
  1. 我觉得自己的脸红了,接着我吸吸鼻子,不让眼泪掉下来。

    I felt myself blush . Then I sniffed back a tear

  2. 吸吸海上的新鲜空气吧。

    Just breathe in the ozone on the sea .

  3. 该机械适用于吸吸果冻嘴头的封装。

    This machine is applicable to seal of sucking jelly mouth .

  4. 你想一会吸吸它吗?

    You want to suck that later ?

  5. 我得用吸尘器吸吸我房间了。

    I have to vacuum my room .

  6. 吸吸那种新鲜空气吧!

    Just breathe in that ozone !

  7. 因为许多工场背氛围中排放有毒气体,我们如古没有能吸吸新奇氛围。

    We can not have fresh air because many factories have sent poisonous smoke into the air .

  8. 人们讲那是个斑斓的天圆,我们皆念去吸吸一下新奇氛围。

    People say that it 's a beautiful place , and we all want to breathe the fresh air .

  9. 公寓乱得要命,早土应该洗洗衣服、打扫卫生间,然后(用吸尘器)吸吸地才对。

    My apartment is such a mess . I think I will do my laundry , clean my bathroom , and vacuum this morning .

  10. 广泛适用于棒棒冰、果奶、果汁饮料、牛奶、酸奶、豆奶、吸吸冻等饮料的灌装封口。

    It is applicable to filling jelly , fruit milk , acidophilus milk , milk , soy milk , ice-lolly and other kinds of soft drinks , ect .

  11. 他吸了吸鼻子,对这项提议感到窘迫不安,心烦意乱。

    He sniffed , fidgeting in discomfort , uneasy at the suggestion

  12. 珍妮停止了哭泣,吸了吸鼻子,擦干了眼泪

    When Jenney had stopped crying she sniffed and dried her eyes .

  13. 他吞了又吸,吸了又吞,急急挥舞着鼻子,迫不及待地吞食着每一样东西。

    He gulped and sucked , making swishing and swooshing noises , anxious to get everything at once .

  14. 附电动式吸纸屑吸风嘴装置。

    With electric waster paper suction equipment .

  15. 这个人把鼻子对着管口,吸了吸氧气。

    The man put his nose to the mouth of the tube and sniffed at the oxygen .

  16. 哈利吸了吸鼻子,一股恶臭钻进他的鼻孔,那是一种臭袜子和从来无人打扫的公共厕所混合在一起的气味。

    Harry sniffed and a foul stench reached his nostrils , a mixture of old socks and the kind of public toilet no one seems to clean .

  17. 根据印染加工的特点,分别测定了大豆蛋白质纤维的热稳定性、耐酸耐碱性、吸酸吸碱量、耐氧化还原性及不同漂白剂的漂白效果。

    The thermal stability , acid-resistance , alkali-resistance , oxidation-resistance , acid and alkali absorption of the soybean protein fibers were determined according to printing and dyeing process .

  18. 在过去的半个世纪里,胎头娩出后的产科医生的第一个动作就是用橡皮吸球吸新生儿的口腔鼻咽,以防那儿的分泌物干扰新生儿的初次呼吸。最近专家们建议停止这一操作。

    During the past half century , the first action an OB took after delivering the fetal head was to perform oronasopharyngeal suctioning , using a bulb or DeLee device .

  19. 我转身去到签到台,他跟在我身后,伸出他的手又说了一遍:“和我握手。”简单地思索了一下,我决定顺其自然吧,我吸了吸鼻子,抓过他的手迅速握了一下。

    I turned to head back to the register but he followed me and holding his hand out said again ; " Shake my hand . " Reasoning briefly , I decided to just go along with it . I puffed through my nose , and grabbed his hand for a quick shake .

  20. 两种氮肥水平下,生姜地上部茎叶、块茎和全株的吸K、吸N、吸P量都是随着钾肥施用量的增加而提高。

    The uptake amount of nitrogen , phosphorus and potassium for stem-leaf , ginger tube and total plant increased along with the rate of K fertilizer application at two N levels .

  21. 本文提出描述自吸泵自吸性能的参数是抽气率q和真空度Hs,并且介绍了测试自吸性能的简易方法。

    It is pointed out in this paper that self-priming performance parameters are air pumping rate q and vaccum H , . A simple method to test the self-priming performance is introduced , too .

  22. 采用中子活化、C-T测量、p-n结试验等技术,证实了氧本征吸除的吸杂效果。

    The effect of oxygen intrinsic gettering is proved by some analytical methods such as C-T measurement , neutron activate analysis and . p-n junction test .

  23. 爱莎吸乐组吸药后多个时间点FVC、FEV1、FEV1/FVC、PEFR和MMEF增值率高于喘乐宁组。

    In Easi-Breathe Inhaler group , the increase in FVC , FEV1 , FEV1 / FVC , PEFR and MMEF were significantly higher than that in salbutamol with MDI group at corresponding time points after inhaling the drug .

  24. 吸嘴是吸送式气力输送装置的关键部件。

    Suction mouth is a key component of vaccum pneumatic conveying unit .

  25. 吸收剂含量对结构吸波材料吸波性能的影响

    Influence of the Amount of Absorbing Powders on Structural Microwave Absorbing Materials

  26. 无阻尼动力吸振器吸振的理论分析与试验研究

    Theoretical analysis and experimental study on vibration absorbance in undamped dynamic damper

  27. 吸烟刺激肾上腺素的产生,所以要少吸或不吸。

    Smoking stimulates adrenalin production , so cut down or give up .

  28. 爱德华。吉尔松吸这种烟吸了三十五年。现在他即将死于肺癌。

    Edward Gilson has been breathing this type of smoke for35 years .

  29. 烟,吸还是不吸?这是一个值得考虑的题目。

    To smoke or not to smoke , that is a question .

  30. 磁化处理对吸波涂层吸波性能的影响

    The impact of magnetizing treatment on the absorbing property of the absorbing coat