
  1. 在此背景下,呼和浩特留学人员创业园急需制定发展规划。

    In this context , Hohhot Overseas Students Pioneer Park , an urgent need for development planning .

  2. 呼和浩特留学人员创业园位列中西部第二方阵,处于上升时期赶超阶段。

    Hohhot Overseas Students Pioneer Park , the Midwest ranked second phalanx , the rise time catch-up phase .

  3. 主要采用标杆管理法,以国家科技部孵化器考核评价指标体系为标杆,提出了呼和浩特留学人员创业园绩效评价体系的详细方案。

    Benchmarking method mainly to the Ministry of Science Incubator appraisal index system as a benchmark , made Hohhot Overseas Students Pioneer Park , a detailed program of performance evaluation system .