
  1. 在气候变化挑战面前,人类命运与共,单边主义没有出路。我们只有坚持多边主义,讲团结、促合作,才能互利共赢,福泽各国人民。

    In meeting the climate challenge , no one can be aloof and cooperation can we deliver shared benefits and win-win for all nations .

  2. 各国人民命运与共、唇齿相依。当今世界,没有一个国家能实现脱离世界安全的自身安全,也没有建立在其他国家不安全基础上的安全。

    As people of all countries share common destiny and become increasingly interdependent , no country could have its own security ensured without the security of other countries or of the wider world .

  3. 与人民同命运、与时代共发展,是世界各地媒体的必然选择。

    As media organizations , your have to share destiny with the people and keep pace with the times .