
xī shōu dù
  • absorbance
  1. 这是通过度量标准溶液的吸收度来完成的。

    This is accomplished by measuring the absorbance of standard solutions .

  2. 正交函数分光光度法与吸收度减法联用技术测定咳喘感冒片中咖啡因的含量

    By orthogonal function spectrophotometry and absorbance subtraction determination of the content of caffeine in

  3. pH指示剂吸收度比值法测定左旋多巴

    Determination of LAEVODOPA by the method of pH indicator absorbance ratio

  4. 本文报道pH指示剂吸收度比值法测定克霉唑的含量。该法采用指示剂为稀溴酚蓝,测定波长433nm和599nm;

    The pH indicator absorbance ratio method was applied to the quantitative determination of clotrimazole .

  5. 辅酶Q(10)注射液含量测定的一阶导数-吸收度法

    First-derivative-absorption spectrometric assay of coenzyme q_ ( 10 ) injection

  6. 结论PH指示剂吸收度比值测定巴比妥钠的含量是一种切实可行的方法。

    Conclusion It is a practical method to determine content of Barbital Sodium by PH Indicator Absorptance Method .

  7. 目的为探讨PH指示剂吸收度比值法和银量法测定巴比妥钠含量的优劣。

    Objective To Study the better one between PH indicator absorptance method and Ag ration method to determine content of barbital sodium .

  8. 方法:硫酸蒽酮比色法于波长(624±1)nm处测定吸收度。

    METHODS : The contents were determined by sulfuric acid anthrone colorimetric method at ( 624 ± 1 ) nm .

  9. 以0.1%桔黄Ⅳ为指示剂,采用pH指示剂吸收度比值法测定甲硝唑的含量,RSD小于0.2%,结果满意。

    The pH indicator absorbance ratio method was applied satisfactorily to the quantitative determination of metronidazole . The RSD was within 0.2 % .

  10. 结果:在98.6-443.7μg·mL~(-1)范围内,吸收度与萘普生钠的浓度成线性关系。

    Results : The concentration of Naproxen Tablets was linear with F_0 / F when concentration was ranged between 98 . 6-443 . 7 μ g ? mL ~ ( - 1 ) .

  11. 根据评价体系,从外资与GDP的增长适应度、外资结构的合理度、东道国引资要素的吸收度三个方面对浙江外资规模进行全面系统的评价。

    According to the appraisal system , the optimized FDI scale must comply with the GDP growth and the assimilation capacity , and the structure of FDI must be in reason .

  12. 分别在0、24、48和72h进行光吸收度值(AV)检测,在72h进行流式细胞术DNA增殖指数(PI)及凋亡指数(AI)检测。

    Absorbance value ( AV ) was determined at 0 , 24 , 48 and 72 h , and DNA proliferation index ( PI ) at 72 h.

  13. 方法药片研碎后粉末以无水乙醇溶涨2h后,超声使溶解,过滤,取续滤液一定量,并用水定容至所需浓度,在226nm波长处测定吸收度。

    Methods Added ethanol to the powdered tablets , 2 hours later ultrasounded it , filtered and diluted some of the filtrate to required concentration . Detector was set at 226 nm .

  14. 为考察温度、浓度、光、pH值对川芎蒸馏液中藁本内酯稳定性的影响,采用紫外分光光度法,在271nm处测定川芎水蒸汽蒸馏液的吸收度(A值)。

    To investigate the effects of temperature , concentration , light and pH value on the stability of ligustilide in distilled fluid of Rhizoma Chuanxiong , ultraviolet spectrophotometric method was used to detect the absorbance ( A value ) of the distilled fluid at the wavelength of 271 nm .

  15. 方法:采用Lowry法测定含量,以660nm为测定波长测定吸收度。

    Methods : Lowry method was selected to determine the content of protein . The absorbency was measured at 660 nm .

  16. 结果:以115℃,0.7kg·cm-2压力下比较适宜,总固体含量高,吸收度A值大。

    Results : The suitable condition is under the temperature of 115 ℃ and the pressure of 0.7 kg · cm - 2 , the total solid contents and the absorbance are high .

  17. 方法将SSED加入不同标准铁溶液,用紫外分光光度法于550nm处测其吸收度A值反映样品颜色变化,旋光法测定旋光度并计算相对百分含量,同时观察性状外观。

    Methods Adding the SSED into different volume of iron solution , the absorption value A and specific rotation were measured by means of ultraviolet spectrophotometry and polarimetry ;

  18. 结果显示:在血液及脑组织中,CCNU浓度与吸收度间线性相关良好,可测浓度范围分别为0.2~40μg/ml和40~80μg/g。

    The results indicate that excellent linearity exists between concentration and absorbance of CCNU in blood and brain tissue . Measurable concentration ranges from 0.2-40 μ g / ml and 0 . 4-80 μ g / g , respectively .

  19. 对5&HMF不合格产品按上述条件处理,过滤后滤液分装于输液瓶中,按规定灭菌处理后,在284nm处测定的吸收度符合药典规定(A(284nm)<0.32)。

    For the products which are below the standard , after treating in the condition given previously then pouring the filtrate into the bottle and sterilizing . The absorbances are determined in 284 nm , they are conformable to the pharmacopoeia ( A_ ( 284nm ) < 0.32 ) .

  20. 自然光可影响西尼地平片剂的溶出度测定,在不避光时西尼地平片剂溶出液吸收度下降,溶出度测定结果偏低。

    The dissolution rate of cilnidipine tablets was higher when avoiding sunlight .

  21. 多波长吸收度比值差法的研究与应用

    Studies on Multiwavelength absorbance ratio difference spectrophotometry and its application

  22. 吸收度比值法测定甲硝唑葡萄糖注射液中甲硝唑及5-羟甲基糠醛含量

    Determination of metronidazole and 5-HMF in a metronidazole-glucose injection by absorbance ratio method

  23. 吸收度线性组合法测定硫酸阿托品滴眼液的含量

    Determination of Atropine Sulfate Ophthalmic Solution by the Linear Combination Method of Absorbances

  24. 吸收度线性组合法测定复方苯甲酸醇溶液的含量

    Assay of Compound Alcoholic Solution of Benzoic Acid by Linear Combination Method of Absorbances

  25. 克拉霉素缓释胶囊释放度与体内吸收度相关性的研究

    Studies on Correlation between in vitro Release and in vivo Absorption of Clarithromycin Modified Release Capsules

  26. 吸收度线性组合法测定左金丸等中成药含量

    Determination of Chinese traditional patent medicine ── zuojin Wan and Wuji Wan by linear combination method of absorbances

  27. 热硫化硅橡胶材料溶出液的紫外光吸收度与体外细胞增殖度的相关研究

    Studies on correlation between cell relative growth rate and UV absorbance of the extract of medical heat-vulcanizing silicone rubbers

  28. 芦丁在0.3~3mg/100ml范围内与吸收度呈线性关系。

    The rutin in the range of 0 . ~ 3mg / 100ml has a line relationship with the absorbancy .

  29. 本文对吸收度比值法即Q&分析法的方法学进行了研究,阐明了基本原理和实验方法。

    The methodology of absorbancy ratios ( Q-analysis ) was studied and the basic theory and experiment method was explained .

  30. 方法:利用分光光度法测定炭药吸附后残余柠檬黄的吸收度,计算炭药的吸附力。

    METHODS Spectrophotometry was used to determine the residual and adsorbed amount of lemon yellow , the adsorptive capacity was calculated .