
hé shēng
  • harmony;harmonic;concord
和声 [hé shēng]
  • [harmony] 依据和弦的组成和相继进行谱成的音乐作品的结构

和声[hé shēng]
  1. 凯奇是个反传统的人。他拒绝接受西方有关和声和结构的音乐传统的束缚。

    Cage was an iconoclast . He refused to be bound by western musical traditions of harmony and structure .

  2. 凯奇是个反传统的人,他拒绝接受西方有关和声和结构的音乐传统的束缚。

    Cage was an iconoclast.He refused to be bound by western musical traditions of harmony and structure .

  3. 我过去一直在寻找将和声和节奏结合起来的方法。

    I had been looking for ways to combine harmonic and rhythmic structures .

  4. 布雷默和加兰为主题曲《相逢圣路易斯》配和声。

    Bremer and Garland harmonize on the title song , ' Meet Me in St. Louis ' .

  5. 每个成员都参与到说唱中来,或者独唱,或者表演说唱乐中的和声部分。

    Every member contributes to the rap , singing either solo or as part of a rap chorus .

  6. 目的:探讨电声门图(EGG)和声学测试参数值与嗓音疾病诊断的相关性。

    Objective : To explore the relationship between electroglottography / acoustic test parameter and disease diagnosis .

  7. 界面结构对SiCf/Al复合材料性能和声发射行为的影响

    Effect of interface structure on the property of sic_f / al and acoustic emission behavior

  8. 通过实验对比了工业CT扫描和声发射检测两种方式确定损伤源位置的差异,表明声发射源定位具有一定的准确性.(3)Ae。

    The difference is compared between the industrial CT scan and AE detection method . Experimental results show that AE source location agreed well with the actual location .

  9. 给出了应用有限元法(FEM)预测刚性房间声传输函数和声脉冲响应函数的计算模型。

    A finite element model for calculating acoustic transmission function and acoustic impulse response in rigid rooms has been presented in this paper .

  10. 基于冻声子方法,本工作计算了Ni-P体系化合物的晶格振动性质,包括声子谱和声子态密度。

    Based on frozen-phonon approach , the phonon dispersions and phonon density of states of the Ni-P compounds were calculated .

  11. 第四章:对策篇&当下维度和终极维度的和声。超流Hell中第一声、第二声和第四声声速的测量

    Part Four , Countermeasures : harmony of the current and the ultimate . MEASUREMENTS OF FIRST , SECOND AND FOURTH SOUND - VELOCITY IN SUPERFLUID Hell

  12. 由于钙离子A位固溶改性钛酸铅烧结多晶材料具有压电各向异性和其它优良的电学性能,所以该材料可广泛应用于制造高频超声换能器、红外检测器和声表面波(SAW)器件。

    Sintered polycrystals made from calcium_ion A_side modified lead titanate is used for making high_frequency ultrasonic transducers , infrared detectors and surface acoustic wave devices due to their dielectric dispersion and other electrical properties .

  13. 提出一种基于极大熵和声搜索(HS)的非线性方程组求解算法。

    This paper presents an improved solution algorithm for nonlinear equations based on maximum entropy Harmony Search ( HS ) algorithm .

  14. 测试了晶体的压电和声表面波性能,结果表明,Li_2B_4O_7刀;是一种优良的SAW基片材料。

    The piezoelectric and SAW properties of crystal were measured . The results show that Li_2B_4O_7 crystal is a kind of good SAW substrate material .

  15. 基于Inver-over算子的离散和声退火混合算法解决TSP问题

    Discrete Harmony Annealing Hybrid Algorithm Based on Inver-over Operator for Traveling Salesman Problems

  16. 最后,透过结构与和声这两大表现形式,结合相关资料与史实,对《b小调奏鸣曲》的内容做相关阐释。并得出该曲具有极大的自传意义的结论。

    Finally , through the two major forms , the structure and harmony , and combined with relevant information and facts on the " Sonata in b minor ", infer the great sonata has " autobiographic feature " conclusions .

  17. 首先,根据气泡动力学理论,推导出考虑了粘滞损耗、表面张力和声辐射在不可压缩流体中的Rayleigh方程。

    First of all , based on the bubble dynamics , the Rayleigh equation is derived in the incompressible viscous fluid considering sound radiation and the surface tension of the fluid .

