
  • 网络THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE;The Wheel of Fate
  1. 你以为这是“命运之轮”?

    You think this is the wheel of fortune ?

  2. 最终技能是:六只手臂召唤召唤出命运之轮,发射出创世之光。

    Final skills : call out six arms Wheel of Fortune , launched the creation of light .

  3. 命运之轮无情地转动;

    Fortune rota volvitur : the wheel of fortune turns ;

  4. 这么多的事情往往由命运之轮的转动来决定。

    So much often depends on the turn of the wheel of fortune .

  5. 你攀上命运之轮的边缘,从此生活跌宕起伏,阴晴不定

    You hang on the rim of the wheel of fortune , going up and down , tasting highs and lows .

  6. 那是一个硕大无朋的命运之轮,一个记忆的旋转木马,一个智慧的滚动圆球。

    He pulled a lever and made his mind revolve about him , a monstrous wheel of fortune , a merry-go-round of memory , a revolving sphere of wisdom .

  7. 拜托妈妈你知道我为啥不接受奖项恕我直言我不觉得祈祷会有用没我没听过那首“主啊请掌控这命运之轮”

    Come on , Mother.You know why I can 't accept the award.With all due respect , I don 't think praying will help.No , I have not heard the song , " Jesus , Take the Wheel . "