consultants .

  17. 这段话出自本杰明o克莱默。这位前瑞银集团(UBS)咨询师是广受推崇的钟表业垂直网站Hodinkee的创始人兼主编。

    Swrites Benjamin Clymer , the former UBS consultant whfounded and edits the respected horological website Hodinkee .

  18. 有一个组织引入了咨询师。这些咨询师在没有核查目标的情况下,就建议客户采纳TDD。

    One organization brought in consultants who recommended the client adopt TDD without checking their goals .

  19. 所有录取咨询师都强调的一大潮流是,同时申请多个不同国家商学院的未来MBA学生越来越多。

    One trend all the consultants highlight is the growing number of would-be MBAs who apply to business schools in several different countries .

  20. 作为管理咨询师,Richard指导和培训客户采用并实施敏捷方法和Scrum。

    As a management consultant , Richard has coached and mentored clients on the adoption and implementation of Agile and Scrum .

  21. 咨询师说,有一些招聘网站,比如monster,hotjob,这些网站的帮助不大。

    Well , consulters are saying that some internet job sites like monster , hotjob . They are unlikely to help much .

  22. JörnZaefferer居住在德国科隆,是一个自由职业的Web开发人员、咨询师和培训师。

    J ö rn Zaefferer is a freelance web developer , consultant and trainer , residing in Cologne , Germany .

  23. UrsPeter是Xebia的高级咨询师,专注于企业级Java和敏捷开发。

    Urs Peter is a Senior Consultant with Xebia , specialized in enterprise Java and Agile software development .

  24. 关注中国机动车问题的独立咨询师迈克尔?沃尔什(MichaelWalsh)表示,中国需要尽快采取措施支持环保汽车。

    China needs to move quickly to back cleaner vehicles , says Michael Walsh , an independent consultant who works on motor-vehicle issues in China .

  25. 今年7月,一些顾问和咨询师在Facebook上就院校废除入学文书一事发表评论,就表达了这样的看法。

    That was the feeling expressed by a group of counselors and consultants in a thread of Facebook comments last July about colleges doing away with supplemental essays .

  26. IT经理让IBM的咨询师帮助对内部应用程序进行改造来提供故障转移功能,从而让开发人员继续进行软件的下一版本的工作。

    The IT manager brings in consultants from IBM to help renovate the in-house applications for failover tolerance so that the developers can continue to work on the next version of the software .

  27. 许多拒绝了抵制与马多夫相关的投资工具的投资者和咨询师表示,对于任何进行适度尽职调查(duediligence)的对冲基金来说,一些“危险信号”足够起到警示作用了。

    Many investors and consultants who rejected madoff-linked investment vehicles have said some of the " red flags " should have been warning enough for any hedge fund carrying out proper due diligence .

  28. 品牌咨询师杰里米希尔德莱斯(jeremyhildreth)表示,商务名片是你给人第一印象的一部分。

    Branding consultant Jeremy Hildreth says that business cards are part of your first impression .

  29. 舍尔目前正和不少明星以及来自IMG和ICM人才经纪公司的咨询师合作,开发品牌应用。

    She is working with numerous celebrities and advisors from talent agencies IMG and ICM to develop branded apps .

  30. 雅虎公司(Yahoo)前高管蒂姆•桑德斯现为作家和咨询师。他把祖母比莉在感恩和自信方面的洞见和经验写进了自己的新书《今天我们很富有》(TodayWeAreRich)。

    Tim Sanders , a former executive at Yahoo and currently an author and consultant , weaved his grandma Billye 's insights and lessons on gratitude and confidence into his latest book , Today We Are Rich .