  18. 本文将统计能量分析(SEA)和相似理论结合起来研究水下两端带半球壳的加肋圆柱壳的振动、耦合振动和声辐射具有统计特性的相似条件和相似关系。

    In this paper , the statistical energy analysis ( SEA ) and the similitude theory are applied to research the similitude of vibration , coupled vibration and sound radiation of underwater complex shell-structure , the similitude conditions and relationship with the statistical character are presented .

  19. 这位格莱美提名艺人之前就与MJ有过合作,她在“危险”专辑中的“坚定信念”里担任和声歌手。

    The Grammy nominated artist worked with MJ previously , singing back up on the hook of his song ," Keep The Faith " on the " Dangerous " Album .

  20. 提出了单目标单纯形文化和声搜索算法(SCHS)。

    The single-objective Simplex Cultural Harmony Search Algorithm ( SCHS ) is brought up .

  21. 结合正承担的国家自然科学基金项目声空化的物理与化学效应研究,介绍了采用RC振荡器来实现电导率精确测量的设计思路和声空化效应的检测原理。

    Combining the natural science fund item " study sonic cavitation effect of physics and chemistry ", it introduces a design thought of adopting RC oscillation to realize the accurate measure of conductance and the examining theory of sonic cavitation effect .

  22. 方法应用美国NicoletSpirit脑诱发电位仪,采用光和声成对刺激以及听觉靶-非靶刺激序列技术,检测44例抑郁症,32例焦虑症患者和28名正常对照组的CNV、P300和MMN。

    Methods CNV , P300 and MMN were recorded from 44 depressive patients using Nicolet Spirit Instrument , and was compared with 32 anxiety patients and 28 normal controls ( NC ) .

  23. 在男孩专修课的第一晚,还包含一段音乐间奏——《阴茎歌剧》(ThePenisOpera),内有数名男孩的假声合唱,并由他们父亲的低音来为他们和声。

    The first night of the boys " course includes a musical interlude , " The Penis Opera , " in which the falsetto of the boys is set off by the bass of their fathers .

  24. 本文围绕产品噪声测量与控制这一日益受到关注的课题,开展了关于近场声全息技术(NAH)和声学灵敏度分析方面的研究。

    Since noise measurement and control engineering are attracting more and more attentions , near-field acoustic holography ( NAH ) and acoustic sensitivity analysis have been investigated in this dissertation .

  25. 最后对优化全轮驱动(AWD)混合型汽车动力传动系统的噪声、振动和声振粗糙度的相关实例进行讨论。

    An example of NVH optimization of a drivetrain system in an AWD cross-over vehicle is presented and discussed in the last .

  26. 对大角孔径AOTF的特性进行了讨论,并且从本质上分折了大角孔径型和声增强型滤光器在设计方法及性能上的异同点。

    The similarity and dissimilarity are also analysed essentially in design method and performance for two kinds of filter structure : a large angular aperture type and an acoustically enhanced type .

  27. 开发这套和声基础规范键盘测试的CAT系统正是顺应了这个需要,是信息技术与音乐基础理论教学相整合的一次很好的尝试,也可以说是填补了该领域的一项空白。

    Consequently , we design and develop this system to meet the demands . Although some deficiency and imperfectness , it is really an excellent attempt to integrate the basic music theory into modern computer information technology which can be said to fill up the blankness in this field .

  28. 实验结果表明,声脉冲的波形和脉冲宽度取决于PVDF压电膜的厚度,阶跃电压的下降沿宽度,以及背衬材料和声传播媒质的形状等多个因素。

    We find that the waveform and the pulse width of the ultrasonic pulse are determined by the thickness of the PVDF piezoelectric film transducer , the falling time of the step-function voltage , the transducer backing and the shape of the acoustic propagation medium .

  29. 在PSO-CE-GHS中,和声搜索用来实现原始种群的进化,而粒子群用来实现控制参数共生种群的协进化。

    In PSO-CE-GHS , Harmony search operators are applied to evolve the original population , and PSO is applied to co-evolve the symbiotic population .

  30. 在内燃机研制过程中,基于振动和声压域之间振-声关系的ATV技术,是快速进行振-声响应预测的一个有效方法。

    Was calculated . It shows that the ATV technology , based on the vibro-acoustic relationship between the engine vibrations and the acoustic pressure field , is an effective approach to quickly evaluate the vibro-acoustic response in the engine development process .