
  1. 分四个部分,第一部分依据吴简简要介绍了孙吴的税制。

    Firstly , the tax system of Wu Kingdom was simply introduced according to wu slips .

  2. 走马楼吴简研究综述&职业、社会身份与阶层

    A Research Summary of Wu Slips Unearthed at Zoumalou : Occupation , Social Status and Stratum

  3. 近代以来,在出土的秦汉简牍、三国吴简、敦煌吐鲁番文书等出土资料中,多有发现户籍档案。

    In modern times , archaeologists found some unearthed documents include Qin and Han bamboo slips , San Guo Wu bamboo slips , Dunhuang and Turfan manuscripts .

  4. 对于走马楼吴简的研究统计,可以反映出孙吴时期长沙郡吏民有将两姓合并表示婚姻的取名风俗。

    Statistical research of Zoumaluo Bamboo Slips show that the people of Changsa prefecture had custom of naming by combining two surnames to mark their marriages in Sun Wu period .

  5. 对于走马楼吴简所见的“关邱阁”的性质,一般认为它是与仓、库功能类似的机构。

    As for the nature of Guan Di Ge on the Wu Bamboo-slips of Zou Ma lou , it is regarded to be some kind of similar institutions like barns and stores .