
  1. 在吴敏霞超越自己曾经的导师——郭晶晶之后,她对郭晶晶怀有的都是赞美。

    Wu had nothing but praise for Guo after surpassing her one-time mentor .

  2. 郭晶晶的伴娘是吴敏霞,伦敦奥运会跳水金牌获得者以及郭晶晶过去的跳水搭档。

    Guo 's bridesmaid is Wu Minxia , who is the London Olympics diving gold medalist and former diving partner of Guo .

  3. 中国的体育迷还很关注跳水项目,以及在此前三届奥运会上获得四枚金牌的吴敏霞。

    Chinese fans are also focused on diving , and Wu Minxia , who has four gold medals over the last three Games .

  4. 如果这名26岁的老将赢得女子个人3米跳板的比赛,吴敏霞将和郭晶晶一样成为拥有4枚金牌的运动员。

    If the 26-year-old Wu wins the 3-meter springboard event , she will equal retired Guo Jingjing as the most successful diver with four Olympic gold .

  5. 所向无敌的中国跳水队也开始了他们包揽金牌的历程。吴敏霞和何姿的女子3米跳板组合在决赛中胜出。

    The all-conquering Chinese divers started their bid for a clean sweep of eight gold medals as Wu Minxia and He Zi won the women 's 3-meter synchronized springboard title .

  6. (上)周日,吴敏霞“跳入”奥运记录册中,超越了美国格雷格·洛加尼斯、“大姐大”郭晶晶等跳水届传奇人物,成为奥运史上获奖最多的跳水选手。

    Wu Minxia splashed into the Olympic record books on Sunday , passing legends like American Greg Louganis and " big sister " Guo Jingjing as the most decorated diver in history .

  7. 在里约奥运会首场女子双人三米跳板的决赛中,吴敏霞和搭档施廷懋毫无悬念地夺得了冠军,这使她成为(奥运跳水项目上)获得5枚金牌的第一人。

    Wu became the first person with five diving gold medals thanks to a no-doubt victory with partner Shi Tingmao in the women 's synchronised 3m springboard that kicked off the Rio Games competition .