  • bah;pooh;pah
  • 叹词,表示斥责或唾弃。


(表示唾弃或斥责) pah; bah; pooh:

  • 呸! 胡说八道!

    Bah! That's nonsense!

  1. 圣诞节?呸!都是骗人的!

    Christmas ? Bah ! Humbug !

  2. 呸!胡说八道!

    Bah ! That 's nonsense !

  3. 呸!我的咖啡里有只死苍蝇!

    Urgh ! There 's a dead fly in my coffee !

  4. 他对着电话呸了一声,然后挂断了。

    He blows a raspberry down the telephone line and hangs up

  5. 斯克鲁奇在这本书以及电影中的口头禅是“呸,骗人的鬼话!”你一说“bahhumbug”人们就知道你说的是什么。

    Scrooges ' catchphrase in the book and in the movies is " bah humbug ! " As soon as you say " bah humbug " people know which story and which character you are talking about .

  6. 呸&我才不信上帝说过这种话呢!

    ' Pooh-I don 't believe God said such things ! '

  7. 呸&我本来就是我的父母两个人养的!

    Pooh-I have as much of mother as father in me !

  8. “呸!”秋秋说:“这是给小巧的钱!”

    " Boo !" said Qiuqiu ," They 're for Xiaoqiao !"

  9. 齐声喊呸、欢呼、大笑等

    A chorus of boos , cheers , laughter , etc

  10. 在前排,零零落落的响了几声呸

    Near the front , a few scattered voices shouted ," Boo !"

  11. “呸!”所有的侍女都说,“这只是一朵天然的花!”

    " Fie !" said all ladies . " it is natural !"

  12. 沃尔沃对金属漆要另外收费&呸!

    Volvo also charges extra for metallic paint – bah .

  13. 我试过了呸嘿嘿爸这件事我们以前讨论过的

    I tried Bah ! Hey hey dad we 've been over this

  14. 呸!那是老掉牙的主意,从来也不管用。

    Pooh ! That 's an old idea and it 's never worked .

  15. “呸!”腾格拉尔说,“他现在还没有做成呢。”

    " Pooh !" said Danglars ," he is not one yet . "

  16. 伊阿古呸!哪里有这样的人?一定不会的。

    Iago . fie , there is no such man ; it is impossible .

  17. 这就好像他们没胆对鹅说“呸”字一样。

    It was as though they were frightened of saying boo to a goose .

  18. 男孩转过身去,在跑走前朝老师呸了一声。

    The boy turned and blew a raspberry at the teacher before running off .

  19. 他发出一声既响又长的呸声。

    He blew a loud and lengthy raspberry .

  20. 呸用来表示不喜欢或不同意。

    Used to express distaste or disapproval .

  21. 你把老朋友都忘掉了吗?呸,呸,真丢人!

    Can you forget * old friends * ? Fie , fie ; think shame !

  22. 雄孔雀:呸,你们下流,老爱看我发情!

    Male peacock : Bah , you are mean , old love sees my oestrus !

  23. 呸,女人,呸!

    Fie , woman , fie !

  24. 呸,你快乐的圣诞节!

    Bah to a happy Chirstmas !

  25. 人群对发言者发出呸的喊声。

    The crowd booed the speaker .

  26. 呸!运气是“大凶”,再抽一次签吧。

    Yuck ! This is a terrible fortune . I am going to take another one .

  27. 呸!冰天雪地的夜景多美丽;

    What a fine frosty night ;

  28. 呸,没人想用手写笔。

    Nobody wants a stylus .

  29. 呸死的得了!

    Faugh dead u over !

  30. 不,不,呸,呸,因为我会爱她直到永远。

    No , no , fie , fie , for I will love her till I die .