
  • 网络Peripherals;peripheral products;Accessories;Side-line range of products
  1. 他预测称,去年北美地区的游戏周边产品的销售额超过了21亿美元。

    Zhao estimates overall North American video game accessories sales exceeded $ 2.1 billion last year .

  2. 这家公司总部位于加利福尼亚州卡尔斯巴德市,主要做视频游戏周边产品,投资人对该公司的估值已达到10亿美元,因此它也在《财富》“独角兽公司榜”上拥有一席之地。

    Investors now value the Carlsbad , Calif. video game accessories company at $ 1 billion , securing it a place onFortune 's Unicorn List .

  3. 产品涉及:手机外壳及部品、MP3、MP4外壳,电脑周边产品、齿轮、电话机、日用电器、医疗器材等。

    Component : cell phone casing and related products , MP3 , MP4 envelope computer peripheral products , the gear , telephone household electrical appliances , medical equipment .

  4. 《哈利波特》的作者JK罗琳对前助理发起控告,要求索赔24000英镑,据说前助理偷了周边产品,还用卡刷奢侈品。

    Harry Potter author JK Rowling has launched a £ 24000 legal claim against a former employee after she allegedly stole merchandise and splashed out on luxury gifts .

  5. Nespresso现在拥有175家精装店面。在这些店铺里顾客可以购买咖啡机、胶囊容器和其他的周边产品,也可以一边啜饮咖啡一边品味这种精致生活方式。

    Nespresso now has about 175 boutique storefronts where customers can buy machines , capsules and accessories , sip coffee and taste the lifestyle .

  6. 动漫周边产品的兴旺前景催生了大量动漫创业店。

    Prospects for animation products spawned a thriving animation business shop .

  7. 周边产品的销售和赞助填补了赤字。

    Sales of merchandise and sponsorship makes up the deficit .

  8. 也有很多为感光器连接到电脑的周边产品。

    There are also designs around for a computer interface using photo-sensors .

  9. 同样的,大型街机游戏也有各种各样的周边产品。

    Similarly in the arcades there were all sorts of spin offs .

  10. 大卫:是的,小精灵的周边产品范围大得令人惊奇。

    David : Yes , there was an astonishing range of that .

  11. 事实上,我的问题是,所有女英雄的周边产品都哪儿去了?

    My question really is , where is all the female superhero stuff ?

  12. 请问你每月花费在动漫或动漫周边产品上的金额是多少?

    How much money was spent on comics or related products each month ?

  13. 其他周边产品电子游戏、衣服、玩具等也风靡全球。

    Related video games , apparel , toys and other merchandise are sweeping the world .

  14. 苹果平板电脑卖得好,九州风神电脑周边产品的销量也水涨船高。

    While Apple Ipad sold well and the Deep Cool products sales have increased as well .

  15. 纸基材酚醛树脂铜面积层板是现今民生消费性电子产品和相关资讯、通讯周边产品的关键材板。

    Paper-phenolic copper clad laminate is a main raw material of consumer electronics , information and telecommunication devices .

  16. 在卡通动漫领域,注重开发特色产品及各种周边产品。

    In the cartoon animation domain , pays great attention to develop the characteristic product and each peripheral product .

  17. 谷歌推动搜索和周边产品的做法是个不错的点子。

    The way that Google has driven search and the ancillary products around it has been a great idea .

  18. 王室在旅游业和周边产品产业为英国带来的收益常常得到大肆宣传。

    Much is often made of the revenue the monarchy delivers to Britain in terms of tourism and accompanying tat .

  19. 公司专业从事各种电脑周边产品、塑料汽车配件及传感器的设计,开发及生产。

    Companies specialized in the various computer peripheral products , plastic auto accessories and sensor design , development and production .

  20. 最近,西方电影及主题公园等周边产品的销售,带动了类似交易的激增。

    Selling western films , or the trappings thereof such as theme parks , has driven a spate of recent deals .

  21. 它可改善电脑周边产品的单调感,容纳操作电脑所用的物品。

    The decorative body can improve the monotony of the computer circumference products and can contain objects for operating the computer .

  22. 本公司以制造螺丝成型机、螺帽成型机、攻牙机及螺丝周边产品为主要生产产品。

    The company is engaged in manufacturing Bolt Formers , Nut Formers , Nut Tapping machines and relative products of Fastener .

  23. 2017年上半年,版权费和周边产品在中国的增长量就达到了700%。

    The sales revenue of its copyright and related products in China grew 700 percent in the first half of 2017 .

  24. 随着各国对电动汽车产业的大力发展,随之而来的周边产品研发也逐渐受到关注。

    With the strong development of electric vehicles in many countries , its surrounding product development has also been a popular concern .

  25. 阴谋论者们也注意到,2011年,索尼以2.78亿美元的价格把蜘蛛侠的特定周边产品权利卖给漫威。

    Conspiracy theorists also note that Sony agreed in 2011 to sell certain Spider-Man merchandising rights to Marvel for $ 278 million .

  26. 我们是位于山东威海的韩国独资企业,专业从事生产并出口充气游艇及其周边产品。

    Company Brief : We are a Korean invested enterprise in Weihai China specializing in the manufacture and export of inflatable boats .

  27. 在大力发展本土网络游戏软件之外,还积极发展原创动漫及由这些创意文化衍生出来的周边产品。

    It not only developed local network game software , but also actively developed original cartoon and the derivation products by this creative culture .

  28. 就像很多在20世纪90年代广受欢迎的电视节目一样,很多周边产品也随之涌现。

    Like many of the popular TV shows during the 1990 's there was a lot of merchandise released off the back of the show 。

  29. 辅料本公司是一家专业生产及销售电子、电脑周边产品的公司,拥有雄厚的技术力量和先进的生产设备。

    This is a company specializing in the production and sale of electronics , computer peripheral products company with strong technical force and advanced production equipment .

  30. 当然,这还是因为迪士尼的主要消费群是儿童,儿童总是比成年人更容易接受周边产品。

    It helps , of course , that so many of its customers are children , who tend to be more receptive to spin-off products than adults .