
  • 网络periodicity analysis;period analysis
  1. 水氡群体异常频次序列的周期分析

    Periodicity analysis of the frequency sequence of water radon group anomaly

  2. 电力需求的经济预测及波动周期分析

    Economy Forecasting and Periodicity Analysis for Power Demand

  3. 取回盲部小肠段作组织形态学检查、蛋白含量测定及组织细胞DNA含量和细胞周期分析。

    Intestines for the study of pathologic morphology and assay of the protein level .

  4. 瘢痕疙瘩周围皮肤成纤维细胞周期分析及P53基因突变检测

    Cell cycle analysis and P53 gene mutation detection of fibroblasts derived from the surrounding skin of keloids

  5. 细胞周期分析表明异倍体肿瘤的S期和G2~(+M)期细胞数比正常倍体肿瘤的多。

    The cellular phase distribution analysis exhibited that the aneuploid tumors had a higher S-phase and G2 + M-phase cellular proportion than diploid tumors .

  6. 细胞周期分析则显示S及G2期逐渐下降,与凋亡的百分率呈负相关。

    Cell cycle showed S and G2 period were lower .

  7. 应用流式细胞仪进行细胞周期分析,并通过体外核转录实验测定总RNA聚合酶活性和RNA聚合酶Ⅱ活性。

    And total RNA polymerases activity and RNA polymerase ⅱ activity were measured in isolated HL-60 nuclei by nuclear transcription in vitro .

  8. MTT法和细胞周期分析法探讨了RAGE敲低对乳腺癌细胞增殖和凋亡的影响。

    MTT and cell cycle analysis were used to investigate the effect of RAGE knocked on cell proliferation and apoptosis .

  9. RsCVn型密近双星的轨道周期分析

    On the Orbital Period Variations of RS CVn-type Binaries

  10. 讨论了国内手机零售业的发展历程并进行了行业的五力分析,在此基础上探讨WTO对行业竞争格局、竞争方向的影响和行业生命周期分析。

    Discuss the industry life cycle and the influence of WTO , as the domestic mobile phone retail industry undergoes great changes in the aspects of competitive structure and direction .

  11. 用PI染色法进行胆管癌细胞被山葵提取物作用后的细胞周期分析;

    The periodic analysis on the carcinoma of bile duct cells which are operated by wasabi extract with the method of PI staining method ?

  12. 细胞周期分析提示体外培养的RPE细胞保持正常的繁殖能力。

    The analysis of cell cycle showed the cultured RPE cells keep normal ability of proliferation .

  13. 运用生命周期分析(LCA)评估和选择废水处理工艺

    Application of Life-Cycle Analysis ( LCA ) in Evaluation and Selection of Wastewater Treatment Processes

  14. 使用平均周期分析法对系统进行数学建模、理论分析,得出单个业务和整个系统的吞吐量解析式,并用MATLAB对该协议进行了性能分析。

    Used mean period analysis method to set up system model and analysis the theory . Put forward the throughput formula and evaluate the performance of the protocol on Matlab .

  15. 方法采用生长曲线法、MTT法研究叶酸对细胞的增殖和功能的影响;采用FCM进行细胞周期分析研究叶酸对细胞凋亡的影响。

    Methods By means of there approaches as follows : cell proliferation curve analysis , MTT assay and cell cycle analysis by FCM .

  16. 子宫特殊类型平滑肌瘤Bcl-2、C-myc、Ki-67的表达及DNA含量和细胞周期分析的研究

    The Study of the Expression of Bcl-2 Protein , C-myc Protein and Ki-67 in Specific Subtypes of Leiomyoma and Cellular DNA Content and Cell Cycle Phase Analysis

  17. 细胞周期分析OP、E2组细胞增殖指数均明显高于溶剂对照组;

    Cell cycle analysis revealed that the cell proliferation indexes of OP and 17 β estradiol ( E 2 ) were higher than those of alcohol .

  18. 采用国际通用的生命周期分析(LCA)方法,评价了纸和塑料包装对环境的影响。

    The influence of paper and plastic packaging on environment are assessed by the method of life cycle analysis ( LCA ) in this paper .

  19. 治疗后3、5、9d进行组织学检查、羟脯氨酸测定、细胞DNA周期分析及各组创面愈合时间比较。

    Histological examination , determination of hydroxyproline , analysis of cellular DNA cycle and wound healing time in every groups were carried out on 3,5 and 9 postburn days ( PBD ) .

  20. 细胞周期分析,Eca-109细胞G1期细胞增多,S期细胞减少。

    The analysis of cell cycle indicated that the number of the cells was increased in the G1 phase , but decreased in the S phase of the cell cycle .

  21. 细胞周期分析显示87.12%±1.32%的细胞处于G0-G1期。

    Cell cycle analysis showed that 87.12 % ± 1.32 % cells were in Go / Gl phase .

  22. 免疫细胞化学染色法检测大鼠CD分子表达结果为CD44及CD105的阳性表达及CD34及CD45阴性表达,流式细胞周期分析显示G0/G1期细胞占90.18%。

    Immunocytochemical staining results of rat CD molecules exhibited positive expression of CD44 and CD105 and negative expression of CD34 and CD45.Flow cytometry cell cycle analysis showed G0 / G1 stage of rat BMSCs accounting more than 90 percent .

  23. 文章介绍了将具有分辨率高等特点的最大熵谱原理(MEM)应用在降水周期分析中的方法,并将其做成程序模型镶嵌于GIS二次开发系统中。

    This paper introduced the method of applying Maximum Entropy Method , which has high resolution , in the field of cycle analysis of precipitation . After being compiled with the programming language , the MEM model can be used in the GIS re-developing system .

  24. 新凯恩斯菲利普斯曲线(NKPC)是当前评价货币政策和经济周期分析的主流模型之一。

    The new Keynesian Philips curve ( NKPC ) is one of the mainstreams models for the current evaluation of monetary policy and economic cycle analysis .

  25. 方法采用了体外MCF7细胞增殖试验检测了OP的类雌激素活性,并用生长曲线分析、细胞周期分析、他莫昔芬拮抗试验和凋亡检测对其作用机制进行了初步探讨。

    Methods The estrogenic activity of OP was detected by cell proliferation test of MCF 7 cells in vitro and the mechanism was preliminarily studied by growth curve analysis , cell cycle analysis , tamoxifen ( Tam ) antagonistic test and apoptosis detection .

  26. 城市生活垃圾管理生命周期分析研究

    Research of Life Cycle Assessment to Municipal Solid Waste Management

  27. 材料生命周期分析网络数据库的研究与开发

    The Research and Development of Life Cycle Analysis Network Database of Materials

  28. 基于全寿命周期分析的半刚性沥青路面养护时机的研究

    A Study on Semi-rigid Asphalt Pavement Maintenance Base on Life-cycle Cost Analysis

  29. 卵浆内单精子显微注射治疗不育115个周期分析

    The Effectiveness of Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection in the Treatment of Male Infertility

  30. 岩体体应变连续观测数据的干扰周期分析

    The analysis of disturbance period of continuous observation data of rock strain